"Let battle commence: Vestager and Calviño face off for top EU banking job"
The Tax Lady and Paris' Poodle compete to run the European Investment Bank.
Interesting discussion on the RPG cauldron about finding #ttrpg inspiration in the works of Italo #Calvino https://discourse.rpgcauldron.com/t/read-italo-calvino/1200
Toqué je suis d'Italo Calvino , donc, j'viens de m'offrir "Le baron perché", version italienne, "Il barone rampante". Et...je ne parle pas un traître mot d'italien ! 🤪 Ça va être duraille , mais j'vais m'accrocher !
#mastolivre #lecture #littérature #Calvino
#mastolivre #lecture #litterature #calvino
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Una mirada que dice adiós a un mundo amado, Natalia Ginzburg.
Poco a poco desaparecieron de sus libros los paisajes verdes y frondosos, las nieves relumbrantes, la intensa luz del día. En su escritura surgió una luz diferente, una luz ya no radiante sino blan…
#creacion #literatura #calvino #ginzburg
Mon amour pour Italo Calvino,m'a conduit à lire c'te nuit ce court texte d'Gonçalo M.Tavares,"Monsieur Calvino et la promenade". Très beau texte hommage et dans la veine de l'auteur de "Monsieur Palomar". Ce texte s'inscrit chez Tavares dans un tout : O Bairro - Le Quartier où l'on retrouve Pina Bausch, Breton,Krauss... autant de bouquins que je vais m'empresser de lire !!
Traduit du portugais par Dominique Nédellec.
Éditions Viviane Hamy
#mastolivre #lecture #littérature #Calvino
#mastolivre #lecture #litterature #calvino
Italo #Calvino aurait 100 ans !
Mon préféré bien sûr, Le baron perché
Un souvenir très clair, La journée d'un scrutateur
Marcovaldo ou Les saisons en ville, tristesse étrange
"Without translation, I would be limited to the borders of my own country. The translator is my most important ally. He introduces me to the world."
reading Italo Calvino's "Time and the hunter" from 1967, about my tenth read of this book, one can just disappear into it, love #calvino #books, I have an odd aversion to paperbacks, this is the only one I own due to not being able to get a hard cover copy many years ago
From the Observer;
"Only a scientist would be able to judge the ecological accuracy of such a vision, but no one could fail to be impressed by what one might reasonably, given Calvino's simple eloquence, call it's poetic truth"
50 years ago, Italo Calvino published his masterpiece "Invisible Cities." In a professional, inspiring, and collegial work, Benjamin Linder edited a book celebrating this jubilee, and I'm happy to be included in this celebration with a chapter titled "Invisible Smart Cities" that offers a reading of Italo Calvino's "Invisible Cities" as a potential inspiration and warning for smart city stakeholders.
(feel free to DM me for a copy)
#smartcity #smartcities #urban #calvino
#smartcity #smartcities #urban #calvino
Here are some things about me that are important but aren’t in my profile, so folks can decide to follow (or abandon!):
#literature #modernism #suprematism #bolano #mann #radiohead #classicalmusic #jazz #baseball #nyknicks #opera #calvino #russianlit #zappa #activism #diy #culture #raymondwilliams #charliebrown #leguin #butler #calvino #thetempest
I saw this posted by someone else who noted it was a good way to help us find new people and I agree. We could all do it!
#literature #modernism #Suprematism #bolano #mann #radiohead #classicalmusic #jazz #baseball #nyknicks #opera #calvino #RussianLit #zappa #activism #diy #culture #raymondwilliams #charliebrown #leguin #Butler #thetempest
Here are some things about me that are important but aren’t in my profile, so folks can decide to follow (or abandon!):
#literature #modernism #suprematism #bolano #mann #radiohead #classicalmusic #jazz #baseball #nyknicks #opera #calvino #russianlit #zappa #activism #diy #culture #raymondwilliams #charliebrown #leguin #butler #calvino #thetempest
I saw this posted by someone else who noted it was a good way to help us find new people and I agree. We could all do it!
#literature #modernism #Suprematism #bolano #mann #radiohead #classicalmusic #jazz #baseball #nyknicks #opera #calvino #RussianLit #zappa #activism #diy #culture #raymondwilliams #charliebrown #leguin #Butler #thetempest