This is me being a smartass, sending an AprsThursday message six days late to the station which was Net Control for last Friday's net.
#APRSthursday #HamRadio #fedifridaywinlinknet #camelcaseyourhashtags
My favorite vegetable of all time, brings back wonderful memories whenever I make it of my grandma. Although her cooking method was very different 😊 #okra #vegan #VeganMeals #VeganRecipes #HomeCooking #Veganuary2023 #Veganuary #CamelCase #CamelCaseYourHashTags
#okra #vegan #veganmeals #veganrecipes #homecooking #veganuary2023 #veganuary #CamelCase #camelcaseyourhashtags
Reminder to all you wonderful new #ThickTrunkTuesday posters.
Not only is it anti-dickish to write descriptive alt text for your pics (and I see some lovely, wonderfully non-dickish examples), it's also ultra anti-dickish to #CamelCaseYourHashtags for the exact and precise same reason you've added alt text: to not be a dick to people who use screen readers.
#thicktrunktuesday #camelcaseyourhashtags
"—urban fey weirdos and punk rockers and fabulous parties and excess and street people and bacchanalia—" http://thecityofroses.com/book #CityOfRoses #UrbanFantasy #books #webserial #IncantatoryFantastic #CamelCaseYourHashtags
#camelcaseyourhashtags #IncantatoryFantastic #webserial #books #urbanfantasy #cityofroses
#CamelCaseYourHashtags : reasonable, costless mark of 👐saintly conscience👐, or 🔥obvious abomination🔥 unfit to walk atop the soil of the mortal world?☣️🤢🤮💀
I can tell you: I do it so I can scan what I'm looking at again later. 👁️🗨️ #squintsquintsquint #oldpeopleproblems #youmisreadedthisibet #madeyoulook #whoslaughingnow #hashtags #lovebuthate
Hope my #selfish habit helps you too.
#enlightened #self #Interest
#courtesy #civility #clarity
#camelcaseyourhashtags #squintsquintsquint #oldpeopleproblems #youmisreadedthisibet #madeyoulook #whoslaughingnow #hashtags #lovebuthate #selfish #enlightened #self #Interest #thankyoupastself #courtesy #civility #clarity #bewhatyouwanttosee
#CamelCaseYourHashtags : reasonable, costless mark of 👐saintly conscience👐, or 🔥clear abomination🔥 unfit to walk atop the soil of the mortal world?☣️🤢🤮💀
I can tell you I do it so I can know what I'm looking at again later. 👁️🗨️ #squintsquintsquint #oldpeopleproblems #youmisreadedthisibet #madeyoulook #whoslaughingnow #hashtags #lovebuthate
Hope my #selfish habit helps you too.
#enlightened #self #Interest
#courtesy #civility #clarity
#camelcaseyourhashtags #squintsquintsquint #oldpeopleproblems #youmisreadedthisibet #madeyoulook #whoslaughingnow #hashtags #lovebuthate #selfish #enlightened #self #Interest #thankyoupastself #courtesy #civility #clarity #bewhatyouwanttosee
#CamelCaseYourHashtags : reasonable, costless mark of 👐saintly conscience👐, or 🔥clear abomination🔥 unfit to walk atop the soil of the mortal world?☣️🤢🤮💀
I can tell you 👁️🗨️ I do it so I can know what I'm looking at again later. #squintsquintsquint #oldpeopleproblems #youmisreadedthisibet #madeyoulook #whoslaughingnow #hashtags #kinda #suck
Hope my #selfish habit helps you too.
#enlightened #self #Interest
#courtesy #civility #clarity
#camelcaseyourhashtags #squintsquintsquint #oldpeopleproblems #youmisreadedthisibet #madeyoulook #whoslaughingnow #hashtags #kinda #suck #selfish #enlightened #self #Interest #thankyoupastself #courtesy #civility #clarity #bewhatyouwanttosee
#CamelCaseYourHashtags : reasonable, costless mark of 👐saintly conscience👐, or 🔥clear abomination🔥 unfit to walk atop the soil of the mortal world?☣️🤢🤮💀
I can tell you 👁️🗨️ I do it so I can read it again quickly later for typos. #squintsquintsquint #oldpeopleproblems #youmisreadedthisibet #madeyoulook #whoslaughingnow #youandmeboth #hashtags #kinda #suck
Hope it helps you too.
#enlightened #self #Interest
#courtesy #civility #clarity
#camelcaseyourhashtags #squintsquintsquint #oldpeopleproblems #youmisreadedthisibet #madeyoulook #whoslaughingnow #youandmeboth #hashtags #kinda #suck #enlightened #self #Interest #thankyoupastself #courtesy #civility #clarity #bewhatyouwanttosee
#CamelCaseYourHashtags : reasonable, costless mark of saintly conscience, or abomination unfit to walk atop the soil of the mortal world?
I don't care. I do it so 👁️🗨️ I 👁️🗨️ can read it. If not now then later. #squintquint #oldpeopleproblems #youmisreadedthisibet #madeyoulook #whoslaughingnow
Hope it helps you too.
