Architektonischer Klassiker, Konzerthaus in Santa Cruz, #Calatrava
Foto von 2018
#NewYork #Manhattan #wildfires #Calatrava #WTC #WorldTradeCenter
(Photo by Pierce Turner on IG)
#newyork #manhattan #wildfires #calatrava #wtc #worldtradecenter
Bajo el elegante diseño del puente de Calatrava en Barcelona, como bajo otros muchos puentes viven personas.
Cuando pasamos con el coche o caminando por arriba no los vemos, pero ahí están, resistiendo la miseria como buenamente pueden.
#barcelona #bw #bwphotography #puente #bridje #calatrava #homless
#barcelona #bw #bwphotography #puente #bridje #calatrava #homless
#TransportationHub #StreetPhotography #SantiagoCalatrava #WorldTradeCenter #LowerManhattan #blackANDwhite #WestfieldMall #ShoppingMall #Monochrome #Photography #Architecture #RapidTransit #Manhattan #Fotografía #Calatrava #Structure #Oculus #Transit #Lights #Urban #Steel #Ribs #Mall #NYC
#transportationhub #streetphotography #santiagocalatrava #worldtradecenter #lowermanhattan #BlackAndWhite #westfieldmall #ShoppingMall #monochrome #photography #architecture #rapidtransit #manhattan #fotografia #calatrava #structure #oculus #transit #lights #urban #steel #ribs #mall #nyc
The 📷 of the day had some competition today as Valencia is looking lovely as more and more decorations go up for Las Fallas. Nevertheless, the winner is a man cleaning the roof of the Arts building of the City of Arts & Sciences by Santiago Calatrava.
#architecture #arquitectura #valencia #lasfallas #calatrava
#rightwing "hobby" "#sociology" loves to use #thomascole in their #memes. farright #traditionalists are mentally overstrained with modernism. so what comes more natural than mashing them up?
#colemodernvoyage 4/4
#cole #voyageoflife #oldage #palausophia #calatrava #valencia #palaudelesartes
#meme #mamema #mastoart #art #architecture #modernism #romanticism
and yes eventually i ll go for the #courseofempire
#rightwing #sociology #thomascole #memes #traditionalist #colemodernvoyage #cole #voyageoflife #OldAge #palausophia #calatrava #Valencia #palaudelesartes #meme #mamema #MastoArt #art #architecture #modernism #romanticism #courseofempire
NYT Architecture : St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Destroyed on Sept. 11, Reopens https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/24/nyregion/st-nicholas-greek-orthodox-sept-11.html #StNicholasNationalShrineattheWorldTradeCenter(Manhattan,NY) #PortAuthorityBusTerminal(Manhattan,NY) #NationalSeptember11MemorialandMuseum #MonumentsandMemorials(Structures) #FinancialDistrict(Manhattan,NY) #WorldTradeCenter(Manhattan,NY) #GreekOrthodoxChurch #Calatrava,Santiago #Catsimatidis,JohnA #MountAthos(Greece) #vis-photo
#stnicholasnationalshrineattheworldtradecenter #portauthoritybusterminal #nationalseptember11memorialandmuseum #monumentsandmemorials #financialdistrict #worldtradecenter #greekorthodoxchurch #calatrava #catsimatidis #mountathos #vis
Aquest finde anirem a posar paradeta a la fira de nadal del Hort Okupat Ca La Trava. A més, farem la presentació del llibre "La nostra atenció ha estat raptada" amb el seu autor Na Pai 🔥 🔥
Us esperem a totisss! 🏴 📚
#AldarullEsMou #FiraNadal #CaLaTrava
#AldarullEsMou #firanadal #calatrava #llibresperpensarlaproperarevolucio
Estação do Oriente, Lisbon (2019)
#StreetPhotography #bnwphotography #bnwphoto #fujifilm #fujifilmxe3 #photography #blackandwhite #architecture #Lisbon #Portugal #Calatrava #EstaçãodoOriente
#estacaodooriente #calatrava #portugal #lisbon #architecture #BlackAndWhite #Photography #fujifilmxe3 #fujifilm #bnwphoto #bnwphotography #StreetPhotography
Llevo un par de días trabajando en el modelado de L'Hemisfèric, de Calatrava. De todos los edificios que hay en la Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències de València, este es mi preferido.
