Tobias Kuemmerle · @TobiasKuemmerle
189 followers · 211 posts · Server

Position 1 will focus on and and work with and to assess how deforestation affects these taxa. More information here: and here:

#mammals #birds #cameratrapping #soundrecorders

Last updated 2 years ago

Flávio Oliveira · @mrbig
52 followers · 162 posts · Server

At last we say goodbye to . After three days of learning methods, plus an extra day for a field trip to know the work of , we return home, eager to design projects and deploy some cameras to study rare species 📷

#vimioso #cameratrapping #palombar

Last updated 2 years ago

Janet Rosen :toad: · @jrosen707
421 followers · 2914 posts · Server
Eddy · @EddyCannella
40 followers · 178 posts · Server
Teuchter By Nature · @TeuchterNature
18 followers · 33 posts · Server

A few more tales (or tails) from the riverbank. Thankfully no mink but otherwise stoat is the only mustelid on this site not caught in November.

#cameratrapping #CameraTrap #nature #Yorkshire #wildlife #WildLifePhotography #river #riverbank #ChalkRiver #biodiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

Teuchter By Nature · @TeuchterNature
18 followers · 33 posts · Server

I had to test a camera so stuck up on a spot in my garden. I've only seen bullfinch once in 4yrs&never on feeders. Here we have one feeding on seed heads along with Bbird, wren & dunnock all feeding on plants in the garden. Leave seed heads, don't tidy up over winter. Also 5 dif. cats hunting & defecating. Keep your cats indoors!

#garden #gardenwildlife #wildlifegardening #cameratrapping #WildLifePhotography #invasive #species

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Durrant · @sarahdurrant
126 followers · 40 posts · Server

I've been on our property since about 2015. I have a favourite site at the rear of the property - a clearing in the woodland, close to a winter rivulet - an area which seems to be a natural animal thoroughfare that many species make use of. While is what I hope to record, I also capture images of pest species such as and , even wandering . No need for attractants, and the captures animals doing...well, pretty much whatever they would anyway do.
While our vegetation wouldn't be classified as high quality, many of the animals that make use of it are - including the well known which bears the sorry status of

#cameratrapping #native #wildlife #feral #cats #rabbits #dogs #camera #tasmaniandevil #endangered

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Durrant · @sarahdurrant
171 followers · 75 posts · Server

I've been on our property since about 2015. I have a favourite site at the rear of the property - a clearing in the woodland, close to a winter rivulet - an area which seems to be a natural animal thoroughfare that many species make use of. While is what I hope to record, I also capture images of pest species such as and , even wandering . No need for attractants, and the captures animals doing...well, pretty much whatever they would anyway do.
While our vegetation wouldn't be classified as high quality, many of the animals that make use of it are - including the well known which bears the sorry status of

#cameratrapping #native #wildlife #feral #cats #rabbits #dogs #camera #tasmaniandevil #endangered

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Durrant · @sarahdurrant
30 followers · 11 posts · Server

Must be time for an since I’ve been here for a few days now.

I live in , the small island state south of mainland - I came here for a cooler , a quieter lifestyle, and to enjoy this unique . I am interested in and more.

Am originally from the UK, with a tech career background in land surveying, radar, computing and such. MBE at age 29, which has sat in a drawer ever since! A stint as a lecturer before moving to Victoria AU. After working a few yrs in integration, Dept of Ed, health issues led me to establishing own business as knitwear designer/specialist yarn retailer, which remained a joy and success until retirement.

I tend mostly to stay close to home these days, with challenges of and other chronic health conditions, but I’m more than happy immersed in all that our property offers.

Great to be here - things are looking really good!

#introduction #tasmania #australia #climate #environment #wildlife #birds #cameratrapping #sustainability #renewables #climatechange #auspol #politas #weaving #knitting #textiles #dogs #dogsofmastodon #ms #landforwildlife

Last updated 2 years ago

capreolus · @capreolus
129 followers · 7 posts · Server


Hi ,
I am an wildife biologist, interested in the use of technology for biodiversity research.
Specifically, I work on
(birds, small mammals and lots of other noisy critters) , , , mapping with a little help of AI.

Based at the Donau-Auen National Park in

#introduction #fediverse #BioAcoustics #cameratrapping #uavs #movementecology #neophyts #tech4wildlife #austria

Last updated 2 years ago