Finger hoch, wer einen ähnlichen Gedanken hatte! 😅
Glückwünsche zur geglückten Landung der ersten indischen Raumsonde auf dem Mond. 🥳
Fortsetzung folgt garantiert 😉
#cartoon #cartoonistin #humor #fun #justajoke #raumfahrt #mond #indien #india #congrats #congratulations #moon #space #callcenter #sandranabbefeld #nabbefeld
#nabbefeld #sandranabbefeld #callcenter #space #moon #congratulations #congrats #india #indien #mond #raumfahrt #justajoke #fun #humor #cartoonistin #cartoon
#AT&T #AI #Technology #CallCenter #Worker
The transition to new technology can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing! AI can be a valuable asset to workers, providing helpful insights and suggestions to make their jobs easier. We need to make sure that workers aren't replaced, but instead are supported and empowered by the use of technology. #HumanTouch #Training #JobSecurity
#at #ai #technology #callcenter #worker #humantouch #training #jobsecurity
@spiegel macht nen Video über #Anlagebetrüger aka. #Callcenter - #Scammer...
#scammer #callcenter #anlagebetruger
Il gatto adottato dai dipendenti di un call center.
#adoroilgenio #6giugno #gatti #callcenter #adozioni #cats #animali #pets #microfono #dipendenti #animalifantasticiedovetrovarli
#adoroilgenio #6giugno #gatti #callcenter #adozioni #cats #animali #pets #Microfono #dipendenti #animalifantasticiedovetrovarli
Aktuell in der #DatenschutzWoche:
▫️ #EU: Einigung beim #Data Act
▫️ #LfDI M-V befragt Praxen u. Kliniken zum Drittlandstransfer von #Gesundheitsdaten #NIPT
▫️ #EDPB: Empfehlungen zu Binding Corporate Rules #BCR
▫️ OLG Karlsruhe u. Brandenburg zur Auskunft bei Beitragsanpassung priv. KV
▫️ LfDI M-V kündigt #Callcenter-Kontrollen an #Beschäftigtendatenschutz
Danke an @stefan_hessel!
📨 Immer montags, auch per E-Mail:
#TeamDatenschutz #Datenschutz
#DatenschutzWoche #eu #data #lfdi #gesundheitsdaten #nipt #edpb #BCR #callcenter #beschaftigtendatenschutz #teamdatenschutz #datenschutz
@edv_nachrichten @golem das fürgen aber zum Großteil irgendwelche Teilzeit-#Skiddies sein die für'n paar Monero im Monat deren shice mitcoden oder ausbringen...
Ist so'n bisschen wie die ganzen #Scam-#Callcenter!
I guess I should make an #introduction post. I'm not sure how short it'll be though.
Hi, I'm Tanner (not my real name), I'm a gay dude who likes #manga, #anime, #tea, #beer, #alcohol, #webtoons, #manhwa, #manhua, #bara, #cats, #technology, #mechanicalkeyboards, #cottagecore, #baking, #memes, and so much more.
I mostly post in English, but occasionally also in French, Japanese, Russian, and Chinese. I work in a #callcenter, I #workfromhome and prefer it.
#introduction #manga #anime #tea #beer #alcohol #webtoons #manhwa #manhua #bara #cats #technology #mechanicalkeyboards #cottagecore #baking #memes #callcenter #workfromhome
A chill runs down my spine when I think,
As I read of the poor souls who went missing
The 45 bags in Guadalajara,
Were unearthed, a ghastly reminder of despair
The human remains of call center staff,
Unsolved and forgotten, what a tragic loss
The heavy heart of a nation left to grieve
#guadalajara #mexico #callcenter #missing #poetry
What's even more interesting is that ground zero - the point of contact between the workforce and the AI - was in a #CallCenter in the #Philippines.
"The story of this study starts a few years ago, when an unnamed #Fortune500 company decided to adopt an earlier version of #OpenAI's #ChatGPT."