#sketchup #3dmodeling #architecture #archviz #3dassets #cgiart #valencia #calatrava #ciutatdelesartsilesciences
#sketchup #3dmodeling #architecture #archviz #3dassets #cgiart #valencia #calatrava #ciutatdelesartsilesciences
La gare de Liège #calatrava #danielburen #liege #pentax #pentaxmesuper #bstill250d #studiobaxton #filmphotography #argentique #filmisnotdead #analogphotography #filmcamera #ishootfilm #filmcommunity #nofilter
#calatrava #DanielBuren #liege #pentax #pentaxmesuper #bstill250d #studiobaxton #filmphotography #argentique #filmisnotdead #analogphotography #filmcamera #ishootfilm #filmcommunity #nofilter
Torre de comunicacions de Montjuïc . Architekt Santiago Calatrava. Barcelona . 2022
#photography #barcelona #architecture #architektur #fotografie #bnwphotography #bnw #architecturephotography #spain #españa #travel #travelphotography #catalunya #catalonia #calatrava
#photography #barcelona #architecture #architektur #fotografie #bnwphotography #bnw #architecturephotography #spain #españa #travel #travelphotography #catalunya #catalonia #calatrava
"Die Nadel", ein Kommunikationsturm auf dem Olympia Gelände in Barcelona 1992. Architekt ist der großartige Santiago Calatrava.
Barcelona ist generell eine Reise wert.
#architecture #architektur #barcelona #calatrava #photography #fotografie #reisen #travel
#architecture #architektur #barcelona #calatrava #photography #fotografie #reisen #travel
"Le projet est peaufiné"
Le foutage de gueule qui se chiffre dans un budget de départ x 10...
#calatrava, à fuir. Partout où il passe, les budgets explosent.
#Barcelona: We reoccupied #CaLaTrava - #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/07/28/barcelona-we-reoccupied-ca-la-trava/
#antireport #calatrava #barcelona
Madrid (Espagne): attaque d’une agence immobilière en solidarité avec les squats et les compagnons touchés par la répression https://fr.squat.net/2018/11/21/madrid-espagne-attaque-d-une-agence-immobiliere-en-solidarite-avec-les-squats-et-les-compagnons-touches-par-la-repression/ #sommetduG20àHambourg #actionsdirectes #Actualités #CaLaTrava #Gatonera #Madrid #prison
#prison #madrid #gatonera #calatrava #actualités #actionsdirectes #sommetdug20àhambourg
Barcelone: émeutes dans les rues de Gracia contre l’expulsion du squat Ca La Trava https://fr.squat.net/2018/10/23/barcelone-emeutes-dans-les-rues-de-gracia-contre-l-expulsion-de-ca-la-trava/ #manifestation #Actualités #Barcelone #CaLaTrava #expulsion #émeutes
#émeutes #expulsion #calatrava #barcelone #actualités #manifestation
BARCELLONA: LA POLIZIA SGOMBERA LO SPAZIO SOCIALE CA LA TRAVA. http://www.radiondadurto.org/2018/10/18/barcellona-la-polizia-sgombera-lo-spazio-sociale-ca-la-trava/ #Internazionale #okupayresiste #occupazione #barcellona #Movimento #barcelona #CaLaTrava #catalogna #Catalunya #sgombero #polizia #gracia #Casa #News
#internazionale #okupayresiste #occupazione #barcellona #movimento #barcelona #calatrava #catalogna #catalunya #sgombero #polizia #gracia #casa #news