DevConf (
We're already putting the final touches on the #Agenda for #DevConf2023 🤩 This year we received more than 500 submissions via #CallForPapers, so as you can guess these were not easy decisions 🙈Be patient because you will see the results soon! 😎
#agenda #devconf2023 #callforpapers #it #conference #investinlodz
🗣 The call for papers for the #Commoning congress is ongoing.
The online congress will focus on the practice of commoning throughout history with the primary objective to present innovative research informed by critical interculturality.
#Histodons #CallForPapers #CFP #Commons #Grassroots #Networking #Cooperatives #SocialMovements #Reciprocity #ChamadaParaComunicações #Comunizar #Cooperação #Associativismo
#commoning #histodons #callforpapers #cfp #commons #grassroots #networking #cooperatives #socialmovements #reciprocity #chamadaparacomunicacoes #comunizar #cooperacao #associativismo
#Callforpapers for the 8th #LinguisticsConference at #UGA (#LCUGA). This is a #grad-run #conference, so the stakes are low, but it's generally well organized and attended. Please boost.
#callforpapers #linguisticsconference #uga #lcuga #grad #conference #linguistics
#CallforPapers für die #DGPuK-Fachgruppentagung "Mediensprache-Mediendiskurse" mit dem Thema "Verstehen und Verständigung im digitalen Raum"
🗓️29.02.-01.03.2024 am
Einreichung der Beitragsvorschläge bis 15.10.2023
Alle Infos und der CfP zum Download:
Gerne reposten!
#CallForPapers for a special issue of the Journal of Functional Programming on Program Calculation: "The idea of program calculation, in which programs are derived from specifications using equational reasoning techniques, has been a topic of interest in functional programming since its earliest days.. The aim of this special issue is to document advances that have been made in the field of program calculation in recent years" #JFP #FP
🗣 A chamada para comunicações do Congresso Internacional "50 anos do 25 de Abril" termina no dia 10 de Setembro.
Este encontro, a ter lugar em Lisboa em Maio de 2024, será uma oportunidade para fazer um ponto da situação e discutir, a partir de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, o futuro dos estudos sobre a Revolução.
#50Anos25Abril #25A50 #Histodons #25April1974 #revolutions #HistoryInThePublicSphere #CallForPapers #CFP #PoliticalHistory
#50anos25abril #25A50 #histodons #25april1974 #Revolutions #historyinthepublicsphere #callforpapers #cfp #PoliticalHistory
Digitale Kulturen für die #Hochschullehre erschaffen, reflektieren und darüber berichten.
An der Uni Bamberg findet das DiKuLe-Symposium statt. Der #CallForPapers des #dikule24 sucht Beiträge, die nicht nur Leuchtturmprojekte, sondern auch explizit das #Scheitern darstellen.
Mehr Infos unter
#hochschullehre #callforpapers #dikule24 #scheitern #FediCampus #hochschuldidaktik #digitalitat
A first #CallForPapers has gone out for #FSCD #FSCD2024 (Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction) on at least one mailing list, although the website is not yet updated with it. The conference "covers all aspects of formal
structures for computation and deduction from theoretical foundations to
applications" and will be held in Talinn in July next year. #TypeTheory #ProofTheory
#ProofTheory #typetheory #fscd2024 #fscd #callforpapers
FrontMania (
📢Last chance to share your expertise!
The clock is ticking: Frontmania's Call for Papers closes today! Shine on stage & share your insights with the world of frontend. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Submit your papers now!📝 #CallForPapers
Agile Testing Days (
RT @trendigcomp: The #AgileTD Open Air #CallforPapers is OPEN! 🙌
Get your brain set, and prepare a paper for one of these hot topics:
AI &…
Seize the day! 🚀 Your time to submit lecture proposals is now or never - Call For Papers ends today. 🕛
Visit 👉 and fill out the CFP form by midnight. Every Java-related topic is welcome!🪐
#CallForPapers #CFP #lectures #Java #developers #JDDKrakow
#callforpapers #cfp #lectures #java #developers #jddkrakow
Proud to present the ALECC call-for-papers for our conference June 19-22, 2024, with the theme of "Migrations"!
Please boost and share widely among your colleagues if possible.
#academia #conference #AcademicConference #ecocriticism #environmentalism #migration #emigration #borders #ClimateMigration #refugees #scholarship #humanities #research #CFP #CallForPapers @academicchatter @waterlooregion
#academia #conference #academicconference #ecocriticism #environmentalism #migration #emigration #borders #ClimateMigration #refugees #scholarship #humanities #research #cfp #callforpapers
Von jetzt bis zum 2.10. läuft der #CallForPapers für den kommenden @bsi - #Sicherheitskongress 7.-8.5.2024:
Trotz Netzpanne fand ich den #ITSicherheitskongress 2023 ein wirklich gelungenes, super vorbereitetes und gut benutzbares Online-Format, mit spannenden Inputs wie z.B. über psychologische Auswirkungen von #Cyberangriffen auf die Mitarbeitenden in Unternehmen (hallo #Betriebsräte). Wünsche mir für den nächsten Kongress mehr Input aus der #Zivilgesellschaft (hallo @chaosupdates , @digitalcourage ,...).
#bsi #itsicherheit #zivilgesellschaft #betriebsrate #cyberangriffen #ITSicherheitskongress #sicherheitskongress #callforpapers
Agile Testing Days (
Get your pencils ready. The #AgileTD Open Air 2024 #CallforPapers is open! You have time until September 17th to submit your brilliant ideas!
Tag a friend who might be interested 🦄
#CallForPapers : #PADL2024 (Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages) "a well-established forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work emphasizing novel applications and implementation techniques for all forms of declarative programming, including functional and logic programming, database and constraint programming, and theorem proving". #PL #FP #FunctionalProgramming
#functionalprogramming #fp #pl #padl2024 #callforpapers
The ENP-China Project will hold a conference on “Rethinking Modern Chinese Elites” in the period of the 18th-20th century on 10-12 June 2024 and invites scholars, researchers, and graduate students from various disciplines to submit their original research papers for presentation at our upcoming event. For more information:
#conference #elites #China #callforpapers
Agile Testing Days (
The #AgileTD Open Air 2024 is the MUST-ATTEND conference for software testing in Europe! Become part of this testival, and submit your proposal for talks, workshops, or social events now!
The #CallforPapers is open until September 17th, 2023. (
⚡Thank you to all our #CFP submitters! 🔔Acceptance notification will begin soon in Sep!
Stay tuned ➡️
#hw_ioNL2023 #hardwaresecurity #callforpapers
#cfp #hw_ionl2023 #hardwaresecurity #callforpapers
Agile Testing Days (
The #AgileTD Open Air #CallforPapers is OPEN! 🙌
Get your brain set, and prepare a paper for one of these hot topics:
AI & Robotics in Testing, Machine Learning, Ethics in Tech, Conscious Leadership, Sustainability Testing and Accessibilty Testing!
Agile Testing Days (
What's your biggest challenge when preparing a paper submission for a conference like Agile Testing Days Open Air? #Callforpapers #CFP #softwaretesting #conference
#callforpapers #cfp #softwaretesting #conference