Ich hab da mal eine hypothetische Frage: wenn jemand seinen bisherigen #amazon #kindle #ebookReader gegen ein Modell eines anderen Herstellers tauscht, hätte derjenige dann eine Chance die bei Amazon „gekauften“ #ebooks auf dem neuen Reader zu lesen? Ich weiß früher hab es mal ein de-drm Plugin für #calibre, gibt es sowas noch?
#amazon #kindle #ebookreader #ebooks #calibre
I think i need to change my `sci-fi-fantasy` tag in #Calibre to `fantasy-sci-fi`
This is the year, where the balance has finally tilted over
@dcbuchan Awesome, I looked through some of your pages and found the `Replacing Goodreads with Obsidian` really interesting.
I'm using #Calibre currently as my library which integrates well with Goodreads.
I also use Booksidian Obsidian plugin to sync my books from Goodreads.
I might need to look further into your setup in the near future.
Hier j'ai découvert que #calibre propose un serveur de contenu ,qui permet très facilement de streamer et proposer au téléchargement les #ebooks de sa bibliothèque : https://manual.calibre-ebook.com/fr/server.html. C'est facile à installer, et ça m'a permis de remplacer mon instance de #BicBucStriim, un projet qui n'est plus maintenu !
#calibre #ebooks #bicbucstriim
Calibre works perfectly for managing books and I've had no issues with .epub compatibility.
It allows you to draw freehand and highlight, made easier with the stylus.
It even has a speaker to play mp3s.
There is so much packed into this device I could go on and on.
Не знаю, что там в текущей версии Calibre, но вот этот багрепорт из прошлого надежд особых не внушает:
> calibre: Security risk and possible backdoor when fetching news
Впрочем, этот как раз тоже использует браузер, так что мне всё равно не подойдёт.
#lang_ru #calibre #решето #книги
Don’t run away.. hear me out. Think about how good #iTunes is with organizing music files. The files are still in a filesystem but iTunes manages them. The directory structure is a product of the #ID3 metadata standard & they are kept in sync. If a track is in the genre “techno” & you decide it’s more accurately described as “electronica/trance/psychedelic”, you refine the genre in the iTunes db, which the updates the ID3 tag & moves the file from e.g. ~/music/techno to ~/music/electronica/trance/psychedelic. When you are outside iTunes, the directory structure is sensible & intuitive. When you are inside iTunes, you can search, filter, & organize based on metadata.
So you asked about PDFs as an example. I ditched iTunes (& mac & windows entirely) at one point, but at least back in the day you could (ab)use ID3 tags for PDFs since they don’t break the PDF for whatever reason. Some people then used iTunes to organize their PDFs (likely books) in that way.
So I’m not saying install iTunes.. it may not even work these days.. no idea. But the point is iTunes sets a good example of how media can be well organized.
I’ve not used #calibre in a while but perhaps it has improved. Might be worth a look.
I did my own hack. I use exiftool to set the metadata using the standard PDF fields. Then I wrote a #procmail script that created an email header from the PDF metadata and then used the procmail language to put the file through a series of conditionals & scoring & ultimately drop the file in a well-organized location. It’s a use procmail was not intended for yet strangely useful for objects that have nothing to do with email. I got side-tracked and didn’t finish the project but that’s just to give an idea of what’s possible.
Today I still manually maintain a directory structure, my metadata is a mess, and whenever I move or rename a file references to that file from apps like gnucash end up inconsistent. So I still need to get my shit together.
#itunes #id3 #calibre #procmail
@raccoonformality My ebooks live in #Calibre, sortable by many columns. I have a 5 shelf 6-foot tall bookcase with the paperbacks stacked on their sides 7-8 high, 3 deep on the top three shelves, hardback SFF on the bottom 2 shelves, a 3-shelf bookcase holding my cookbooks, and a third 3-shelf pine bookshelf holding my writing books and misc nonfiction. I have them partially cataloged in LibraryThing. Favorite authors are close to the front on the big bookcase. I have a few stacks too, lol.
@htdrake @AimeeMaroux @bookstodon @smutstodon
#Calibre will let you move books to and from your Kobo very easily. It will also store the books on a PC, let you curate metadata, convert between formats, and lots more.
