@LeviKornelsen hey there! So, I haven't published anything in a bit, but I'm working on writing some things for #Symbaroum and #VaesenRPG
I GM for #FreeLeague at cons and GM professionally on the side. If you've ever wanted to try a #TTRPG out that isn't D&D reach out and I'll be happy to set up a one shot of any of the following:
#symbaroum #VaesenRPG #FreeLeague #ttrpg #AlienRPG #TheOneRing2e #callofcthulurpg #pathfinder2e #mothershiprpg #dungeoncrawlclassics
The #BasicRoleplayingSystem is better than any #DnD system.
#unpopularopinion #basicroleplayingsystem #dnd #callofcthulurpg #runequestrpg #runequest #chaosium
Hey, great to see you on here! I made a group earlier today for Call of Cthulu players (that's the one I've tagged). You can make groups by doing e.g. @pendragon @a.gup.ge (removing the space) and then you can tag it. It's got a wider reach than # such as #BasicRoleplaying #CallOfCthulu and #CallOfCthuluRPG although you should definitely use those!
Anyway! Thanks for the deal!
#basicroleplaying #CallofCthulu #callofcthulurpg