Position 1 will focus on #mammals and #birds and work with #CameraTrapping and #SoundRecorders to assess how deforestation affects these taxa. More information here: http://bit.ly/3Fn3mYs and here: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/82085
#mammals #birds #cameratrapping #soundrecorders
At last we say goodbye to #Vimioso. After three days of learning #cameratrapping methods, plus an extra day for a field trip to know the work of #Palombar, we return home, eager to design projects and deploy some cameras to study rare species 📷
#vimioso #cameratrapping #palombar
Massive citizen science camera-trapping wildlife in Wisconsin yields fascinating results about interspecies interactions NO PAYWALL - my gift.
#wildlife #CameraTrapping #CitizenScience #biology #NaturalHistory #science
#wildlife #cameratrapping #citizenscience #biology #naturalhistory #science
If you like using cameras to monitor, this may be for you. #CameraTrapping #Monitoring #NorthernQuoll
#cameratrapping #monitoring #northernquoll
A few more tales (or tails) from the riverbank. Thankfully no mink but otherwise stoat is the only mustelid on this site not caught in November. #CameraTrapping #CameraTrap #Nature #Yorkshire #Wildlife #WildlifePhotography #River #Riverbank #ChalkRiver #Biodiversity
#cameratrapping #CameraTrap #nature #Yorkshire #wildlife #WildLifePhotography #river #riverbank #ChalkRiver #biodiversity
I had to test a camera so stuck up on a spot in my garden. I've only seen bullfinch once in 4yrs&never on feeders. Here we have one feeding on seed heads along with Bbird, wren & dunnock all feeding on plants in the garden. Leave seed heads, don't tidy up over winter. Also 5 dif. cats hunting & defecating. Keep your cats indoors! #Garden #GardenWildlife #WildlifeGardening #CameraTrapping #WildlifePhotography #Invasive #Species
#garden #gardenwildlife #wildlifegardening #cameratrapping #WildLifePhotography #invasive #species
I've been #CameraTrapping on our property since about 2015. I have a favourite site at the rear of the property - a clearing in the woodland, close to a winter rivulet - an area which seems to be a natural animal thoroughfare that many species make use of. While #native #wildlife is what I hope to record, I also capture images of pest species such as #feral #cats and #rabbits, even wandering #dogs. No need for attractants, and the #camera captures animals doing...well, pretty much whatever they would anyway do.
While our vegetation wouldn't be classified as high quality, many of the animals that make use of it are - including the well known #TasmanianDevil which bears the sorry status of #endangered
#cameratrapping #native #wildlife #feral #cats #rabbits #dogs #camera #tasmaniandevil #endangered
I've been #CameraTrapping on our property since about 2015. I have a favourite site at the rear of the property - a clearing in the woodland, close to a winter rivulet - an area which seems to be a natural animal thoroughfare that many species make use of. While #native #wildlife is what I hope to record, I also capture images of pest species such as #feral #cats and #rabbits, even wandering #dogs. No need for attractants, and the #camera captures animals doing...well, pretty much whatever they would anyway do.
While our vegetation wouldn't be classified as high quality, many of the animals that make use of it are - including the well known #TasmanianDevil which bears the sorry status of #endangered
#cameratrapping #native #wildlife #feral #cats #rabbits #dogs #camera #tasmaniandevil #endangered
Must be time for an #introduction since I’ve been here for a few days now.
I live in #Tasmania , the small island state south of mainland #australia - I came here for a cooler #climate, a quieter lifestyle, and to enjoy this unique #environment . I am interested in #wildlife #birds #cameratrapping #sustainability #renewables #climatechange #auspol #politas #weaving #knitting #textiles #dogs #dogsofmastodon and more.
Am originally from the UK, with a tech career background in land surveying, radar, computing and such. MBE at age 29, which has sat in a drawer ever since! A stint as a lecturer before moving to Victoria AU. After working a few yrs in integration, Dept of Ed, health issues led me to establishing own business as knitwear designer/specialist yarn retailer, which remained a joy and success until retirement.
I tend mostly to stay close to home these days, with challenges of #MS and other chronic health conditions, but I’m more than happy immersed in all that our #LandForWildlife property offers.
Great to be here - things are looking really good!
#introduction #tasmania #australia #climate #environment #wildlife #birds #cameratrapping #sustainability #renewables #climatechange #auspol #politas #weaving #knitting #textiles #dogs #dogsofmastodon #ms #landforwildlife
Hi #fediverse,
I am an wildife biologist, interested in the use of technology for biodiversity research.
Specifically, I work on
#bioacoustics (birds, small mammals and lots of other noisy critters) #cameratrapping, #UAVs, #movementecology, mapping #neophyts with a little help of AI.
Based at the Donau-Auen National Park in #Austria
#introduction #fediverse #BioAcoustics #cameratrapping #uavs #movementecology #neophyts #tech4wildlife #austria