Neat! #Caltrain's new electric fleet.
"Set to come online for passengers in fall 2024...Electric service will run down the spine of Silicon Valley — 51 miles from #SanFrancisco to #SanJose’s Tamien Station. The #trains are manufactured by Stadler."
#caltrain #sanfrancisco #sanjose #trains
#Caltrain is having problems since a powerline and multiple trees fall into their rails.
Please take this into consideration on your commute to/from San Francisco, CA.
Bay Area transit has its warts, but when it works, it WORKS.
I can get from SF to my local #CalTrain station in 30 minutes flat; 15 minutes of walking gets me home.
Of course, getting the timing right is hard (misses are costly) and the geography is a little limited. But, I prefer it even to an Uber in the good case.
@SER617 hey #BART, #Caltrain, #SFMuni, #ACTransit, #VTA, and #SAMTrans, I’m looking at you. #PublicTransit for the Bay!
#bart #caltrain #SFMuni #actransit #vta #SamTrans #publictransit
#USA: Bay Area commuter rail operator #Caltrain has been allocated a further $43m in federal funding for its ongoing electrification programme
#USA: ‘#SiliconValley’s #train needs wi-fi’, said #Caltrain Executive Director Michelle Bouchard when the San Francisco to San Jose commuter operator awarded #NomadDigital a contract to provide digital connectivity for the 19 double-deck electric multiple-units being supplied by Stadler
#usa #siliconvalley #train #caltrain #nomaddigital
Of course someone made a #Marey chart of the #Caltrain schedule: #train #timetable
#marey #caltrain #train #timetable
WiFi on #caltrain!
@TheChrisGlass I fully expect that some government/corporate/compliance office will stridently require the paper card and won't accept the digital cards.
Just like certain transit agencies promoted their mobile app for purchasing fares and then the onboard fare-checkers refused to accept it (cough #caltrain cough).
“The operating culture needs to change: it's not enough to buy Swiss trains; you need to actually run them like the Swiss.” #caltrain #BayArea #trains
Lovely windows error dialog spotted on a #Caltrain ticket machine this morning. I especially love how they are using a batch file for something. Stay old school.