A description of the #month of #May in #earlymodern England.
From Nicholas Breton's Fantastickes, 1626.
Read by Peter Kenny
Image from the Trevelyon Miscellany (Folger MS V.b.232), c1608
#month #may #earlymodern #history #socialhistory #strawberry #nicholasbreton #merrymonthofmay #maypole #blossom #mackerel #cream #laboursofthemonths #calendarcustoms #seasonal #springtime #trevelyonmiscellany #maytime #sparrowhawk #peascod #dailylife #seventeenthcentury #17thcentury #17thcenturylife #histodon #histodons #folklore
#Lenten Stuff - a #16thCentury #ballad by William Elderton.
From MS Ashmole 48.
A good description of #Lent in Tudor England, with complaints (among other things) about an excess of #fish, #leeks and #nettles. It also mentions the traditional figure of #JackaLent, a stuffed effigy, usually made of straw, which was dragged through the streets during Lent, and burned on #PalmSunday.
Richard de Winter: #baritone
Catherine Groom: #harp
Robin Jeffrey: #lute
Alison Kinder: bass #viol
Tamsin Lewis: #renaissance #violin
#earlymusic #earlymodern #histodon #histodons #historyoffood #historicalfood #song #ballad #folklore #calendarcustoms #historical #renaissance #tudor #tudors @histodons @earlymusic @earlymodern @histodon @folklore
#lenten #16thcentury #ballad #lent #fish #leeks #nettles #jackalent #palmsunday #baritone #harp #lute #viol #renaissance #violin #earlymusic #earlymodern #histodon #histodons #HistoryOfFood #historicalfood #song #folklore #calendarcustoms #historical #Tudor #tudors
An #anonymous #English #17thCentury #engraving from a #broadsideballad showing an #allegory of #Shrovetide.
Thomason Tracts, 1661
Shrovetide is depicted riding on an #ox and armed with a spit full of roasted meats, a #gridiron on his back, wrapped in #sausages and ready to go into battle with #Lent.
#calendarcustoms #foodhistory #broadsideballads #ballad #song #songs #cooking #cooks #pancakeday #fast #feast #carnival #carnevale #battlebetweencarnivalandlent #earlymodern #seventeenthcentury #onthisday #otd #onthisdayinhistory #shrovetuesday #history #historical #historicalfood
#Anonymous #English #17thcentury #engraving #broadsideballad #allegory #shrovetide #ox #gridiron #sausages #lent #calendarcustoms #foodhistory #broadsideballads #ballad #song #songs #cooking #cooks #pancakeday #fast #feast #carnival #carnevale #battlebetweencarnivalandlent #earlymodern #seventeenthcentury #OnThisDay #otd #onthisdayinhistory #shrovetuesday #history #historical #historicalfood #histodon #histodons
A #miniature, probably taken from a #bookofhours, showing the Feast of #Candlemas (2 February), with villagers taking candles to the #church to be blessed.
Simon Bening, c1550
#otd #onthisday #onthisdayinhistory #16thCentury #sixteenthcentury #Tudor #Tudors #calendarcustoms #Candlemass #EndofChristmas #endofchristmasseason #history #socialhistory #laboursofthemonths #SimonBening #illuminatedmanuscript #February #histodon #histodons #historythroughart #earlymodern @histodons
#miniature #bookofhours #Candlemas #church #otd #OnThisDay #onthisdayinhistory #16thcentury #sixteenthcentury #Tudor #tudors #calendarcustoms #candlemass #endofchristmas #endofchristmasseason #history #socialhistory #laboursofthemonths #simonbening #illuminatedmanuscript #february #histodon #histodons #historythroughart #earlymodern
Ceremonies for Candlemas Eve (1 February)
by Robert Herrick
#seasonal #candlemas #candlemass #Endof Christmas #folklore #calendarcustoms #histodons #histodon #17thCentury #seventeenthcentury #February #RobertHerrick #history #historical #socialhistory #otd #onthisday #onthisdayinhistory #holly #ivy #rosemary #bay #yew #box #plants #CandlemasEve
#seasonal #candlemas #candlemass #endof #folklore #calendarcustoms #histodons #histodon #17thcentury #seventeenthcentury #february #RobertHerrick #history #historical #socialhistory #otd #onthisday #onthisdayinhistory #holly #ivy #rosemary #bay #yew #box #plants #candlemaseve