#enlightened #self #Interest
#courtesy #civility #clarity
#camelcaseyourhashtags #squintquint #oldpeopleproblems #youmisreadedthisibet #madeyoulook #whoslaughingnow #enlightened #self #Interest #thankyoupastself #courtesy #civility #clarity #bewhatyouwanttosee
#CamelCaseYourHashtags : reasonable, costless mark of saintly conscience, or abomination unfit to walk atop the soil of the mortal world?
I don't care. I do it so 👁️🗨️ I 👁️🗨️ can read it. If not now then later. #squintquint #oldpeopleproblems #seewhatimeanyoungster #whoslaughingnow
Hope it helps you too.
#enlightened #self #Interest
#courtesy #civility #clarity
#camelcaseyourhashtags #squintquint #oldpeopleproblems #seewhatimeanyoungster #whoslaughingnow #enlightened #self #Interest #thankyoupastself #courtesy #civility #clarity #bewhatyouwanttosee
#CamelCaseYourHashtags : reasonable, costless mark of good conscience, or abomination unfit to walk atop the soil of the world of Humankind?
I don't care. I do it so 👁️🗨️ I 👁️🗨️ can read it. If not now then later. #squintquint #oldpeopleproblems #seewhatimeanyoungster #whoslaughingnow
Hope it helps you too.
#enlightened #self #Interest
#courtesy #civility #clarity
#camelcaseyourhashtags #squintquint #oldpeopleproblems #seewhatimeanyoungster #whoslaughingnow #enlightened #self #Interest #thankyoupastself #courtesy #civility #clarity #bewhatyouwanttosee
#CamelCaseYourHashtags : reasonable, costless mark of good conscience, or abomination unfit to walk atop the soil of the world of Humankind?
I don't care. I do it so 👁️🗨️ I 👁️🗨️ can read it. If not now then later. #squintSquint #oldpeopleproblems
Hope it helps you too. #enlightened #self #Interest #courtesy #beWhatYouWantToSee
#camelcaseyourhashtags #squintsquint #oldpeopleproblems #enlightened #self #Interest #courtesy #bewhatyouwanttosee
@Jason844 One other tip: please use CamelCase for hashtags! It makes them easier to read and makes it more accessible for screen readers.
#camelcaseyourhashtags #twittermigration
I think I learned about #camelCaseYourHashtags about 2 years ago. Since then, I've pointed that out gently to folks on Twitter dozens upon dozens of times. About a third of the time I'd get a negative response, from blocking to cursing, etc.
Same hasn't happened here once yet. Sample size still small, maybe two dozen here. But I've been given sincere thanks, and haven't gotten the finger once yet.
It's definitely a mood.
I just want to always, always, throw #camelCaseYourHashtags out there whenever anyone anywhere discusses hashtags.
I know this makes me annoying. I will gladly take that hit.
Here's one my wife uses from time to time:
#camelcaseyourhashtags #knittersarewitcheswithpointysticks
We like #HashTags
#Hashtag #toot #CamelCaseYourHashtags #ForTheScreenReaders #Accessibility #ATootFullOfHashtags #HowManyHashtagsAreTooMany #WordsToHashTagRatio #TootsPerMinute #TootsPerSecond #TPS #FollowFriday #FF #Friday #RIPTwitter #TwitterMigration #TwitterDown #HashCloud #HashtagCloud #TootCloud #ThisIsALot #500CharacterTootLimit #AlmostThere #NeedCoffee #IsItColdOutside #Trending #CloseEnough #Update #IsItTheWeekendYet #PublishVSToot #TootMyHeart #Done
#Sorry #NotSorry #Fedi #IWillStopNow
#hashtags #hashtag #toot #camelcaseyourhashtags #forthescreenreaders #accessibility #atootfullofhashtags #howmanyhashtagsaretoomany #wordstohashtagratio #tootsperminute #tootspersecond #tps #followfriday #ff #friday #riptwitter #twittermigration #twitterdown #hashcloud #hashtagcloud #tootcloud #thisisalot #500charactertootlimit #almostthere #needcoffee #isitcoldoutside #trending #closeenough #update #isittheweekendyet #publishvstoot #tootmyheart #done #sorry #notsorry #fedi #iwillstopnow
No, but it is highly recommended to #CamelCaseYourHashtags, so that people with vision impairments using screen readers can make sense of them. :)
Some basic Masto etiquette, repeating what others have said for the local:
Consider sharing your pronouns in your bio. "People will just know from my name/photo" is a bad excuse not to.
Use image descriptions and #CamelCaseYourHashtags , lots of folks use screen readers!
Use content warnings. Observe how and when other people make use of them.
There's more but my lunch break is over, in general just be observant and thoughtful. Okay bye
Some basic Masto etiquette, repeating what others have said for the local:
Consider sharing your pronouns in your bio. "People will just know from my name/photo" is a bad excuse not to.
Use image descriptions and #CamelCaseYourHashtags , lots of folks use screen readers!
Use content warnings. Observe how and when other people make use of them.
There's more but my lunch break is over, in general just be observant and thoughtful. Okay bye