RIVCO: EB I-10 closed at Dillon Rd in Indio due to police activity. Unknown duration of reopening. Delay travel if able. #Caltrans8
RIVCO: SB -15 at Nichols Rd. near Lake Elsinore. Traffic incident. All Southbound lanes are closed. Unknown duration of clear. #Caltrans8
RIV: SR-243 Emergency Pavement Operation in Idyllwild will now begin in July. Hours will be M-F 6am to 4pm. One way traffic with flagging to be expected. Watch for details and dates to come. #Caltrans8 conta.cc/44CuBsn
RIV: SR-79 Median barrier and rumble strips project continues with outside lane and shoulder closures, each direction - Gilman Springs Rd. to Ramona Expressway. M-F from 7pm to 5am. #Caltrans8 conta.cc/44jcuYi
RIV: SR-111 work continues from Gateway Dr. to Lawrence Crossley Rd. at various locations. One lane to remain open in both directions at all times. See alert for details and list of closures. #Caltrans8 conta.cc/44gYkXn
RIVCO: Weeknight Closures Continue‼️ I-215, SR-60, & SR-91 Riverside County at various locations. 6/26 to 7/1 between 8:00 pm and 5:00 am. Plan your route to avoid delays 🚗 ‼️ @cityofMoval @riversidecagov #Caltrans8
SBCO: US-95 paving will continue near Needles. Traffic control may be in place on the 95 from the I-40 to just north of S. Cal Gas Pipe Line Rd., M-F from 6am to 2:30pm. Use caution. #Caltrans8 conta.cc/3NpUO6t
SBCO: SR-60 in Ontario continues with daytime work June 26 to June 30 , from 7am to 3:30 pm. Work will continue on the EB 60 near Haven. Plan your route to avoid delays 🚗‼️ @cityofontario #Caltrans8
RIVCO: Heads up @riversidecagov drivers! SB I-215 nightly lane and ramp closures are scheduled this weekend (Saturday 6/24 and Sunday 6/25) to complete emergency asphalt repairs. Plan your route to avoid delays! 👀#Caltrans8
SBCO: SR-18 at Cushenberry Creek near Lucerne. Traffic incident blocking Upbound lane. Unknown duration of clear. #Caltrans8
RIV: Bridge upgrades coming in July to various locations throughout Riverside County. Watch for upcoming details. See alert for sign up link to receive project alerts. #Caltrans8 conta.cc/3Jkslxw
RIVCO: (6/19-6/22) SR-74 weeknight closures continue Mon - Thurs this week. Drivers plan your route! A 55-Hr FULL weekend route closure will follow from Friday through Monday (6/23-6/26). Weeknight info. below! #Caltrans8 conta.cc/3p8ljVQ
RIVCO: A SR-74 (Ortega Hwy) 55-Hr FULL weekend closure is happening this Friday (6/23) through Monday (6/26)! 🛣 Drivers plan your route to avoid delays! Crews will be performing work at various locations along the route. Read more below! #Caltrans8 conta.cc/46nRsJQ
RIV: SR-78 near Blythe continues pavement resurfacing M-F from 7am to 5pm. Expect one-way traffic control with flaggers and escort vehicles to be in place from the RIV/Imperial Co. line up to the I-10. Plan ahead & expect delays. #Caltrans8 #Blythe conta.cc/3qNQwhB
RIV: I-10 Pavement rehab near Desert Center continues. June 19 - 29, the WB on and off ramps will be closed at Corn Springs Rd. Plan ahead. WB lanes closures also in effect. Hours are M-F / 5am to 5pm. Use caution in all construction zones. #Caltrans8 htt
SBCO: I-215 weeknight FULL freeway closures next week Mon - Fri in Colton, NB and SB between I-10 and Washington St. Including I-10/I-215 Connectors. Drivers plan your route to avoid delays! More info. below ⬇️ #Caltrans8 #ColtonWashingtonStreetBridge htt
#caltrans8 #coltonwashingtonstreetbridge
SBCO: SR-60 in Ontario continues with daytime work June 19 to June 23 , from 7am to 3pm. Work will continue on the EB 60 sound wall near Haven Onramp Minimal impact to the public! 🙂 #Caltrans8
SBCO: US-95 Pavement Ops continues this weekend with striping operations on Sat from 6am to 2:30 pm and tentatively on Sunday from 6am to 2:30pm. One way traffic control will remain in place during striping. Use caution. #Caltrans8 conta.cc/3PhVNYN
RIV: SR-111 from Gateway Dr. to Lawrence Crossley Rd. We are getting close! We thank you for your patience! Daily closures continue, M-F / 6am - 2pm. One lane to remain open at all times. See alert for details. #Caltrans8 #Palmsprings conta.cc/3qRtc2a
SBCO: SR-18 closed in both directions at Baldwin Lake to Mitsubishi Plant (Big Bear/Lucerne) due to traffic incident. Unknown duration of reopening. #Caltrans8