Leiden University’s (poorly secured) AI-powered classroom surveillance cameras will not be reactivated 🥳 https://www.mareonline.nl/nieuws/het-einde-van-cameragate/ #CameraGate
NEW: the university council
of #LeidenUniversity will give the executive board *negative advice* re: smart cameras on campus!!
The embarrassing #CameraGate saga is almost over
🙏 all who signed, shared and commented, and to the UR for their clear position.
#leidenuniversity #cameragate #unseeus #surveillance #universiteitleiden
Last opportunity to sign the open letter of concerns about the use of AI-driven smart cameras at #LeidenUniversity
It'll be sent to the University Council @ noon. They meet to deliberate at 3pm!
Josette Daemen makes an economic argument for taking the cameras down in her column (Dutch): https://mareonline.nl/opinie/het-lozen-van-de-classroom-scanners-is-de-enige-rationele-keuze
€220,000 < €220,000 + feelings of an unsafe working environment & breach of trust + loss of reputation
#leidenuniversity #cameragate #unseeus
Kudos aan Weekblad Mare voor uitstekende dekking van het slimme camera schandaal vanaf het begin 👏👏
De open brief aan de UR heeft nu bijna *450* handtekeningen, en er is nog tijd om te tekenen voor de UR vergadering van maandag.
#CameraGate #UnseeUs #surveillance #UniversiteitLeiden #LeidenUniversity #WOinActie
#cameragate #unseeus #surveillance #universiteitleiden #leidenuniversity #woinactie
I am shocked that surveillance cameras were installed indoors at Leiden University.
As the letter states, there are better ways of quantifying room occupancy. More importantly, what use is that data? If it’s about allocating rooms, a digital room booking system actually solves the issue while also giving meaningful occupancy figures. If it’s about facilities/energy, what use is knowing that on Wednesday afternoon 12 students were in room A.232?
#cameragate #universiteitleiden
NEW: The CvB has said they'll follow the advice of the University Council on the AI-driven smart cameras they secretively put up in #LeidenUniversity
The UC deliberates on this on MONDAY 30/1.
There's still time to sign the open letter!
#UnseeUs #Cameragate #UniversiteitLeiden #Surveillance #AcademicFreedom #AkademieNL
#leidenuniversity #unseeus #cameragate #universiteitleiden #surveillance #AcademicFreedom #AkademieNL
Just over a year ago, a spokesperson for #LeidenUniversity said the smart cameras installed secretively during lockdown would ONLY be turned back on 'if students and staff are convinced they are safe'.
Over 300 have now signed a letter of concern addressed to the University Council:
We are NOT convinced.
We want them to take the cameras DOWN.
#leidenuniversity #cameragate #unseeus #surveillance #AcademicFreedom
Een jaar geleden zei #UniversiteitLeiden dat ze de AI-gestuurde slimme camera's alleen weer aan zouden zetten "als studenten en medewerkers ervan overtuigd zijn dat deze camera’s veilig zijn".
Meer dan 300 mensen hebben een open brief getekend waarin ze de universiteitsraad vragen een negatief advies uit te brengen:
Wij zijn NIET overtuigd.
Haal de camera's WEG.
#CameraGate #UnseeUs #surveillance #CampusSurveillance #LeidenUniversity #AkademieNL
#universiteitleiden #cameragate #unseeus #surveillance #campussurveillance #leidenuniversity #AkademieNL
AI-driven 3D surveillance cameras at Leiden University: UPDATE
Mare has published a great recap of the controversy: https://mareonline.nl/nieuws/universiteitsbestuur-wil-cameras-toch-weer-aanzetten/
Key points:
👉academic freedom
👉function creep
👉privacy concerns
Sign the open letter!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ei3DyOjK1RG5qm37cgGIPJEeLMLmOEp7Cu3Um38LkI0/edit
The board of Leiden Uni wants to reinstate 100s of AI-driven smart cameras they secretly installed during the lockdown.
There's now an open letter, addressed to the University Council, urging them to reject the plan.
We object to the stifling effect of high-end surveillance tech & the risk of function creep. The use of such advanced tech is completely disproportional.
Please boost & - if you're a student, staff- or faculty-member SIGN the letter
In face of massive resistance from students & faculty, the so-called 'classroom scanners' (smart cameras) that #LeidenUniversity had secretively installed during the lockdown were switched off.
Now they want to turn them back on: https://www.mareonline.nl/nieuws/slimme-cameras-gaan-weer-aan/
#leidenuniversity #unseeus #cameragate