Hätte mir ruhig mal jemand sagen können, wie gut #Cakewalk als #DAW ist…
Nimmt Input von echten Instrumenten, #VSTi, #MIDI und verträgt sich mit meinem #AudioInterface 😀
#AudioInterface #midi #vsti #daw #cakewalk
Looks like #cakewalk for free wasn't going to last. New paid-for version of Sonar announced and a new product called Next. Oh well, just as well I bought a discounted crossgrade to Cubase Pro when Gibson Brands went bust.
#Cakewalk Professional must be the last Window$ 3.11 program still find me returning to.
I don't understand why, when I create a surround bus in #cakewalk it can't be renamed, whereas a normal stereo bus can.
Okay I need help from the audio engineering gods.
How do I get the audio from my DAW (Cakewalk) to work in OBS?
I tried to download the FL ASIO but that does not work with Cakewalk and I dont have the energy to learn a new programm.
please DAW gods break out of your gross little basements and share your secret knowledge with me
#daw #audio #audioengineering #cakewalk #streaming #obs
3D drawing/animation #SketchUp . Soundtrack #Cakewalk. https://youtu.be/LuHg8Pkv4mQ
Looking for an easy way to enter notes via #midi keyboard where everything is the same duration and velocity. I only want to record tempo, and not have to keep time. Basically like using a note editor, but via midi keyboard. I currently use/have #cakewalk, #mpcbeats, #bitwig, and #reason.
Any #musicians , #composers, or general #daw expert have ideas?
The idea is to capture pitch and then edit duration and rhythm via mouse.
#midi #cakewalk #mpcbeats #bitwig #reason #musicians #composers #daw
... My music is very computer centered. I can't perform live. I started using #Cakewalk back in the 90s (its still my DAW of choice) and my really early tracks were mostly composed using a Yamaha XG wavetable audio card. Later I moved onto softsynths and now I have actual hardware #synths. I'm also a #Commodore64 fan and I'm building a #midibox synth based on around the #SID chip. I'm terrible at promoting myself and so I don't get much feedback. So I'm always open to constructive criticism...
#cakewalk #synths #commodore64 #midibox #sid
Vielleicht habe ich über die Feiertage Zeit und Muße, mich mal wieder mit meiner #DAW zu beschäftigen. #Cakewalk ist schon eine feine Sache.
Wonky sprinkle cake bc fudge icing is stupid to work with! ☺️ #cakecakecake #cakewalk #homebaker #stickwithbuttercream 💡#baking
#cakecakecake #cakewalk #homebaker #stickwithbuttercream #baking
Other interests include #MusicProduction #Cakewalk #Art - the weirder the better, #Cats #Dogs -in that order but absolutely adore #Parrots #Foxes and #Goats that scream.
Big reader of fiction. #SciFi #SF mainly and am well into #AlastairReynolds and his #RevelationSpace series. Totally wick!
#foxes #goats #scifi #sf #alastairreynolds #revelationspace #musicproduction #cakewalk #art #cats #dogs #parrots
#Introduction and some made-up hashtags of my interests, which I will get wrong and then edit:
* #digitalart #krita #digitalpainting #blender #photography #landscapes #architecture
* #sff #writer
* #minecraft #boardgames
* #synthesizers #music #musicComposition #surgeSynth #cakewalk #dsp
* #theoreticalPhysics #philosophy #maths
* #gamedev #javascript
I might occasionally post my creative explorations.
I have political views, but not here yet.
#introduction #digitalArt #krita #digitalpainting #blender #photography #landscapes #architecture #sff #writer #minecraft #boardgames #synthesizers #music #musiccomposition #surgesynth #cakewalk #dsp #theoreticalphysics #philosophy #maths #gamedev #javascript