Hi fellow #histodons! Since I’m moving towards mastodon I thought I’d introduce myself properly.
I’m a cultural historian of music and books, with a particular focus on the relationships between music, worship, and identities in times of upheaval.
My current Marie Skłodowska-Curie project investigates how musical saints’ cults connected Lutherans and Catholics despite the rupture of the #Reformation.
Other research areas include #MusicPrinting, #MusicalBookHistory, #BookHistory, #CounterReformation #Ecumenicism, #CulturalHeritage, the musical lives of #Beguines, and … #CallTheMidwife (#nuntastic).
Looking forward to connecting with other @bookhistodons, @histodons, @bookstodon!
#histodons #Reformation #musicprinting #musicalbookhistory #bookhistory #counterreformation #ecumenicism #culturalheritage #beguines #callthemidwife #nuntastic
I'm watching Call the Midwife, a period drama about midwifery in 1950s England, and theres an episode where a pregnant woman has super bad nausea. Toward the end, shes given this miracle antiemetic and all the storylines have somewhat happy endings AND THEN
woman: all the women will be beating down your door for this stuff. whats it called again?
dr: well, this drug is called Distival, but the active drug is thalidiomide
#nonono #thalidomide #stop #callthemidwife
Call the Midwife 10x02 "Episode 2" ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/call-the-midwife/seasons/10/episodes/2 #CallTheMidwife #trakt
Call the Midwife ★★★★★★★★★☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/call-the-midwife #CallTheMidwife #trakt
Imagine getting up every morning for the sole reason of helping others. Just and idle thought. #CallTheMidwife #PBS
Sometimes, the Fates decree we should start our lives afresh. We must forgive where we condemned and seek to mend the things we shattered. Nothing may ever be perfect again, but there is always beauty somewhere. Hold it close, breathe it in, in case it cannot stay. The heart will always find its place. Some call it home. Some call it friendship. If we’re lucky, we can call it love. And love is a process of lifelong learning. A lesson in where we belong and what defines us. An education in the things we can never measure, a page forever fresh, and waiting to be turned. ~ Call the Midwife Season 12, Episode 6
#CallTheMidwife #MidwifePBS
Young man growing up too soon with too much responsibility. Strength. #CallTheMidwife #PBS
Oh, my. The problems the midwives and doctors are presented with. Doesn’t matter the decade. #CallTheMidwife #PBS
I love how the young doctor-to-be is learning his healthcare craft from the poor up. #CallTheMidwife #PBS
The family is where we are forged and where we come to heal. It is where we can fly back to. It is our magnetic north. The family is the sum of all important things — the sweet, the bitter, the fragile, and the strong. Measured by time together, not defined by days apart. ~ Call the Midwife Season 12, Episode 4
#CallTheMidwife #MidwifePBS
#CallTheMidwife: The young doctor-to-be is getting some seriously good OJT in the episode. #PBS
Once we start to grow, nothing is ever entirely innocent or easy. And the best things in life are not gifts, but earned and even fought for. Love deepens, respect blooms. We share more than we keep, grow more than we reap or spend. Loss is endured, and the heart learns to be steadfast. There is strength in all of this. And piece by piece we are made whole. ~ Call the Midwife Season 12, Episode 3
#CallTheMidwife #MidwifePBS
Sweet dreams are an ideal preface to the dawn. We can begin in sunshine and with purpose. We can draw from a well filled with rest and possibility. Nothing has been started, nothing has been spent, if we’re lucky. Each day dawns blank, a sheet of paper waiting for our story. We start to create it the moment that we wake. ~ Call the Midwife, Season 12. Episode 2.
#CallTheMidwife #MidwifePBS
TV TONIGHT (March 26)
#Succession #Yellowjackets #HouseBroken #TheWayHome #Ride #GodfatherOfHarlem #GreatExpectations #RabbitHole #SearchingForMexico #SeekingBrotherHusband #AmericanIdol #TheEqualizer #LuckyHank #CallTheMidwife #NakedAndAfraid
#nakedandafraid #callthemidwife #luckyhank #theequalizer #americanidol #seekingbrotherhusband #searchingformexico #rabbithole #GreatExpectations #godfatherofharlem #ride #thewayhome #housebroken #yellowjackets #succession
Heute neu: Staffel 9 von Call the Midwife beim Sony Channel #CallTheMidwife #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#PlayByDay #HeuteNeu #callthemidwife