Gizmodo: See How Tropical Storm Hilary Flooded Southern California #disasteraccident #pineappleexpress #californiafloods #environment #weather #hilary
#disasteraccident #pineappleexpress #californiafloods #environment #weather #hilary
The LA Times Melissa Gomez traveled to Pajaro to report on how families were coping after being displaced by flooding on their town. I spoke to a parent who lost everything. A teen adjusting to shelter life. A teacher who cried as she thought about her kids who haven't come back.
#california #pajaro #floods #californiafloods #weather
Estas casas costaron millones $. Solían estar en primera línea de playa, y ahora están en primera línea de barranco. Quizá el día que nos demos cuenta de que la crisis climática es asunto de todos, no sólo de los pobres, empezaremos a idear soluciones reales. #CaliforniaFloods
Wide awake @ 4 am, but really it's 3 am. So I make an early morning espresso, read, write, and then reflect on last week: Chaim Topol - Tevye died, SVB collapsed, California floods and it's the three-year anniversary of Covid. What a week. #Tevye #SVB #Californiafloods #covid
#tevye #svb #californiafloods #covid
#Kalifornien: Damm vom #Pajaro bricht nach Unwettern. #California #CaliforniaFloods #Pajaroflood #climate
RT @affeu2
#California: Tosende Fluten umzingeln Häuser am #KernRiver, #Kalifornien. Das Gebiet steht unter Sturzflutalarm und Evakuierungsbefehl. Raging #floodwaters encircled homes by Kern River, California, with the area under flash flood alert and an evacuatio…
#Kalifornien #pajaro #california #californiafloods #pajaroflood #climate #kernriver #floodwaters
2/x #California: Tosende Fluten umzingeln Häuser am #KernRiver, #Kalifornien. #CaliforniaFloods Extremwetter überzieht Kalifornien mit heftigen Regenfällen und Überschwemmungen. Zehntausende Menschen sind aufgerufen, sich in Sicherheit zu bringen.
#california #kernriver #Kalifornien #californiafloods #ClimateCrisis. Torrential rain has brought flash flooding and landslides to California, closing roads, felling trees and raising avalanche fears, in the latest winter storm to hammer the state.
President Joe Biden offered emergency federal assistance over the atmospheric surge, known as a "Pineapple Express" #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeather #CaliforniaFloods #Environment
#ClimateCrisis #climatechange #extremeweather #californiafloods #environment
More than 9,000 #California residents were under evacuation orders Friday as a new atmospheric river brought heavy rain, thunderstorms and strong winds, swelling rivers and creeks and flooding several major highways during the morning commute. #CaliforniaFloods
#California: Tosende Fluten umzingeln Häuser am #KernRiver, #Kalifornien. Das Gebiet steht unter Sturzflutalarm und Evakuierungsbefehl. Raging #floodwaters encircled homes by Kern River, California, with the area under flash flood alert and an evacuation order. #CaliforniaFloods
#california #kernriver #Kalifornien #floodwaters #californiafloods
A little perspective: at least twice as many people died in the #Dnipro apartment building attack as in the #CaliforniaFloods - and the number may still nearly double
#RussianWarCrimes #Ukraine #Ukraineupdates
#ukraineupdates #Ukraine #RussianWarCrimes #californiafloods #Dnipro
Woher kommen die schweren Überschwemmungen in Kalifornien? Ist die Dürre in #Kalifornien durch die Regenfälle jetzt beendet? Und welche Rolle spielt der #Klimawandel bei der ganzen Sache?
Mein Überblick über die Hintergründe der #CaliforniaFloods.
#kalifornien #klimawandel #californiafloods
Petrofuture map of California.
This shows an old Shell Oil map base with 66m sea level rise...the highest level of sea rise estimated by the IPCC.
1956 map from @david_rumsey_maps
#sanfrancisco #oaklandca #sandiego #CaliforniaFloods #MapArt #mapsAsArt #vintagemaps #retrofuture #petrofuture #climatearson #solarpunk #sealevelrise #sealevelrisemaps #climatechange #climatechangemaps #maps #cartography #speculativecartography #speculativemaps #clifi #climateart #conspiracyofcartographers
#sanfrancisco #oaklandca #sandiego #californiafloods #mapart #mapsasart #vintagemaps #retrofuture #petrofuture #climatearson #solarpunk #sealevelrise #sealevelrisemaps #climatechange #climatechangemaps #maps #cartography #speculativecartography #speculativemaps #clifi #climateart #conspiracyofcartographers
Inundaciones devastadoras en California, en vista aérea
Zonas con más de 630mm, 4x-6x promedio histórico
Esperan llegada de al menos 3 ríos atmosféricos más
#CaliforniaFloods #ClimateCrisis #ClimateDisruption
#californiafloods #climatecrisis #ClimateDisruption
California needs new ways to capture water from #AtmosphericRivers. 👇🏽
Outdated plumbing imperils California economy. #Californiastorm #CaliforniaFloods #California via with
#atmosphericrivers #californiastorm #californiafloods #California
California downpours won't fix decades of drought: scientists #CaliforniaFloods #Drought
~100 mi inland, #Sacramento is basically at sea level. Short-term, flooding here could come from above. Long term, from below...
Part of the #Retrofuture series, here's a 1892 #USGS quad with 66m sea rise, the highest predicted by the #IPCC if all ice caps melted.
#sacramentoValley #centralValley #folsom #SierraNevada #CaliforniaRain #CaliforniaFloods #mapArt #climateArson #solarPunk #seaLevelRise #seaLevelRiseMaps #climateChange #maps #cartography #clifi #climateArt #conspiracyOfCartographers
#sacramento #retrofuture #usgs #ipcc #SacramentoValley #centralvalley #folsom #sierranevada #californiarain #californiafloods #mapart #climatearson #solarpunk #sealevelrise #sealevelrisemaps #climatechange #maps #cartography #clifi #climateart #conspiracyofcartographers
THURSDAY NEWS IN A RUSH: Top headlines in today’s NewsMinute video
The top stories from around the globe you’ll be talking about today in a 60-second clip
#classifieddocuments #idahohomicides #californiafloods
I'd add to the #waterfallwednesday pictures, but the sight of my poor town, submerged, is too sad.
#waterfallwednesday #californiafloods
#California, #frana blocca #autostrada #franacalifornia #tfnews #11gennaio #CaliforniaFloods #oceano #USA #CaliforniaStorms #Californiaflooding #news #esteri
#california #frana #autostrada #franacalifornia #tfnews #11gennaio #californiafloods #oceano #usa #californiastorms #californiaflooding #news #esteri