Global News BC: Tseshaht First Nation calls on governments, churches to implement 26 Calls for Truth and Justice #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #AlberniIndianresidentialschool #PresbyterianChurchofCanada #IndianResidentialSchool #groundpenetratingradar #unitedchurchofCanada #TseshahtFirstNation #ResidentialSchools #FederalGovernment #CallsforJustice #unmarkedgraves #CallstoAction #Politics #Tseshaht #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #alberniindianresidentialschool #presbyterianchurchofcanada #indianresidentialschool #groundpenetratingradar #unitedchurchofcanada #tseshahtfirstnation #residentialschools #federalgovernment #callsforjustice #unmarkedgraves #callstoaction #politics #tseshaht #Canada
Was delighted to receive & read this newly published alumni magazine from U of Manitoba's Robson Hall #LawSchool - so much good work going on there in meeting #TRC #CallsToAction, in new #ClinicalEducation programs & #LegalResearch
Interested? Read it here:
#lawschool #trc #callstoaction #clinicaleducation #legalresearch