El Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales inaugura la exposición ‘El Legado Histórico de Santiago Ramón y Cajal’
#HistoriaDeLaCiencia #HistoriaDeLaNeurociencia #LegadoCajal #Cajal #RamónyCajal #MuseoCajal
#Neurociencia #Neurología #Cerebro #Biomedicina #Ciencia
#ciencia #Biomedicina #cerebro #neurología #neurociencia #MuseoCajal #RamónyCajal #cajal #LegadoCajal #HistoriaDeLaNeurociencia #historiadelaciencia
RT @K_Crick
Celebrating neuroscientist Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s Birthday!! 🎉
Here’s my ‘In Memory of Cajal’ a ten foot tree-like pyramidal #neuron with dendritic roots stretching across the gallery floor -based on one of Cajal‘s drawings cataloging brain cells.
La figura de Santiago Ramón y Cajal sigue estando muy viva
#Neurociencia #Cerebro #Neurona #Neurología #Biología #Medicina #Biomedicina #Investigación #InvestigaciónBiomédica #Ciencia #HistoriadelaCiencia #RamónyCajal #Cajal #AñoCajal
#AñoCajal #cajal #RamónyCajal #historiadelaciencia #ciencia #InvestigaciónBiomédica #investigación #Biomedicina #medicina #biología #neurología #neurona #cerebro #neurociencia
RT @bdxneuroschool
🎙️@Maclomaclee from @EdinburghUni will give the first talk of our #Cajal course on #Neurovasular function in #Health and #disease.
Don't miss it !
🎟️Free entry
#cajal #neurovasular #health #disease
RT @FdeCastroS@twitter.com
Finally in English!
Life & works of the #neuroscientist Oleksandr #Chernyakhivsky (1869-1939), the #Ukrainian disciple of #Cajal.
When @InstitutoCajal@twitter.com was the gate to the #brain.
Neurosci. Hist. 2022;10(2):46-60
Please, Retweet @SENC_@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FdeCastroS/status/1613933538340139010
#neuroscientist #chernyakhivsky #ukrainian #cajal #brain
Visited with glee the exhibition @mncn_csic while on holidays. Few of #Cajal’s original drawings and histology slides on show 🧠
The eye of the scientist drives the drawing 👇🏻🔬👇🏻
Wishing a #MuseoCajal (or some sort of neurobiology museum) could become a reality in Madrid.
El CSIC exhibe parte del Legado Cajal en una exposición con doce dibujos científicos originales del Nobel.
Más de un centenar de piezas, como la medalla del N…
Science & Cocktails
Mapping The Brain Synapse By Synapse To Explore The Mind with Jeff Lichtman
#ScienceAndCocktails #Axon #Behaviour #Cajal #ChainOfCausality #Connectomics #Dendrite #Golgi #Neuron #Selfie #Sherry #Signal #Synapse
#scienceandcocktails #axon #behaviour #cajal #chainofcausality #connectomics #dendrite #golgi #neuron #selfie #sherry #signal #synapse
RT @SENC_@twitter.com
Ilustración sobre algunos de los hitos vitales y científicos de Santiago Ramón y Cajal via @agencia_sinc@twitter.com 👉https://bit.ly/3WhAnLL #Cajal
"El sueño de #Cajal.
"Mi ensueño más acariciado sería que en lo porvenir algún contemplador de mi efigie declare con devoción filial:
He aquí el trasunto de un español fervoroso que luchó hasta lo último por enaltecer a la ciencia patria y honrar a su tierra"."
"Cajal's dream: "My greatest desire (...) look upon my effigy and say, with filial devotion: this was a fervent Spaniard who fought to the last for the advancement of national science and to honor his land."
I will give a virtual talk as part of the new #Cajal course on "#Neuroepigenetics : writing, reading and erasing the #epigenome.
Don't miss it !
So sorry I didn't manage to make it to Bordeaux
(😩 87 days is less than the 90 I needed on my passport)
🎟️Free entry
#epigenome #neuroepigenetics #cajal
Saw article on Fernando de Castro, written by Fernando de Castro.🙂
Fernando de Castro one of the initial disciples of Cajal, discovered the arterial chemoreceptors in the carotid body (see his own drawing), but never won the Nobel prize. He studied the structure of the ganglia (autonomic) & receptors, & published a book on Neurohistology & so much more!
See https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31172650/
PC: Same article.
#neuroscience #cajal #nobelprize #historyofscience #loveforscience #science #outreach
#outreach #science #loveforscience #historyofscience #nobelprize #cajal #neuroscience
I’m currently recruiting a PhD student to study how microglia respond to mild hypoxia: https://southcoastbiosciencesdtp.ac.uk/project/microglial-responses-to-hypoxia-in-the-ageing-brain-adaptive-or-hyperactive/ I’m also co-directing a #Cajal Advanced Neuroscience course on Neurovascular function next year. https://cajal-training.org/on-site/neuro-vascular/. My uni profile is here: https://profiles.sussex.ac.uk/p348374-catherine-hall 4/4
Ah! I see that it's Cajal day! I'm currently getting ready to work on a commission based on my Generative Nerve series.
Here's one of my favorites from the series.
#GenerativeArt #CreativeoCding #art #cajal #SciSrt #neuro #indiedev
#indiedev #neuro #SciSrt #cajal #art #CreativeoCding #generativeart