A new Call for Pitches from Contingent Magazine:
" The magazine is now accepting pitches for a roundtable on what it means to be a parent/caregiver as a historian." Click on the link to learn more! https://contingentmagazine.org/parenting/
#WomenAlsoKnowHistory #HistoryBeyondTheBinary #CallForPitches #Magazine
#womenalsoknowhistory #historybeyondthebinary #callforpitches #magazine
RT @Narratively
Writers! New #callforpitches - We're looking for stories about Latin American people who are doing things their own way — and changing the world while they’re at it. Check out the link for details.
RT @chengela
It's January and I'm looking for more pitches for @WIRED! Send your cranky critiques, weird ideas, lyrical essays, far-off proposals—rates start at $500, email: ideas@wired.com. #CallForPitches
RT @chengela: It's January and I'm looking for more pitches for @WIRED! Send your cranky critiques, weird ideas, lyrical essays, far-off proposals—rates start at $500, email: ideas@wired.com. #CallForPitches
Also if you are a #digitalnomad with writing chops stay tuned for future #callforpitches for nurall.co