Camino memory/recuerdo del Camino.

Camino Primitivo, Asturias, June 2018/junio de 2018.

#caminodesantiago #caminoprimitivo #asturias #spain #espana #spainisdifferent

Last updated 1 year ago

Camino Memory/Recuerdo del Camino.

Camino Primitivo outside Oviedo. June 2018/junio de 2018z

#caminodesantiago #caminoprimitivo #asturias #spainisdifferent #spain #espana

Last updated 1 year ago

Camino memory of the day. Recuerdo del Camino del día.
Just outside of Oviedo on the first day of the Camino Primitivo.

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #asturias

Last updated 1 year ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
331 followers · 1427 posts · Server
Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
322 followers · 1228 posts · Server

Semi-gratuitous selfie time - here's me with the I grew while walking the . Do you think I should keep it?
I'm doing a 26-mile walk around Ullswater in June for Alzheimer's Society, and I'm close to my £300 fundraising target so I'll make this pledge: if I hit that target by the end of this long weekend, I'll keep the beard at least until then.
If you want to donate, click here:

#beard #caminoprimitivo #walking #charity #fundraising

Last updated 1 year ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
318 followers · 1212 posts · Server

Doing last year, I began planning a trip to the places I'd been through there I wanted to come back to as a proper tourist ratge than a tired pilgrim to explore. Added more doing so now the list is Pamplona, Logroño, Leon, El Bierzo, Lugo, and Oviedo, which is starting to look like it could make a nice circuit with Bilbao and San Sebastian. Now just need to find the time and money to make it happen...

#caminodesantiago #caminoprimitivo

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
318 followers · 1208 posts · Server

Day 14 of the , 200 miles from Oviedo and I'm finished. A short last day, a bit misty so no views of the Cathedral on the way into the city, but did manage to spot the sign I'd obliviously wandered past on my exhausted way in last year! Have really enjoyed this journey - very physically challenging, but the rewards have been worth the effort. Definitely one of my favourite walking trips.

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #walking #galicia #sPAIN

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
316 followers · 1197 posts · Server

Day 12 of the and I'm progressing towards Santiago in a Zeno-esque manner, shorter distances every day as I use the last few days as rest and recovery from my previous exertions. So today was a slow walk in a grey and drizzly day, along paths I walked last year, but enjoying the process of rediscovery (even though last year was sweltering hot along this patch)

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #walking #sPAIN #galicia

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
316 followers · 1189 posts · Server

Day 11 on the and things got wet. Not quite as much rain as was forecast, but still enough to make be think things were being particularly Engliah for St George's Day. Also took some photos of a church that I discovered was for San Xorxe afterwards. Have now reached the point where the Primitivo meets the French route and some easier days lie ahead before I get to Santiago.

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #walking #galicia #sPAIN

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
315 followers · 1187 posts · Server

Day 10 of the and two Camino firsts for me: leaving something behind at a hostel without realising (shampoo, easily replaced) and tripping and falling on a road (my belly took most of the impact so I was mainly winded and got slightly grazed hands). Got a bit wet leaving Lugo in a shower, but saw a rainbow, walked through more lovely trees and am now just 72km from Santiago.

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #walking #sPAIN

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
315 followers · 1185 posts · Server

And just in case you wanted to see me, here I am at the official 100km to go marker.

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #galicia

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
315 followers · 1183 posts · Server

Day 9 of the featured fewer hills than the previous 8, but more distance than any of them. 30km to Lugo as we move from the mountains to the Galician hills where anything bigger than a 'lugare' of a few houses is rare. But it was nice walking on flatter terrain on sunken paths through trees. A cooler day too, though that did lead to rain later and half an hour in the wet on the way into Lugo. Just 100km to go!

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #walking #sPAIN

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
316 followers · 1182 posts · Server

Day 8 on the was a reminder that even when I think I've conquered all the high points it can still throw a brutally hard short climb into the mix. The path up to A Lastra was tough, then the more moderate incline after it had me feeling wiped out, until my emergency cache of biscuits gave me a needed energy boost. Getting late and need sleep before a long day tomorrow, so no photos today.

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #walking #sPAIN

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
316 followers · 1178 posts · Server

Day 7 on the had a misty start, so while I was out walking while the sun was rising I didn't see it! After a long ascent, finally emerged above the clouds for one last look back at Asturias before crossing the border into Galicia and the second half of the day (and the Camino). Nice sunny afternoon on well-kept Galician paths and then one final brutal ascent before arrival at Fonsagrada.

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #walking #sPAIN

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
315 followers · 1173 posts · Server

Day 6 of the featured a lot of descents, the main one being a drop of 800m in about 7km to cross the Salime Dam...and then head upwards again to Grandas de Salime. Last full day of walking in Asturias, and have loved discovering this area of Spain which I knew little about before. Yes, the hills were tough but the views and the scenery were worth the effort. Weather so nice, though I packed expecting colder and wetter.

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #walking #sPAIN #asturias

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
315 followers · 1171 posts · Server

Day 5 of the and had one of my best walking days ever. Incredible lucky to have great weather for today's walk over the Ruta de los Hospitales, which pilgrims to Santiago have been following for centuries (the Hospitales are old sites where people could stay and shelter, now ruins). There have been forest fires here recently, but green shoots are already poking through the blackness and the views remain incredible.

#caminoprimitivo #walking #caminodesantiago #sPAIN

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
313 followers · 1168 posts · Server

Four days in and running out of superlatives for the and the biggest section - Ruta del Hospitales - is still to come tomorrow. Today started with mist, which was good for a cool up and down section out of Tineo, but then the clouds burned away and there was beautiful scenery all around for the journey to Colinas de Arriba. The walking is sometimes hard, but always enjoyable - but been very lucky with the weather so far.

#caminoprimitivo #walking #sPAIN #caminodesantiago

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
309 followers · 1165 posts · Server

Day 3 of the started with lots of uphill, but it was a lovely path through woods, with a diversion to spend some quiet time alone by a waterfall. Then was more undulating for the rest of the day, but now the path was moving through higher valleys and the view opening up to show the mountains all around. Legs are tired but good, and more ascent to come over the next couple of days but the weather forecast for them is good.

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #walking #sPAIN

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
305 followers · 1162 posts · Server

Day 2 of the and more wonderful Asturian scenery as we went up and down, but the pain and stiffness of walking will fade and the memories of all this will remain. Spending tonight at a place called the Dream House (Casa Sueno) and the soreness in my calves from all those hills reminds me that this isn't a dream. A couple of shorter days to come as I head up into the hills but enjoying not knowing too much of what's to come.

#caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #walking #sPAIN

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Barlow · @nickbwalking
305 followers · 1161 posts · Server

OK, here we go on day 2 from Grado to Salas, or as Google Translate keeps trying to make it, from Degree to Rooms.


Last updated 2 years ago