Moulting American robin taking a bath at the water park. Still looking as indignant as any robin, any day.
Clicking through camera trap videos to find Pip was out there performing practical effects and stunts.
#birds #cameratrap #stellersjay
When your family gets to the water park too early and you can’t remember how to fun.
This new little bun is at the water park after closing. What a cute chonk.
Glad I noticed the big tomato plant was knocked over earlier. No need to scare the new patron.
The crow family checking out the water park and making sure they get the peanuts before a squirrel shows up.
“Do you hear all that? Crows. They’re just jealous of my nuts.”
#CameraTrap #Squirrel vs #Crow Family
The water park had some new swimmers today. Never seen a crow actually getting into the water. There were attempts at bathing! They’re usually just taking sips or making soup out of whatever they brought with them. I think these two might be juveniles.
#cameratrap #crow #crows #birds
I’m glad someone is having a nice day.
Swedish Chef (crow) out for a stroll to the water park (patio)
This poor dark-eyed junco. It’s hard to get in at the water park when you only see deep ends. I’ll have to add a rock.
The fluffy Steller’s jay has gone a bit Miss Havisham or perhaps shabby chic...
Plus bonus return of chipmunk!
#CameraTrap #Birds #StellersJay #Chipmunk #GreatExpectationsDeepCut
#cameratrap #birds #stellersjay #chipmunk #greatexpectationsdeepcut
I finally got daylight video of this most elusive of backyard cats: #StealthTortie
I think he’s a tortoise shell mix of some kind. Very good camouflage on him. He’s come through in the middle of the night, once with a large rodent of some kind dangling in his mouth. He’s a real one.
#stealthtortie #cameratrap #cats #catsofmastodon
The neighbor’s tuxedo cat is still learning how to chase squirrels. She’s much younger than #TuxedoNinja - maybe I should call her #TuxedoPuppy
#tuxedoninja #tuxedopuppy #cameratrap #cats #squirrel
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, Tuxedo Ninja (cat) in my yard again. On the other hand, Tuxedo Ninja defending my strawberries from squirrels. Perhaps the dreaded ninja powers can be used for good.
#tuxedoninja #cats #catsofmastodon #cameratrap
Swedish Chef (local crow) washing some peanuts in the big bath in the water park. He’s looking a little rough - hoping it’s a molt and nothing serious.
A large black American Crow with a distinctive shape below his bill sits on the rim of a large water dish with several river rocks in it, placing nuts in the water, doing a little think and taking sips.
#crow #birds #cameratrap #alttext
Unprecedented nuthatch at the water park!?! What?!
The water park was very busy this evening. Lots of birbs (including a very yellow one)!
#Birds #CameraTrap
Video of the water park (three shallow water dishes of varying size on a patio) with multiple juncos and one very yellow bird. Slight rough housing.
At long last, the Very Yellow Small Bird has been caught on camera.
Could it be a female Wilson’s Warbler? Or a Yellow Warbler? The coloring on the head looks more Wilson’s? Curious what others think!
Video of a patio with water dishes. A small, very yellow bird hops into frame and hops over to the grass. The bird has some grey to its body and a brighter yellow stripe by its black eye. The beak is pointy, ruling out a finch.
#birds #cameratrap #warbler #alttext
Interested in estimating animal abundance from camera traps? For details of our online workshop, see Registration closes 20th March. #CameraTrap #DistanceSampling #Wildlife
#cameratrap #distancesampling #wildlife
RT @CameraTrapSue
🦨 Exciting news 🦨
Feb 2018 I got photos of a skunk using a small rock as a tool to break the ice at the water bowl & drink, it was in Discover magazine (Nov 2019) and the paper, here:
Now, I have video!!
Temp was 19F.
#cameratrap #skunk
After being three weeks in the field, this #cameraTrap registered a single animal video. It is the most beautiful butt it will ever register, that of a (very likely) water vole (Arvicola amphibius), a species whose distribution remains largely unknown in Portugal. An important observation!
Unfortunately, by "will ever register", I mean the camera literally drowned three days later due to heavy rains :blobcatmeltcry: At least it died with a bang. Well done, camera 🫡