Gizmodo: Ahsoka Tano Is Star Wars' Biggest Paradox #starwarstheclonewars #entertainmentculture #haydenchristensen #fictionalcyborgs #temeuramorrison #starwarsahsoka #cartoonnetwork #ashleyeckstein #rosariodawson #humaninterest #kateesackhoff #ahsokatano #darthvader #davefiloni #lucasfilm #clonewars #skywalker #macewindu #dindjarin #darthmaul #calkestis #thestar #ahsoka #solo #jedi #sith #wan
#starwarstheclonewars #entertainmentculture #haydenchristensen #fictionalcyborgs #temeuramorrison #starwarsahsoka #cartoonnetwork #ashleyeckstein #rosariodawson #humaninterest #kateesackhoff #ahsokatano #darthvader #davefiloni #lucasfilm #clonewars #skywalker #macewindu #dindjarin #darthmaul #calkestis #thestar #ahsoka #solo #jedi #sith #wan
El 16 de agosto de 1993 nace el actor Cameron Monaghan, Cal Kestis en los videojuegos Jedi: Fallen Order y Jedi: Survivor.
On August 16, 1993, actor Cameron Monaghan, Cal Kestis in the video games Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor, was born.
#calkestis #cameronmonaghan #starwars
Kotaku: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Is Coming To PS4, Xbox One #gaming #tech #kotaku #starwarsjedifallenorder #singleplayervideogames #xboxseriesxandseriess #starwarsjedisurvivor #actionadventuregames #electronicartsgames #starwarsvideogames #electronicarts #stigasmussen #windowsgames #calkestis #titanfall #survivor #respawn #jedi
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #starwarsjedifallenorder #singleplayervideogames #xboxseriesxandseriess #starwarsjedisurvivor #actionadventuregames #electronicartsgames #starwarsvideogames #electronicarts #stigasmussen #windowsgames #calkestis #titanfall #survivor #respawn #JEDI
El actor cameron monaghan que interpreta a #CalKestis en #StarWarsjediFallenOrder estara en la tercera pelicula de #Tron3 Ares
#calkestis #starwarsjedifallenorder #tron3
Kotaku: The Story Behind Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’s Infamous Fan-Favorite Boss #gaming #tech #kotaku #starwarsjedifallenorder #singleplayervideogames #starwarsjedisurvivor #actionadventuregames #electronicartsgames #starwarsvideogames #jonathanwright #humaninterest #windowsgames #rickhowever #rickgrimes #calkestis #starwars #repsawn #respawn #sports #jedi
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #starwarsjedifallenorder #singleplayervideogames #starwarsjedisurvivor #actionadventuregames #electronicartsgames #starwarsvideogames #jonathanwright #humaninterest #windowsgames #rickhowever #rickgrimes #calkestis #starwars #repsawn #respawn #sports #JEDI
Trading Blows
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #photomodemonday #jedi #starwars #calkestis
#calkestis #starwars #jedi #photomodemonday #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Here it comes...
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedi #starwars #calkestis
#calkestis #starwars #jedi #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
A Standoff
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedi #starwars #calkestis
#calkestis #starwars #jedi #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
New Threads
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #virtualsightseers #jedi #calkestis #starwars
#starwars #calkestis #jedi #virtualsightseers #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Hanging in there...
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #starwars #jedi #calkestis
#calkestis #jedi #starwars #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Open wide, big guy. It's time for your root canal.
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #starwars #calkestis
#calkestis #starwars #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Okay then big fella, lets go!
Game: Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #calkestis #starwarsjedisurvivor #jedi #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #starwars
#starwars #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #jedi #StarWarsJediSurvivor #calkestis #JediSurvivor
Kotaku: Star Wars Outlaws’ Backlash Proves We Need More Women Protagonists #gaming #tech #kotaku #starwarsjediknight3amysteriesofthesith #starwars3ajediknight #humberlygonzc3a1lez #firstpersonshooters #starwarsvideogames #assassin27screed #fictionalcyborgs #creativeworks #lukeskywalker #jasonschreier #humaninterest #cassianandor #windowsgames #thewitcher3 #alexamancio #laracroft #calkestis #adigallia #marajade #sith
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #starwarsjediknight3amysteriesofthesith #starwars3ajediknight #humberlygonzc3a1lez #firstpersonshooters #starwarsvideogames #assassin27screed #fictionalcyborgs #creativeworks #LukeSkywalker #jasonschreier #humaninterest #cassianandor #windowsgames #thewitcher3 #alexamancio #laracroft #calkestis #adigallia #marajade #sith
Ya teneis disponible el primer #GamePlay del #Videojuego #StarWarsJediSurvivor en el canal de #Youtube
Vente para seguir el camino de la fuerza de mi querido #CalKestis
#gameplay #videojuego #starwarsjedisurvivor #YouTube #calkestis
#STARWARSJediSurvivor me ha parecido el mejor juego de la bilogía el personaje tiene mucha más movilidad y habilidad de combate, el historia es mucho más buena y los poderes son algo mejores. Además te permite jugar con el lado oscuro.
Me encantaría un tercer juego con elecciones donde puedas elegir en qué bando ir ya que el final de este queda muy abierto.
Respecto al personaje de #CalKestis es mi personaje favorito de todo #StarWars
#starwarsjedisurvivor #calkestis #starwars
Ayer terminé #STARWARSJediSurvivor y me ha gustado muchísimo más que #FallenOrder.
Creo que habrá una tercera entrega por como acaba y la verdad que estaría genial poder jugar con un #CalKestis más experimentado y poder caminar entre el lado oscuro y la luz
#starwarsjedisurvivor #fallenorder #calkestis
Filmy i seriale:
Wygaszacze relaksacyjne z Andorem, Kenobim, Calem Kestisem i Nubsem
Zbliża się weekend, wielu z Was pewnie siedzi w pracy, mamy więc dla Was trzy gwiezdnowojenne video relaksacyjno-wygaszaczowe. Tym razem z Cassianem Andorem na wakacjach, Calem Kestisem (z gry "Jedi: Fallen Order"), Obi-Wanem Kenobim w jaskini i młodym rycerzem Jedi - Nubsem - w hamaku. A także - pogrążoną w nocnym mroku "salą tronową" Jabby.[…]
#Fahrenheit_zin #GwiezdneWojny #StarWars #ObiWanKenobi #Andor #Kenobi #CassianAndor #YoungJediAdventures #CalKestis #Nubs #FallenOrder #StarWarsJedi #Upadłyzakon #wygaszacze
#fahrenheit_zin #gwiezdnewojny #starwars #obiwankenobi #andor #kenobi #cassianandor #youngjediadventures #calkestis #nubs #fallenorder #starwarsjedi #upadlyzakon #wygaszacze