A pink #camellia #flower. The camellia #plant is closely related to the bush from which tea is made, however, the bush and related species can be bred into amazing #garden #flowers, such as this bright #pink flower, with so many #petals spiraling towards the center it’s hard to count.
#CamelliaFlower, #FlowersOfMastodon, #PinkFlower, #Photography, #Photograph, #Photo
#camellia #flower #plant #garden #flowers #pink #petals #camelliaflower #flowersofmastodon #pinkflower #photography #photograph #photo
A white #Camellia #flower with faint pink streaks.
The decorative camellia is related to the plant from whose leaves tea is made: camellia sinesis.
#Flower, #CamelliaFlower, #WhiteFlower, #FlowersOfMastodon, #Photograph, #Photo, #Photography
#camellia #flower #camelliaflower #whiteflower #flowersofmastodon #photograph #photo #photography
A #photograph of a white #camellia #flower with pink accents, further accentuated with a #HoneyBee crawling around inside the flower, spreading #pollen and gathering #nectar.
#camelliaflower, #whiteflower, #pinkflower, #bee #ApisMellifera.
#photograph #camellia #flower #honeybee #pollen #nectar #camelliaflower #whiteflower #pinkflower #bee #apismellifera