MITRE e CISA Uniscono le Forze a protezione delle Infrastrutture Critiche. Il nuovo Caldera è online
#MITRE, insieme a #CISA, ha rilasciato un #aggiornamento allo strumento #Caldera. Il nuovo modulo sarà utilizzato nei #sistemi #industriali per testare la protezione delle strutture #critiche.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#mitre #cisa #aggiornamento #caldera #sistemi #industriali #critiche #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
De afgelopen eeuwen is Santorini rustig geweest. In de jaren 50 en 60 was de laatste vulkanische activiteit . Daarbij ontstonden eilandjes op midden in de Caldera en sindsdien zijn er geen uitbarstingen geweest.
Maar afgelopen jaren hebben wetenschapper weer activiteit gemeten want het eiland komt omhoog
Op de Geobronnen over Santorini deel 4 =>
#aardrijkskunde #santorini #caldera #geografie
Santorini is uitgebarsten in 1570 voor Christus. Bij de klap van die uitbarsting verdween de kop van de 3km hoge vulkaan en zakte een deel in zee en wat overbleef is de huidige Caldera.
De uitbarsting moet wel een behoorlijke Tsunami hebben veroorzaakt
Op de Geobronnen over Santorini.
Deel 2 =>
#aardrijkskunde #santorini #caldera #geografie
#Campania #CronacaFlegrea #UltimeNotizie #caldera #campiflegrei Campi Flegrei, per crosta caldera passaggio da fase ‘elastica’ a fase ‘inelastica’
#campania #CronacaFlegrea #Ultimenotizie #caldera #CampiFlegrei
I‘m impresssed.
#Acores #SaoMiguel #Furnas #Volcano #VolcanicLake #Caldera #panorama
#acores #saomiguel #furnas #volcano #volcaniclake #caldera #panorama
Sono stato per quasi un anno in quella zona, per lavoro, molto tempo fa, ma non sapevo all'epoca tutto ciò.🤔
#Super_Vulcano #Campi_Flegrei #caldera
RT @sentinel_hub: 🔵 Santorini (Thira), site of the Minoan eruption, #Greece🇬🇷 7 January 2023 #Copernicus🇪🇺 #Sentinel-2🛰️ Full-size ➡️ #RemoteSensing #OpenData #SciComm #caldera Image is about 35 kilometers wide
#Greece #Copernicus #Sentinel #RemoteSensing #opendata #scicomm #caldera
RT @Paul_A_Wallace
After a great #IAVCEI2023 catching up with friends & colleagues from all around the world, @VolcanoSimon et al. took us on an epic journey around the Taupō Volcanic Zone to explore it’s (super) explosive history #volcano #caldera #ignimbrite #domes
#iavcei2023 #volcano #caldera #ignimbrite #domes
Landscape version of #Kilauea #volcano eruption inside the Halemaʻumaʻu #caldera on the #BigIsland of #Hawaii.
#kilauea #volcano #caldera #bigisland #hawaii
#BigIsland Halemaʻumaʻu #Caldera #Kilauea #Volcano
#bigisland #caldera #kilauea #volcano
A Martian Mons Mystery, (Paleo) Climate Change, And Rivers Of Lava - What Three New USGS Maps Reveal About Mars
-- <-- USGD overview
-- <-- interactive map of Olympus Mons Caldera
-- interactive map of Aeolis Dorsa
-- <-- interactive map of Athabasca Valles
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Mars #geology #geologic #extraterrestrial #planetaryscience #planetary #science #volcano #vulcanism #remotesensing #OlympusMons #caldera #AeolisDorsa #AthabascaValles #webmap #webmapping #USGS #USGSVolcanoes
#gis #spatial #mapping #Mars #geology #geologic #Extraterrestrial #planetaryscience #planetary #science #volcano #vulcanism #remotesensing #olympusmons #caldera #aeolisdorsa #athabascavalles #webmap #webmapping #usgs #usgsvolcanoes
@DrEvanGowan It is Mount Griggs #volcano, with the Savonoski river in the background. It has quite a characteristic flat summit, while Mount Iliamna has a much more dissected top. Judging from the picture, you must have been flying right over the Katmai #caldera!
Caldera de Bandama near Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Big ole hole in the ground that used to be a big ole underwater volcanic eruption. Apparently a maar rather than a caldera but the difference didn’t seem to make a difference to my acrophobia 👍 #Maar #Caldera #GranCanaria #CalderaDeBandama
#maar #caldera #grancanaria #calderadebandama
@BruceMirken thinking #MaunaLoa isn’t far behind.
And if you have been following the lava bed inside #Halemaʻumaʻu #caldera… the inflation it has had just since July… and now it continues to inflate… makes for some interesting times…
#maunaloa #halemaʻumaʻu #caldera