Jürgen Hubert · @juergen_hubert
1995 followers · 3122 posts · Server thefolklore.cafe

@ChaskaTheMagicDog Playing and . Planning to run .

#dnd5e #callofcthulu #scion

Last updated 1 year ago

monomakes · @monomakes
6 followers · 11 posts · Server geekdom.social
monomakes · @monomakes
4 followers · 10 posts · Server geekdom.social
monomakes · @monomakes
3 followers · 9 posts · Server geekdom.social
monomakes · @monomakes
1 followers · 6 posts · Server geekdom.social
monomakes · @monomakes
1 followers · 4 posts · Server geekdom.social
monomakes · @monomakes
1 followers · 2 posts · Server geekdom.social
Aby · @aby
573 followers · 1307 posts · Server aus.social

Time for the next expansion post for my and ..
(this one is going to be hashtag heavy - sorry)

I play all the !

I enjoy - , , handheld, , ()

Some of my favourite games of each type are:

~~ :

I sometimes on .. mostly so that my partner can watch what I'm playing, it's a casual and relaxed stream. I have my mic off most of the time, and if it is on it'll probably just be Greg and I chatting in the background - so feel free to pop along if you want to take a look.

~~ :

I tend to use this more for and don't stream these at all, because I don't have the gear or skill set to do that.

~~ :

The boardgames I play very much depends on what mood I'm in, and who I'm playing with. There is one person in one of my gaming groups that I refuse to play anything that isn't co-op with anymore, because he just makes it miserable for people playing against him.

~~ :

I play a lot of , but that's mostly because that's what my players are familiar with and we're only just starting to broach the idea of changing systems.


#introduction #bio #games #gaming #console #pc #boardgames #tabletoproleplayinggames #ttrpg #ps5 #bloodborne #bioshock #borderlands #stardewvalley #stream #twitch #nintendoswitch #CultoftheLamb #animalcrossing #BearandBreakfast #cosygames #eldritchhorror #pathfinder #deadofwinter #callofcthulu #worldofdarkness #dnd

Last updated 2 years ago

TeaQueenRos · @teaqueenros
31 followers · 39 posts · Server creatorstudio.space

Tonight on my channel, we will be continuing our of Call of Cathulu! - Still undecided on how I really feel about this game but Im interested to see where it goes!

Come join us for hangs! 8pm UK time, see you there! ❤️


#twitch #playthrough #chill #streamer #callofcthulu #firtplaythrough #chooseyourownadventure #choices #mystery

Last updated 2 years ago

Kay Ohtie 🎈‍:ms_coyote: · @ceralor
1164 followers · 13673 posts · Server blimps.xyz

Reading on posts, I'm very grateful that our Keeper is extremely creative and ensures player agency at almost any cost... to the point of allowing one of our players a short detour to a very useless building by turning it into some sort of dialog-less feud between the player and shopkeep. We ended up locked out of the feed-and-seed, with nothing lost. But it was very funny.

To celebrate, I baked oatcakes to throw at the player the next time his character pined for them.

#callofcthulu #tabletop

Last updated 2 years ago

Nightbug · @Nightbug
32 followers · 192 posts · Server universeodon.com

In what makes someone a criminal?


Last updated 2 years ago

HangFireBooks · @HangFireBooks
88 followers · 490 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

@pookie oooh, I didn't know about the Repository! I'm new to and I've been wondering if there's an equivalent to DM's Guild. Thanks!


Last updated 2 years ago

Stephen Cox Author · @stephenwhq
357 followers · 404 posts · Server mastodon.social

Is this the way to dread R’Lyeh (Tune: Is this the road to Amarillo)


When the Gods are spawning
On a dire and hellish morning
How I long to be there
dread Cthulu taking SAN there

Every drown-ed city
Where I hang my hat
Ain't as half as frightful
As where that god is at

#parody #eldritch #callofcthulu #roleplaying #filk #cheese #ttrpg #existential #dread

Last updated 2 years ago

flag set, purchased from a local game store on , being used for the 1st time to roll up my 1st-ever character.

#nonbinary #dice #smallbusinesssaturday #callofcthulu

Last updated 2 years ago

I kolejne RóżoGranie w Bibliotece za nami.

Poprowadziłem bardzo przyjemną sesyjkę dla badaczek w Zew Cthulh.

Mało rzutów na poczytalność za to dużo kombinowania i szukanania poszlak, typowa sesja detektywistyczna.

Wszyscy się dobrze bawiliśmy więc jak najbardziej udana sobota!

28go grudnia kolejne RóżoGranie w Bibliotece w Kutnie.

#kutno #rgp #callofcthulu #zewcthulu #roleplay #biblioteka

Last updated 2 years ago

newtons_apfel · @newtons_apfel
24 followers · 12 posts · Server mastodon.social

I swear to every higher power there might be, this kind of creepy shit is what @executivegoth was put on this earth for!

Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Crystal Palace


#criticalrole #callofcthulu

Last updated 2 years ago

newtons_apfel · @newtons_apfel
44 followers · 421 posts · Server mastodon.social

I swear to every higher power there might be, this kind of creepy shit is what @executivegoth was put on this earth for!

Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Crystal Palace


#criticalrole #callofcthulu

Last updated 2 years ago

KoshMarkus · @KoshMarkus
2 followers · 32 posts · Server mastodon.ml

Итак, .


Приятели зовут меня Кош.

Мне 27. Я живу в Черногории и работаю техническим дизайнером в крупном мобильном .

Свободно говорю на английском и русском, учу сербский.

Мечтаю стать инди-разработчиком и выпустить свою собственную серьёзную игру, так как очень люблю абсолютно весь и считаю, что довольно хорошо в этой сфере разбираюсь.

Среди любимых игровых франшиз - , но я скорее всего играл в 80% игр, о которых вы знаете. И множество тех, о которых не знаете.

Помимо игр электронных так же имею многолетний опыт вождения и игры в &D, , и многих других.

Мои вкусы к музыке бегают от до , периодически спотыкаясь и застревая на различном .

Последние сериалы, что мне нравились -

Я устал от твиттера и хочу дать мастодону достойный честный шанс. Давайте дружить!

#lucifer #theboys #Arcane #punkrock #billyjoel #rammstein #vampiresthemasquerade #callofcthulu #d #reddeadredemption #gow #legacyofkain #deadspace #gaming #gamedev #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Xe Quin Pasme! · @XeQuinPasme
109 followers · 1347 posts · Server mastodont.cat

L'imminent mostra la seua jugabilitat a la . Recordar que este interessant títol d'investigació al món de , li queden dos mesos per eixir. Al 30 d'octubre. youtube.com/watch?v=ZyXBy6a6Iw

#callofcthulu #gamescom2018 #lovecraft #chaosium

Last updated 6 years ago