Did you guys update your Android contacts app yet?
Sucks to be you. I'm going #analog.
#PKM #Contacts #DialUp #OffGrid #PhoneMe #SharpenYourPencil #Alphabetical #CallYourMom
#analog #pkm #contacts #dialup #offgrid #phoneme #sharpenyourpencil #alphabetical #callyourmom
I woke up to extremely stressful news of a family medical emergency and received news just now that all is fixed and signs are all good. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go hug my wife for a bit and then pour a tall glass of something alcoholic. #callyourmom
Spent 18hrs in the kitchen the last two days. I clearly didn’t thank my mom enough for all the love, hours of labor and the amazing meals. #callyourmom