I bought a set of machinists tools at a garage sale this morning. They are a bit rusty and dirty so I’m cleaning them up with some WD40. This is the “before” photo. I’m going slowly and being gentle so the after might take a while to mainfest.
#calipers #compass #vintagetools
Hackaday Links: April 9, 2023 https://hackaday.com/2023/04/09/hackaday-links-april-9-2023/ #HackadayColumns #cryptocurrency #Hackadaylinks #hackadaylinks #VisualStudio #privatekey #easteregg #calipers #bitcoin #VSCode #wallet #heist #lunar #macOS #rover #stm32 #theft #NFT
#HackadayColumns #cryptocurrency #Hackadaylinks #visualstudio #privatekey #easteregg #calipers #bitcoin #vscode #wallet #heist #lunar #macos #rover #stm32 #theft #nft
Hackaday Links: April 9, 2023 - When it comes to cryptocurrency security, what’s the best way to secure the privat... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/09/hackaday-links-april-9-2023/ #hackadaycolumns #cryptocurrency #hackadaylinks #visualstudio #privatekey #easteregg #calipers #bitcoin #vscode #wallet #heist #lunar #macos #rover #stm32 #theft #nft
#nft #theft #stm32 #rover #macos #lunar #heist #wallet #vscode #bitcoin #calipers #easteregg #privatekey #visualstudio #hackadaylinks #cryptocurrency #hackadaycolumns
I was looking at getting some decent #calipers and was astonished that #Mitutoyo calipers were relatively cheap nowadays.
Then this video came around before I actually spent money.
Seems I dodged a bullet there.
> 17 Warning Signs Your Mitutoyo Calipers Are Fake
DIY Comparatron Helps Trace Tiny, Complex Objects https://hackaday.com/2022/12/11/diy-comparatron-helps-trace-tiny-complex-objects/ #ReverseEngineering #reverseengineering #opticalcomparator #measurement #microscope #ToolHacks #cnchacks #calipers #cnc
#ReverseEngineering #opticalcomparator #measurement #microscope #ToolHacks #cnchacks #calipers #cnc
DIY Comparatron Helps Trace Tiny, Complex Objects - Hackers frequently find themselves reverse-engineering or interfacing to existing ... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/11/diy-comparatron-helps-trace-tiny-complex-objects/ #reverseengineering #opticalcomparator #measurement #microscope #toolhacks #cnchacks #calipers #cnc
#cnc #calipers #cnchacks #toolhacks #microscope #measurement #opticalcomparator #reverseengineering
This is cool. Hacking a digital caliper to save measured values automatically.