#calibre #plugin
Offenbar hat das Plugin, das ich bei Github via epubor heruntergeladen habe, einen Syntaxfehler.
Kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben, was ich wo umschreiben muss, damit ich das Plugin laden kann?
Ich folge der Anleitung hier: https://www.epubor.com/free-kindle-drm-removal-calibre-plugin.html
Bitte keine Diskussionen über DRM, ich brauche das alles nur zum Lesen legal gekaufter Bücher.
Custom Fonts embedded in the ebook by an author or publisher rarely are pleasing to me, and usually don't work right anyway on my Kobo.
I usually rip them out using the #Calibre editor.
Vor kurzem habe ich mir einen #Tolino Vision 6 gekauft, weil mein Kindle aus dem Jahr 2009 doch etwas akkuschwach geworden ist und außerdem nicht mit der #Onleihe kommunizieren kann. Gerade wollte ich meine im Laufe der Zeit erworbenen #Kindle Bücher von #Amazon herunterladen und mit #Calibre konvertieren. Leider geht das wegen DRM in 99% der Fälle nicht, so dass ich diese Bücher weiterhin nur per Kindle(-App) lesen kann. Ich wusste zwar theoretisch, dass das der Fall sein kann, aber jetzt spüre ich auch mal praktisch, wie groß doch der Unterschied zwischen "Eigentümer eines Buchs sein" und "Leserecht an einem Buch haben" ist. Es braucht wohl mehr #digitalcourage
#digitalcourage #calibre #amazon #kindle #onleihe #tolino
Quality of life update for the #eReaderHat Now fetching #ebooks from the #calibreserver is a background task so you can keep #reading as your #books download.
While the software is a mess I think the next step is making a similar carrier board for the #raspberrypi #CM4 form factor.
I'm also considering submitting this to the @hackaday prize for gits and shiggles. Should I?
#eReader #electronics #eBook #electronics #embedded #opensourcehardware #calibre #selfhosting #selfhosted #diy #maker
#ereaderhat #ebooks #calibreserver #reading #books #raspberrypi #cm4 #ereader #electronics #ebook #embedded #opensourcehardware #calibre #selfhosting #selfhosted #diy #maker
Quality of life update for the #eReaderHat Now fetching #ebooks from the #calibreserver is a background task so you can keep #reading as your #books download.
While the software is a mess I think the next step is making a similar carrier board for the #raspberrypi #CM4 form factor.
I'm also considering submitting this to the @hackaday prize for gits and shiggles. Should I?
#eReader #electronics #eBook #electronics #embedded #opensourcehardware #calibre #selfhosting #selfhosted #diy #maker
#ereaderhat #ebooks #calibreserver #reading #books #raspberrypi #cm4 #ereader #electronics #ebook #embedded #opensourcehardware #calibre #selfhosting #selfhosted #diy #maker
Putting in fonts is part of the problem. Part of my editing is to take out any coded-in fonts so that my Kobo reader can do its thing.
Simple is the key...no huge titles, no huge margins, no fancy anything.
I've gotten really good at making simple CSS in books using the #Calibre editor.
I also edit the html. For example, some long bit that is, say, a flashback and all in italics...man, that long italics has to go!
Ereaders often mess up on fancy stuff anyway.
@benjamin_tr__ pour ma par j’en suis à ma deuxième #kobo (on m’avait donné la première). Aucun souci elle fait le boulot. Pour mettre des livres dessus je te conseille le logiciel #calibre qui fonctionne sur toutes les plateformes (Linux, Mac ou Windows).
¿ustedes sincronizan sus bibliotecas de #calibre entre computadoras? ¿cómo lo hacen?
Wrote a blog post about how to add a simplified Chinese dictionary lookup to Calibre for easier ebook reading
#languages #calibre #ebooks #blawgust
Para quem tem uma biblioteca de e-books esta app é um gestor super completo para gerir e catalogar todo o tipo de e-publicações: PDFs, EPubs, diferentes formatos de bandas desenhadas digitais, etc. Cataloga, sincroniza metadados e com diferentes tipos de dispositivos.