Lines are closed! ☎️
Thank you to the listeners and callers!
See you on *Sunday* for the next Frank-O-Phone ❤️
#ShareYourStory #CallUs #YourVoiceYourShow
#Callin #OpenLine #Owncast #Streaming #Stream #Mastodon #FrankOPhone #Fediverse #SupportSmallStreamers #streamer
#streamer #supportsmallstreamers #Fediverse #frankophone #Mastodon #Stream #Streaming #OwnCast #openline #callin #yourvoiceyourshow #callus #shareyourstory
The call in show for the Fediverse is starting!
☎️ Call us with your stories: we want to know about you, your dreams, your thoughts or your best joke!
#ShareYourStory #CallUs #YourVoiceYourShow
#Callin #OpenLine #Owncast #Streaming #Stream #Mastodon #FrankOPhone #Fediverse #SupportSmallStreamers
#supportsmallstreamers #Fediverse #frankophone #Mastodon #Stream #Streaming #OwnCast #openline #callin #yourvoiceyourshow #callus #shareyourstory
Hey friends! 🎧
A quick heads-up - #FrankOPhone is back on air today. Don't forget to tune in at 18:00 UTC (20:00 CEST, 1PM US Central).🕕
We all have cool stuff to talk about, right?
📞 So give us a ring, share what's on your mind, or just enjoy the show. It's all about fun chats, great music and hanging out together.
Can't wait to chat with you!
#ShareYourStory #CallUs #YourVoiceYourShow
#Callin #OpenLine #Owncast #Streaming #Stream #Mastodon #FrankOPhone #Fediverse #SupportSmallStreamers
#supportsmallstreamers #Fediverse #Mastodon #Stream #Streaming #OwnCast #openline #callin #yourvoiceyourshow #callus #shareyourstory #frankophone
Everything's coming up🌹🌹🌹
Check out our latest #JIPB cover, featuring Wang et al. and their powerful toolbox for functional #genomics and #molecular #breeding in #roses.
#JIPB #PlantScience #CRISPR #sgRNA #Agrobacterium #callus
#JIPB #genomics #molecular #breeding #roses #plantscience #crispr #sgrna #agrobacterium #callus
Kotaku: 7 New Destiny 2 Exotics Coming In Lightfall #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #firstpersonshooters #creativeworks #windowsgames #quicksilver #videogaming #videogames #destiny #strand #facade #callus #bungie #halo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #firstpersonshooters #creativeworks #windowsgames #quicksilver #videogaming #videogames #destiny #strand #facade #callus #bungie #halo
MIDWINTER MAYHEM Streaming Schedule - all #ttrpg streams start at 20:00 UTC
Monday - Vaesen - Nordic folk horror with the Spooky Master that is Johny! #freeleaguepublishing
(On Holidays 26th and 2nd)
Wednesdays - Throne of Thorns; The Witch Hammer - Symbaroum (also Free League)
(on Holidays 28th)
Thursday - TBC
Next One Shot: very soon - Alien (Once again Free League #notsponsored #callus); The next instalment in our christmas tradition of festive xenomorph terror one-shots.
#ttrpg #FreeLeaguePublishing #notsponsored #callus
Early Winter Schedule - all #ttrpg streams start at 20:00 UTC
Monday - Vaesen - Nordic folk horror with the Spooky Master that is Johny! #freeleaguepublishing
Wednesdays - Throne of Thorns; The Witch Hammer - Symbaroum (also Free League)
Thursday - TBC
Next One Shot: Early December - Alien (Once again Free League #notsponsored #callus); The next instalment in our christmas tradition of festive xenomorph terror one-shots.
#ttrpg #FreeLeaguePublishing #notsponsored #callus
@CarBlanez33 and I host Hog Story! On Monday night we hosted a new episode we called, Pain Tomato. We listened to your voicemails and took your calls, all while talking about things that aren't televised sports. The episode is available now, in case you missed the live stream. Apologies for the delay
Jokes on the ground
#podcast #hogstory #inthesmoker #V4V #comedy #leisure #CallUs #sports #television #laughter #cameratricks #boost #podcasting2point0 #gopodcasting
#podcast #hogstory #inthesmoker #v4v #comedy #leisure #callus #sports #television #laughter #cameratricks #boost #podcasting2point0 #gopodcasting