Auf meinem #Proxmox-Server betreibe ich nun folgende Webapps, die auch über eine Internetadresse aufrufbar sind:
#Nextcloud (Dateimanagment und vieles andere)
#Jellyfin (Fotos und Videos)
#Calibreweb (eBooks)
#Paperless (Dokumentenmanagment)
#Mastodon (Miniblog)
#HomeAssistant (Smarthome)
#TNG (Ahnenforschung)
Außerdem einige die nicht von aussen erreichbar sind:
#Heimdall (Dashboard)
#UptimeKuma (Monitoring)
#NginxReverseProxy (selbsterklärend)
#Odoo (Rechnungen und anderes)
#proxmox #nextcloud #jellyfin #calibreweb #mastodon #homeassistant #tng #paperless #heimdall #uptimekuma #nginxreverseproxy #odoo
I started building my new website on Grav CMS, so here's my write-up (at long last) on syncing my Kobo e-reader to Calibre Web. It functions mostly flawlessly.
...said #Dhamma Talk video is now posted (short title: "Buddhist ebooks in the Toko"):
#Buddhism #theisland #ajahn
Topics: #Tokonoma (床の間), #toko, Free-for-Distribution #Buddhist #ebooks, #offline #reading, convenience, #Calibre, search, tags, organization, folder, database, #Calibreweb, #syncthing, #OpenWrt, hostnames, clean URLs, #nginx, avoiding self-signed #SSL certificates, #nextcloud, sharing, #federating, #wireguard, #innernet
#dhamma #Buddhism #theisland #ajahn #tokonoma #toko #buddhist #ebooks #offline #reading #calibre #calibreweb #syncthing #openwrt #nginx #ssl #NextCloud #federating #wireguard #innernet