This article was published in Nature magazine, and highlights breakthrough research that uses the fibers in the Digital 395 project (California Broadband Cooperative) to detect, measure and report in real time, earthquakes anywhere along its 600-mile length from Barstow, CA to Reno, NV. It’s a remarkable innovation that was spearheaded by scientists at Caltech, who asked the head of CBC, Michael Ort, if they could use dark fibers for their experiments after the Ridgecrest earthquake a few years back.
Here’s the link to the published article in Nature: #owensvalley #bishopcalifornia #bishop #sierranevada #digital395 #nature #naturemagazine #caltech
#owensvalley #bishopcalifornia #bishop #sierranevada #digital395 #nature #naturemagazine #caltech
Greetings from California! 🇺🇸
PhD student Alice Orme is spending her #IMPRS research stay at the Geological and Planetary Sciences division of #CalTech. She's hosted by John Eiler & Alex Sessions to learn how to analyze position-specific #isotopes using #Orbitrap👩🔬.
#imprs #caltech #isotopes #orbitrap #imprsabroad
A nice drive of ~44 meters for Curiosity on Sol 3880 brings the rover a little closer to a cluster of impact craters. Post drive images, a map and the drive data is attached.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
#CuriosityRover #MSL #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #Science #JPL #Caltech #map #data
#curiosityrover #msl #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science #jpl #caltech #map #data
Two images of one of Curiosity Rover's wheels acquired 13 months apart. These show that the wheel wear has slowed dramatically.
#CuriosityRover #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #Science #JPL #Caltech #wheels #keeptrucking
#curiosityrover #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science #jpl #caltech #wheels #keeptrucking
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Loops in 4+1d topological phases
Xie Chen, Arpit Dua, Po-Shen Hsin, Chao-Ming Jian, Wilbur Shirley, Cenke Xu
SciPost Phys. 15, 001 (2023)
#SimonsFoundation #DOE
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #caltech #WalterBurkeInstituteforTheoreticalPhysics #Mani_L #cu #IAS #UCSB #NSF #SimonsFoundation #doe
How LIGO Discovered Gravity Waves
LIGO is back online with upgrades. And it's being enhanced by a network of pulsars.
#ScienceTechnology #SpaceExploration #BlackHoles #Caltech #cosmology #gravity #GravityWaves #interferometer #KipThorne #LIGO #NobelPrize #observatory
#sciencetechnology #spaceexploration #blackholes #caltech #cosmology #gravity #gravitywaves #interferometer #kipthorne #ligo #nobelprize #observatory
No holiday for Perseverance Rover in Jezero crater
Drive on Sol 843 to site 41/0, July 4th 2023.
Looks like they're setting up for a little contact science (L-NavCam)
Mars2020 #PerseveranceRover #SamplingMars #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #Science #JPL #Caltech
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
#perseverancerover #SamplingMars #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science #jpl #caltech
Six Years ago Curiosity Mars Rover checked its wheels. Here's one of the hand-lens images, it just happened to capture the Murray Buttes in the background. The rover is scheduled to have another wheel check soon.
Image processed, rotated and cropped.
Image credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
#CuriosityRover #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #Science #JPL #Caltech #Wheels #Driving
#curiosityrover #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science #jpl #caltech #wheels #driving
#BBC 📆 2021 In 📆 1992, two #astronomers 🔭 discovered the #KuiperBelt. In 📆 2016, two professors of #PlanetaryScience at #Caltech proposed a massive #planet 🪐, between five and 10 times the size of Earth 🌏.
"At the moment the only game in town for finding #PlanetNine is the Subaru Telescope 🔭" 🗺️
The Vera Rubin #Observatory 🔭 will start searching for long period #comets ☄️ coming from the #OortCloud when it is completed 📆 2023. 🗺️
#OortCloud #comet up to 230 miles wide, traveling 1 #AU per year passing by in 📆 2031 “#Comets ☄️are like #cats, you never know what they’re going to do.”
Pictures : :cc_zero:, Halley's #comet :ccby:
#bbc #astronomers #kuiperbelt #planetaryscience #caltech #planet #planetnine #observatory #comets #oortcloud #Comet #au #cats
Up! Up! And Finally... Over! Curiosity Rover mission update for Sols 3873-3875. Written by Catherine O'Connell-Cooper, Planetary Geologist at University of New Brunswick
#CuriosityRover #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #Science #JPL #Caltech
#curiosityrover #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science #jpl #caltech
Gravity Waves Rock The Galaxy
Scientists report evidence that the whole universe around us is awash in the quiet background vibration of gravitational waves.
#ScienceTechnology #SpaceExploration #BlackHole #Caltech #gravity #GravityWaves #LIGO #nanograv #NASA #pulsar #spacetime #telescope
#gravitywaves #ligo #nanograv #nasa #pulsar #spacetime #telescope #sciencetechnology #spaceexploration #blackhole #caltech #gravity
Space solar power could be the future of renewable energy. It involves capturing sunlight in orbit and beaming it down to Earth. A new test by Caltech has achieved a record-breaking efficiency of 85%.
#spacesolarpower #renewableenergy #caltech
Guy found and resurrected an HP 9836C ; the #caltech undergrad CS lab through the end of the 80’s was a dozen or so of these “chipmunks” running deeply customized software. Other labs for higher level classes used them for home-built VLSI (and analog VLSI!) packages for even longer. Deeply funky system, still kinda wish I had the scroll wheel, where I learned to program in Pascal and I will love this machine forever. #retrocomputing
Curiosity Rover Captures Martian Morning, Afternoon in New "Postcard"
Search over 1,500 astronomy and space news releases at
#astronomy #space #science #news #stargazing #NASA #Mars #JPL #Caltech
Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech
#astronomy #space #science #news #stargazing #nasa #mars #jpl #caltech
@65dBnoise @tom30519 @stim3on
We have a core in sample tube #254 on Sol 822 :) Wooo Hooo
#PerseveranceRover #SamplingMars #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #Science #JPL #Caltech #MarsSampleReturn
#perseverancerover #SamplingMars #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science #jpl #caltech #marssamplereturn
Space based solar power demonstrator works!
#spacesolarpower #space #caltech
New Satellite Successfully Beams Power From Space #spacesolarpowerdemonstrator #spacesolarpowerproject #spacebasedsolarpower #solarpower #astronomy #featured #caltech #sbsp #sspd #sspp
#spacesolarpowerdemonstrator #spacesolarpowerproject #spacebasedsolarpower #solarpower #astronomy #featured #caltech #SBSP #sspd #sspp
Mars Is Hard:
Mars Guy - Episode 114:
Sending a rover to Mars to do geologic fieldwork inevitably leads to frustration. Collecting a rock sample is one of the simplest things a geologist does on Earth. But a second attempt last week shows how hard it is to do on Mars.
#PerseveranceRover #SamplingMars #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #Science #JPL #Caltech #MarsSampleReturn
#perseverancerover #SamplingMars #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science #jpl #caltech #marssamplereturn
Was für eine #Scheißangst müssen die #Stromkonzerne haben, daß sie immer absurdere/fragilere #Szenarien ersinnen, um die #Stromproduktion NICHT in die Hände der #Konsumenten geraten zu lassen.
#weltraumgestutztesolaranergie #solarenergie #satellit #sspd #experimentalsatellit #energiewende #energie #caltech #verpasstodon
#verpasstodon #caltech #energie #energiewende #experimentalsatellit #sspd #satellit #solarenergie #weltraumgestutztesolaranergie #balkonkraftwerke #konsumenten #stromproduktion #szenarien #stromkonzerne #scheißangst