Just bought my very first Blu-ray disc!
Image: Sony/Warner Bros.
#PhysicalMedia #CallMeByYourName #CMBYN
#physicalmedia #callmebyyourname #cmbyn
Vista #CallMeByYourName por vez primera.
Shock es poco.
Quién me mandaría a mí verla justo en estos días...
Estoy incapacitado para escribir nada coherente sobre ella. Me ha removido tantas cosas por dentro que voy a tardar en recuperarme.
Today, July 8, in 1983 in Northern Italy, seventeen-year-old Elio meets his father’s research assistant Oliver when he arrives to stay at the family house for the summer (Call Me By Your Name, 2017)
#film #movies #cinemastodon #callmebyyourname
This month we decided to revisit a classic of gay media, Call Me By Your Name. New Under Queer Review is out now!
#CallMeByYourName #GayFilm #GayMedia #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #Queer #Pride #Podcasts
#callmebyyourname #gayfilm #gaymedia #lgbtqia #lgbtq #lgbt #queer #pride #podcasts
I ja acabem la trilogia d'especials del nostre 2n aniversari! A l'últim capítol ens tocava pasar-ho malament, tornant a veure pel·lícules que cadascú de nosaltres odia moltíssim:
Per què les odiem? Algú de nosaltres discrepa de la selecció d'altra persona? Les tornaríem a vore?
Totes eixes preguntes i més informació que tal volta no interesse, al programa!
I vosaltres? Quina pel·lícula/sèrie odieu a mort? I per què?
#springbreakers #callmebyyourname #armyofthedead
I know I mention #MichaelStuhlbarg a lot, and bang my head against the wall trying to find any mentions of him here at all, but it's for a reason.
Twtr just had a post with his #CallMeByYourName clip.
That had at least 55 direct replies underneath it. ALL praising Michael's work in that, and talking about his Oscar snubs.
In one day. Under one post. Fifty-five people or comments.
In my 3 _months_ here, there'd been 20 ALTOGETHER on this side. 17 mine.
*bangs head against the wall*
#michaelstuhlbarg #callmebyyourname
I'm terribly behind on movies. Just finished #CallMeByYourName for the first time. Probably not the last time. Liked it enough to re-watch eventually. Not great at reviewing but the fact I would watch it again says a lot. I'm glad I could separate Oliver from the actor...
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Dakota Johnson, Past Armie Hammer Defender, Jokes She Was Almost Another Woman He ‘Tried to Eat' https://jezebel.com/dakota-johnson-armie-hammer-sundance-1850012063 #Jezebel #thesundancefilmfestival #entertainment2cculture #timothc3a9echalamet #callmebyyourname #timotheechalamet #ellendegeneres #lucaguadagnino #dakotajohnson #creativeworks #chrisgardner #armiehammer #johnnydepp #pagesix #labeouf #hammer #actors #films
#jezebel #thesundancefilmfestival #entertainment2cculture #timothc3a9echalamet #callmebyyourname #timotheechalamet #ellendegeneres #lucaguadagnino #dakotajohnson #creativeworks #chrisgardner #armiehammer #johnnydepp #pagesix #labeouf #hammer #actors #films
Pink News: Dakota Johnson makes shocking joke about Armie Hammer’s cannibalism allegations https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/01/20/dakota-johnson-armie-hammer-cannibalism/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #callmebyyourname #DakotaJohnson #armiehammer #Celebrity #Culture
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #callmebyyourname #dakotajohnson #armiehammer #celebrity #Culture
RT @Variety
Dakota Johnson jokes that she wasn’t cast in #CallMeByYourName: “Luca had asked me to play the role of the peach, but our schedules conflicted. Thank God, because then I would have been another woman that Armie Hammer tried to eat.”
In praise of Sufjan Stevens!
Photo: Joe Lencioni/ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/deed.en
#Planetarium #CallMeByYourName #CMBYN #ThePolitician #SufjanStevens
#planetarium #callmebyyourname #cmbyn #thepolitician #sufjanstevens
That part in Fire Island where they disagree about whether Call Me By Your Name is a good movie or not
#callmebyyourname #FireIsland #Movies
@bookstodon I’ll write separately, but the book that got me to dive in deeply to reading again is finding a book I bought probably 10+ years ago, #CallMeByYourName, by #AndréAciman. I’m only 30 pages in, due to reading late at night, not carrying it on the subway, etc., but the language from the beginning is magical, almost fragrant.
“…Almost a light pink, as glistening and smooth as the underside of a lizard’s belly. Private, chaste, unfledged, like a blush on an athlete’s face…”
#callmebyyourname #andreaciman
Saw these amazing movies / shows the last few days:
• Andor season 1 finale
• Lizzo documentary
• Call Me By Your Name
• Mad Men S5 E11 “The Other Woman” (The Jaguar episode)
• Everything Everywhere All At Once
I highly recommend all of them.
#Andor #Lizzo #CallMeByYourName #MadMen #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #Movies #TV
#TV #Movies #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #madmen #callmebyyourname #lizzo #andor
Finally just saw Call Me by Your Name. Pretty good.
#Movies #callmebyyourname #LucaGuadagnino
RT @ElCineEnLaSER@twitter.com
Han pasado cinco años desde #CallMeByYourName y Timothée Chalamet, convertido en estrella del nuevo Hollywood, vuelve a trabajar con Luca Guadagnino en #BonesAndAll
¿Cómo ha cambiado el actor en este tiempo? Sí, hemos charlado con él y mañana publicamos la entrevista completa
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ElCineEnLaSER/status/1594603811485671424
#callmebyyourname #bonesandall