Hyperallergic · @hyperallergic
1295 followers · 173 posts · Server newsie.social

A new series at the Brooklyn Academy of Music highlights Camille Billops and James Hatch’s unique films centering Black American life, sexuality, and social issues.


#film #cinema #camillebillops

Last updated 2 years ago

rejinl · @rejinl
139 followers · 177 posts · Server mastodon.social

at the Brooklyn Museum on the last day of "We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965–85" in 2017 (two years before her death). The guard was a bit confused when she pulled some prints out of her bag and spread them on top of a display case, but she had no fucks left to give. (Luckily a curator swooped in and ran interference.)

#artist #camillebillops #art #blackartist #blackwomenartists #museum #exhibition

Last updated 2 years ago

rejinl · @rejinl
286 followers · 572 posts · Server mastodon.social

at the Brooklyn Museum on the last day of "We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965–85" in 2017 (two years before her death). The guard was a bit confused when she pulled some prints out of her bag and spread them on top of a display case, but she had no fucks left to give. (Luckily a curator swooped in and ran interference.)

#artist #camillebillops #art #blackartist #blackwomenartists #museum #exhibition

Last updated 2 years ago