I know I’m about 37 years behind, but I’m just now reading John Piper’s “Desiring God.” I’m now looking for a good response. Can anyone recommend a thoughtful counterpoint or rebuttal?
#religion #JohnPiper #Calvinist #Mennonite #Anabaptist #ChristianHedonism
#religion #johnpiper #calvinist #mennonite #anabaptist #christianhedonism
@pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan
I'm actually not crazy about that line of reasoning.
I mean, something good may very well come out of evil tidings (or so we'd hope), but that doesn't mean the evil tidings came about FOR the sake of those good things.
That would just be creepy.
Obviously, I'm not a #Calvinist.
Tim Keller, helped launch Crossbridge Church, dies at 72 :
Keller was passionate about evangelizing to people in cities, and his ministry would go on to help start 1,000 churches in 150 other cities around the world.
#bestseller #Brickell #Calvinist #Crossbridge #FelipeAssis #KeyBiscayne #Miami #NewYorkTimes #PCA #Pinecrest #PresbyterianChurchinAmerica #Protestant #theology #TimKeller #TimothyKeller
#bestseller #brickell #calvinist #crossbridge #felipeassis #keybiscayne #miami #newyorktimes #PCA #pinecrest #presbyterianchurchinamerica #protestant #theology #timkeller #timothykeller
I'm currently #reading An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States and it seems pretty much everything that is going on in the #US can be explained by what's in that #book
I'm learning about its #Calvinist heritage, the #ScotsIrish, how #colonialism relates to #WitchTrials, how #WhiteSupremacy has roots in #Christian theology.
And, of course, all of this is part of #UK #History.
It's an insightful book.
#history #uk #christian #whitesupremacy #Witchtrials #colonialism #scotsirish #calvinist #book #us #reading
Listening to the Leaving Eden podcast on Calvinism, and I *hate* that I was never technically a Calvinist, but I can still argue the fine points of several Calvinist doctrinal points that they’re explaining wrong. 🤦♀️ #exvangelical #Calvinism #calvinist #YoungRestlessReformedRejected
#exvangelical #calvinism #calvinist #youngrestlessreformedrejected
First New Year's Day as a monergist. I'm enjoying not making any resolutions. #Reformed #Calvinist
"[H]ow can genuine community self-governance work at the scale of a global #SocialNetwork? We believe that it is time to embrace the old idea of #subsidiarity, which dates back to early #Calvinist #theology and #Catholic social teaching... in a large and interconnected system, people in a #local #community should have the power to address their own problems" #mastodon #fediverse
#fediverse #mastodon #community #local #catholic #theology #calvinist #subsidiarity #socialnetwork
6 Nov 1611: Robert Le Maçon/La Fointaine minister of the #French & #Walloon refugee church #London buried in St Anne Blackfriars #otd
He produced a catechism in #French & #English for his congregation and was a diplomat in #European #Calvinist circles (eebo)
#calvinist #european #english #otd #london #walloon #french
A politician in #Germany, an immigrant from Turkey and adherent of Islam, wants a ban on alcohol in all pubs and bars throughout #Berlin. I find it laughable, but with the pandemic hysteria and the love of power, who knows? My strict #Calvinist great-grandmother would be proud. https://www.rbb24.de/politik/thema/2020/coronavirus/beitraege_neu/2020/08/berlin-dilek-kalayci-alkoholverbot-kneipen-bars-hygieneregeln.html
My #mother would sneak out of the house on Sundays to go #rollerskating. #Grandma was a strict #Calvinist & wouldn't allow it. But Dad, my #grandpa, gave her a wink & a nod. I think she also undertook #iceskating during the winters. http://www.kdlt.com/2018/02/17/watertown-residents-make-an-ice-rink-on-lake-kampeska/ #WatertownSD #SouthDakota
#watertownsd #southdakota #mother #rollerskating #grandma #calvinist #grandpa #iceskating