My idea of a wild Friday night. My idea of a calming night any day: reading and listening to music. #NowPlaying Magnard: Complete #ChamberMusic, which I will admit to only getting because I found it at a great price and it features #CamilleThomas and reading S. D. Perry's #StarTrek #DS9 novel, Avatar (Book I of II). #books
Prices on the Albéric Magnard collection vary wildly. Presto Music wants $70(!) for the #HiRes album. ProStudioMasters wants $35 HiRes. HDTracks: $16 HiRes after coupon. 🤔
#nowplaying #chambermusic #camillethomas #startrek #ds9 #books #hires
The Kennedy Center's 2023-2024 year has lot to offer this term with performances from #HilaryHahn, #CamilleThomas, and #YujaWang. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to a) take off of work and b) afford travel and hotel expenses to see them all. I likely will never get to see them perform. It is times like this that remind me how much I wish my life led down a different path that allowed my to stay in Maryland. #KennedyCenter #classicalmusic
#hilaryhahn #camillethomas #yujawang #kennedycenter #classicalmusic
My totally professional review:
Camille Thomas's The Chopin Project: Trilogy, a total bait and switch from Deutsche Grammophon
#CamilleThomas #Chopin #DeutscheGrammophon #classicalmusic @classicalmusic
#camillethomas #chopin #deutschegrammophon #classicalmusic
I love everything by #CamilleThomas and even have some "bootlegs," but I must say that Voice of Hope is truly angelic.
For me, it takes the right mood to listen to it. I have to be Open and prepared for the album's Magic.
One might even say that Camille Thomas's Voice of Hope is #LouReed's Magic and Loss. Not to compare to two albums, but in similar accomplishments.
#camillethomas #loureed #cello #cellist #classicalmusic
Minor Key . Net Playlist 6/7/23
#NaimaBock #AstrudGilberto #StanGetz #JoàoGilberto #ElliottSmith #CamilleThomas #JulienBroca #PhilipKrause #WolfgangEmanuelSchmidt #JaeminHan #FransHelmerson #ItzhakPerlman #LondonSymphonyOrchestra #LSO #AndrePrevin #Chopin #Mendelssohn #Jazz #IndieMusic #Indie #classicalmusic #NowPlaying #playlist #playlists
#naimabock #astrudgilberto #stangetz #joaogilberto #elliottsmith #camillethomas #julienbroca #philipkrause #wolfgangemanuelschmidt #jaeminhan #franshelmerson #itzhakperlman #londonsymphonyorchestra #lso #andreprevin #chopin #mendelssohn #jazz #indiemusic #indie #classicalmusic #nowplaying #playlist #playlists
New singles from Hilary Hahn and Camille Thomas [released May 26th, 2023] (includes links to get the #HiRes singles)
#HilaryHahn #CamilleThomas #classicalmusic @classicalmusic #Ysaÿe #Chopin #violin #violinist #cello #cellist
#hires #hilaryhahn #camillethomas #classicalmusic #ysaye #chopin #violin #violinist #cello #cellist
When #AlisaWeilerstein's brilliantly performed and well recorded #Bach: #Cello Suites came out I believed that it proved, in addition to her other albums, that she might be finest #cellist recording today, but #CamilleThomas's last three albums, in addition to her previous albums has really astonished me. I am leaning towards thinking that Camille Thomas may be the finest cellist recording today. #classicalmusic
#alisaweilerstein #bach #cello #cellist #camillethomas #classicalmusic
#Cellist #CamilleThomas released the 2nd chapter of her #Chopin series yesterday: The Chopin Project: Complete #ChamberMusic. This was surprising fast. The Chopin Project: The Franchomme Legacy was released about a month & 1/2 ago. I've search but can't find info on how many Chopin albums Thomas will release.
Also yesterday: #Nena: #99Luftballons (40th Anniversary Remastered 2023). Finally, 99 Luftballons in 24 bit #HiRes
Of course, they are both in today's #playlist
#cellist #camillethomas #chopin #chambermusic #nena #99luftballons #hires #playlist
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/24/23
#NeutralMilkHotel #CamilleThomas #JJCale #JuliusBerger #KonstantinEmelyanov #EricLu #LouisArmstrong #PatriciaKopatchinskaja #ElliottSmith
#NowPlaying #Mastomusic #Playlist #ClassicalMusic #IndieMusic #music #MusicCurator #Chopin #MaxReger #Prokofiev #Janáček #SergeiProkofiev #FrédéricChopin #LeošJanáček #cello #piano
#neutralmilkhotel #camillethomas #jjcale #juliusberger #konstantinemelyanov #ericlu #louisarmstrong #patriciakopatchinskaja #elliottsmith #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #mastomusic #playlist #classicalmusic #indiemusic #music #musiccurator #chopin #maxreger #prokofiev #janacek #sergeiprokofiev #fredericchopin #leosjanacek #cello #piano
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/23/23
#TianwaYang #ModernJazzQuartet #SophieKauer #DudokQuartetAmsterdam #CyrilleDubois #CamilleThomas #JonasNordberg #ConstanceLuzzati #YujaWang #WillieNelson #KaleidoscopeChamberCollective #JuttaHippQuintet #SonicYouth #SonHouse #JoannaNewsom #JasonLoewenstein #SasaVectomov
#tianwayang #modernjazzquartet #sophiekauer #dudokquartetamsterdam #cyrilledubois #camillethomas #jonasnordberg #constanceluzzati #yujawang #willienelson #kaleidoscopechambercollective #juttahippquintet #sonicyouth #sonhouse #joannanewsom #jasonloewenstein #sasavectomov #playlists #nowplaying #classicalmusic #jazz #indiemusic #blues
Minor Key . Net Playlist 1/17/23
#MaxRichter #ElenaUrioste #ChinekeOrchestra #CamilleThomas #BrusselsPhilharmonic #StéphaneDenève #MathieuHerzog #AnneAkikoMeyers #JasonVieaux #FabioBidini #AnastasiaKobekina #BernerSymphonieorchester #KevinJohnEdusei #ArcadiaQuartet #BelceaQuartet #TabeaZimmermann #JeanGuihenQueyras #OrnetteColeman
#maxrichter #elenaurioste #chinekeorchestra #camillethomas #brusselsphilharmonic #stephanedeneve #mathieuherzog #anneakikomeyers #jasonvieaux #fabiobidini #anastasiakobekina #bernersymphonieorchester #kevinjohnedusei #arcadiaquartet #belceaquartet #tabeazimmermann #jeanguihenqueyras #ornettecoleman #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #classicalmusic