July 28, 2023 - Day 209 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 228

Game: Call of the Sea

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Dec 9, 2020
Library Date: Mar 10, 2023
Unplayed: 140d (4m18d)
Playtime: 5h48m

Call of the Sea is a first-person 3D puzzle game, set on an island near Tahiti, in 1934.

You play as Norah Everhart, a woman trying to unlock the mystery of the disappearance of her husband on an expedition to this remote island.

I bought this game as part of an "International Women's Day" bundle, where all the games have female protagonists. Capitalism will find any excuse for a sale, but in this case, part of the money was going to charity, and I wanted more games with female protagonists, so it felt like a win/win.

This is a wonderful game. The graphics are lush and gorgeous, and the puzzles are mostly of the kind that pushed me just enough that I enjoyed them, but not so much that you need to keep a walkthrough open in a web browser. The kind that are satisfying to solve.

The kind that kept me playing non-stop until I'd completed the game. The last game that hooked me into playing through in a single session was Firewatch, which is one of my all-time favourite games, and Call of the Sea comes close.

The game opens with Norah waking up from an odd dream, in a cabin on a ship, which has just reached its destination.

As Norah looks down at her hands, they're covered in small brown blotches, and her voiceover starts talking about her illness. These blotches are symptoms of her illness, and her husband's expedition to this remote -and possibly cursed- island was an attempt to find a cure.

It's Norah's illness that is at the core of this game. While to say more would involve spoilers, I think if this were just a puzzle game, I'm not sure it would have hooked me. But Norah's story, the mystery of her illness, but a smart & capable woman who refuses to let her illness define her, and whose relationship with her husband appears to be one of equals, drew me in, and as each puzzle solution revealed a little bit more of the story, I just wanted to solve one more puzzle.

The call on Call of the Sea is:

5: Excellent* (see next toot - spoilers)

#callofthesea #firstperson #adventure #puzzle #mystery #femaleprotagonist #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay

Last updated 1 year ago

trinux :verified: · @trinux
92 followers · 743 posts · Server masto.ai

Intenté jugar a . A mi no me va nada los puzzles pesaditos de remirar y remirar por aquí y allí. Y la mecånica del juego es esa desde el minuto cero. La historia no me engancha: una burguesa que va en busca de su marido en una isla perdida (con una maldición, claro). El marido fue allí por una cura para una enfermedad rara de ella. Le suda el papo a ella lo que le han pasado al resto de la expedición. Pegote. Es muy bonito, pero no pienso echar mås de una hora en él.


Last updated 2 years ago

Veltar · @veltar
30 followers · 198 posts · Server piaille.fr

ou de l'excellent qui est sûrement mon jeu "Lovecraft" préféré de tous les jeux recherchés lors de la saison 1.

Vous pouvez retrouver la critique par @Un_Rieur sur le site de The Pixel Post



Last updated 2 years ago

Wintermute · @Neuromancer
237 followers · 1248 posts · Server bonn.social

So, trotz cloudsave war kein Spielstand von mir vorhanden, danke fĂŒr nichts. Also hab ich nochmal von vorne begonnen.
Die RĂ€tsel sind nach wie vor sehr knackig und ich hab bloß eines bisher ohne Hilfe gelöst. DafĂŒr mag ich die easter eggs.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7075 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

In Call of the Sea, you play as Norah, a 1920sish woman on an expedition to Polynesia to rescue her husband, who is on a slightly earlier expedition to Polynesia to find a cure for her disease.

The gameplay consists of tracking the expedition, which seems to litter an endless supply of tents, trunks, crates, and equipment behind it, and piecing together information to overcome obstacles, activate mechanisms, etc. I appreciate that, while there were some headscratchers of the "I have no idea what is expected of me here" and "I'm pretty sure I know what to do, now how do I do it" varieties, the necessary information was always there to be found.

The story is obviously heavily influenced by the lore around Lovecraft's The Shadow over Innsmouth, although with a much more modern and nuanced take on the whole situation.

If you're looking for a chill stroll around a beautiful Pacific island, with some eldritch-flavored puzzles thrown in, Call of the Sea may be for you.

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7075 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

I wonder if video games will ever stop announcing that the end of the game is coming up

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7075 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

I wasted entirely too much time on this puzzle without realizing it was an audio puzzle that I couldn't hear

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7075 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

4 chapters of analyzing every scrap of paper I can find, and suddenly there are documents scattered everywhere that I can't even interact with“

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7075 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

My brain really wants me to verify this, but I'm resisting

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7075 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

Does this count as finding the shotgun?

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7075 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

Maturity is the hallmark of the seasoned archaeologist

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7075 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

Gee, I sure hope there's a note to myself or an audio log around here someplace

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7075 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

Hour three of the video call

Incidentally, Call of the Sea is a first-person exploration/puzzle game where the player assumes the role of a pair of brown leather gloves with an incredibly posh accent

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7075 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

I love to start off with a nice dream sequence

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
206 followers · 7065 posts · Server glitch.taks.garden

I was looking for something engaging but chill to play, and this one was in the humble bundle for international women's day

#callofthesea #gameing

Last updated 2 years ago

Wintermute · @Neuromancer
236 followers · 1196 posts · Server bonn.social

Eben noch angefangen habe ich . Ebenfalls gruselig und sehr cthuloid. Die RĂ€tsel sind an sich zwar nicht schwierig, aber fĂŒr mich schon wieder zuviel. Ungewöhnlich ist auch die eher geruhsame Bewegung in der Ich-Perspektive. Bin gespannt, wie sich das entwickelt.


Last updated 2 years ago

Gaffen · @gaffen
222 followers · 813 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Anyone else tried playing ? It's free on the epic game store for now and thought I'd give it a shot. I noticed it has a weird relationship with the internet. On start up I'm forced to sign into my epic games account. If I refuse to, it doesn't work. If I sign in but them play in offline mode, it still doesn't work. If I start in online mode, start playing, then disconnect from the internet, the audio stops playing. What's going on? Seems very suspicious for a single player game. đŸ‘€đŸ‘€đŸ€”

#callofthesea #privacy #tracking #userdata #games #LiveService

Last updated 2 years ago

24 followers · 289 posts · Server tkz.one

Hace como dos semanas que se me olvida poner los juegos de la , peeroo. Desde hoy y hasta el 16 de marzo, tenéis completamente gratis.


#epicstore #callofthesea

Last updated 2 years ago

Donnerstag ist Update Tag! Was fĂŒr neue Spiele sind am Start? Diese:

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#geforcenow #cloudgaming #hotelrenovator #steam #clashartifactsofchaos #figment2creedvalley #monsterenergysupercrosstheofficialvideogame6 #bigambitions #callofthesea #epic #GridLegends #ea #scarsabove

Last updated 2 years ago

Rock Paper Shotgun · @rockpapershotgun
1530 followers · 22054 posts · Server die-partei.social