@Syulang @mekkaokereke @carnage4life
But like the #Hyperloop #scam being pushed to defund and cockblock #CaliforniaHighSpeedRail / #CHSR his plans aim to undercut overdue and long-term unavoidable #FTTB & #FTTH installations as only longterm feasible solution because we already do come close to the theoretical limitso of physics in terms of what can be done in the #RF #spectrum given earth's atmospheric composition and the narrow "Radio Window" into space...
#spectrum #rf #ftth #fttb #chsr #californiahighspeedrail #Scam #hyperloop
California High Speed Rail is Fine; And the Wild Scrutiny of Transit Projects in the US
There is a double standard when it comes to road construction -- no one cares if it pencils out.
#motornormativity #californiahighspeedrail #transit #Rail
Allein die #Vermüllung der Orbits durch #SpaceX kann (vergleichbar mit #Hyperloop) nur dazu dienen den notwendigen und überfälligen #FTTB & #FTTH - Ausbau zu verzögern [ähnlich wie Hyperloop als #Scam nur dazu diente #CaliforniaHighspeedRail zu sabotieren]...
#californiahighspeedrail #Scam #ftth #fttb #hyperloop #SpaceX #vermullung
Finally some progress on CA transit projects! $2.5B in awards by the #CalSTA to improve intercity rail capital projects. Recipients include #BART #ACERail #AmtrakSanJoaquins #AmtrakCapitolCorridor #LAmetro #Caltrain and others. List ⬇️
#amtrak #NorCal #socal #CaliforniaHighSpeedRail #transit #train #california #sacramento #sandiego #losangeles #stockton #SfBayArea
#calsta #BART #acerail #amtraksanjoaquins #amtrakcapitolcorridor #LAmetro #Caltrain #amtrak #NorCal #socal #californiahighspeedrail #transit #train #california #sacramento #sandiego #losangeles #stockton #sfbayarea
There is a YouTube video by Alan Fisher explaining that I-69 has a lot of delays and overbudgets, but all the bad press goes to the #CaliforniaHighSpeedRail, even though it is WAY better for the environment than an interstate.