This company adopted #AI. Here's what happened to its human workers | #GenerativeAI | NPR
#generativeAI #ai #chatgpt #openai #fortune500 #philippines #callcenter
Riassunto dei rompi⚽ ⚽ della settimana
In azienda mi chiamano soprattutto quelli della telefonia, ormai solo con messaggio registrato.
Sul mio telefono chiamano quelli di luce & gas, sia a voce sia in registrato.
A casa chiama sempre Amazon (o presunto tale) per i soliti investimenti, sempre con messaggio registrato.
Si può mandare un "fanculo" al Registro delle Opposizioni, fallimentare anche nella nuova versione?
Cosa prevedibile, viste le scappatoie previste...
#HoChiamato il numero di #telefono del #film di #SuperMarioBros, quello del sito
Visto che #Vodafone, con la sua offerta marcia a prezzo ultragonfiato (che non ho attivato io volontariamente eh, ma usano la scusa delle modifiche contrattuali) include un tot di minuti verso l'estero, ho chiamato a #NewYork in teoria senza spendere un centesimo.
#MarioBros #MarioBrosFilm #SuperMarioBrosFilm #USA #NY #CallCenter
#hochiamato #telefono #film #SuperMarioBros #vodafone #newyork #Mariobros #mariobrosfilm #supermariobrosfilm #usa #ny #callcenter
Stresserfahren bis Resistent, Kommunikationsfähigkeit, erprobte Deeskalationsfähigkeit,...
Genau dort finden sich viele die genau die passenden Qualifikationen für ein Callcenter haben
Frage mich, welche Art #Callcenter das wohl ist, wenn die #Jobanzeige auf dem Straßenstrich steht.
In etwa zwei Jahren können Chat- und Voicebots 80 Prozent der Standardfragen in Callcentern übernehmen. Davon ist Nils Hafner überzeugt. Kann künstliche Intelligenz die Kundenbeziehung in Callcentern verbessern?
#BrandEinsPodcast #Callcenter #KI #Kundenservice #NilsHafner #BrandEinsPodcast
#brandeinspodcast #callcenter #ki #kundenservice #nilshafner
I've done this several times now, so I am not sure why this time is proving more difficult. I think it's not just because I would welcome not just an industry change, but I am also looking for a category change as well. I need OUT of #callcenter work and its a difficult transition, I think. #jobsearch #whileemployed #tough #help
#help #tough #whileemployed #jobsearch #callcenter
"Thank you for your patience. We are experiencing higher-than-normal call volumes and apologize for the delay"
I don't believe I have ever NOT been put in a hold queue - and, apparently, call volume is ALWAYS "higher-than-normal."
#callcenter #insuranceclaims
#HigherThanNormalCallVolume #customerservice #enshittification
#callcenter #insuranceclaims #higherthannormalcallvolume #customerservice #enshittification
Qualcuno di voi è iscritto al registro delle opposizioni? Anche voi avete il sentore che venga usato come guida del telefono dai #callcenter
#callcenter #registrodelleopposizioni
I just can't do the #callcenter thing any more. I enjoy doing #customerservice and similar stuff, but there are so many reasons why after a decade, that I just can't do it anymore. #MentalHealth and others.
I can't quit, but I need a path out the door into something better for me. I have a bachelors degree in #marketing that is largely unused because call centers have been the only places hiring. Any #advice out there? Thanks in advance.
#advice #marketing #mentalhealth #customerservice #callcenter
Is there a #customerservice #callcenter out there that DOESN'T have attendance issues? I feel like there isn't. From the inside, that's not good.
1/2 Appunto ... ti pare che chi agisce in barba alle normative inserisca nel Roc il numero?
"Inserendo una numerazione nazionale nel campo sottostante sarà possibile risalire all'anagrafica della/le società esercente/i l'attività di call center sulla base delle informazioni dichiarate dalle stesse società al Registro degli Operatori di Comunicazione (ROC). Se la numerazione inserita non è stata dichiarata al ROC, la ricerca non produrrà alcun risultato."
#callcenter #telemarketing #ROC