00:56 BST: Temp: 16.0°C, Wind: W, 2 mph (ave), 6 mph (gust), Humidity: 73%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1006 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
05:59 BST: Temp: 16.1°C, Wind: WSW, 2 mph (ave), 5 mph (gust), Humidity: 90%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1002 hPa, falling slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
02:58 BST: Temp: 17.1°C, Wind: W, 1 mph (ave), 4 mph (gust), Humidity: 91%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1002 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
20:58 BST: Temp: 20.5°C, Wind: WSW, 3 mph (ave), 8 mph (gust), Humidity: 87%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1001 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
19:54 BST: Temp: 21.8°C, Wind: W, 2 mph (ave), 5 mph (gust), Humidity: 83%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1001 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
18:56 BST: Temp: 22.2°C, Wind: SW, 3 mph (ave), 11 mph (gust), Humidity: 78%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
17:57 BST: Temp: 22.7°C, Wind: WSW, 3 mph (ave), 7 mph (gust), Humidity: 77%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, falling slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
16:58 BST: Temp: 22.4°C, Wind: WSW, 3 mph (ave), 10 mph (gust), Humidity: 79%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, falling slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
15:54 BST: Temp: 22.6°C, Wind: W, 2 mph (ave), 7 mph (gust), Humidity: 79%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, falling slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
14:56 BST: Temp: 22.0°C, Wind: W, 3 mph (ave), 8 mph (gust), Humidity: 82%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, steady#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
13:57 BST: Temp: 21.7°C, Wind: W, 3 mph (ave), 8 mph (gust), Humidity: 85%, Rain (hourly) 0.3 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
12:58 BST: Temp: 21.5°C, Wind: WSW, 2 mph (ave), 5 mph (gust), Humidity: 87%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
11:56 BST: Temp: 19.7°C, Wind: WSW, 2 mph (ave), 5 mph (gust), Humidity: 92%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
10:56 BST: Temp: 21.5°C, Wind: SW, 2 mph (ave), 9 mph (gust), Humidity: 84%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, steady#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
12 hour weather forecast, computed on Thu, 27 Jul at 08:56 BST: Fairly fine, possible showers early. NB: This forecast is highly experimental and should not be relied upon.#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
09:56 BST: Temp: 19.9°C, Wind: WSW, 3 mph (ave), 7 mph (gust), Humidity: 92%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
08:56 BST: Temp: 18.8°C, Wind: W, 2 mph (ave), 6 mph (gust), Humidity: 94%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
07:56 BST: Temp: 18.2°C, Wind: WSW, 2 mph (ave), 6 mph (gust), Humidity: 94%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, rising slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
06:56 BST: Temp: 17.8°C, Wind: SW, 1 mph (ave), 5 mph (gust), Humidity: 94%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, falling slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot
05:56 BST: Temp: 17.3°C, Wind: W, 2 mph (ave), 7 mph (gust), Humidity: 94%, Rain (hourly) 0.0 mm, Pressure: 1000 hPa, falling slowly#pywws #weather #reading #calcot