@keithzg @msh
I see a claim in the #CalgaryHerald that the big issue will be an #AlbertaPensionPlan: https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/braid-ucp-alberta-pension-drive-revived
Keith has already explained why he thinks that would be a bad idea. The article adds that it might be unwise for the same reason as the creation of an Alberta Provincial Police force: transition costs.
#calgaryherald #albertapensionplan #abpol #abpoli
The comments on this article must be some of the most ignorant idiocy I have ever read.
I'm so glad I am moving back to Canada soon.
#alberta #ableg #abpoli #calgaryherald
As the electorate is finding out in Ontario, RepubliCon politician promises aren’t worth a tinkers’s dam.
Don‘t trust what they say, don’t trust what they promise, don’t trust their ethics, don’t entrust your vote to them. Not Ever!
#calgaryherald #edmontonjournal #torontostar