CampaCola is coming back. Not sure what I liked about it, but it was more about a local business competing against the cola giants. And the less sugar, reduced chemically taste helped too. And Goldspot - I missy you too.
Old taste, new bottle, Campa Cola is making a comeback. Most of us weren’t around when it was a hit, so let’s go down the nostalgia road for those who drank Campa and those who have no idea about it.
#NewsMo #CampaCola #Pepsi | @jessica_goel
#newsmo #campacola #pepsi #mastindia #mastodonindians #india
The #CampaCola change in India Inc
Unlike in 1980s, Indian companies now have the financial heft and supply chains to take on global giants. So, reviving old brands is not a hopeless proposition
Read today's op-ed by Dhiraj Nayyar 👇 #press
🇮🇳 #India podría recuperar la bebida que fue uno de sus símbolos hasta la llegada de #CocaCola y #Pepsi, la #CampaCola.
El hombre más rico de #Asia, Mukesh Ambani, ha anunciado la recuperación de esta bebida en tres sabores: cola, naranja y limón.
Campa Cola dominó el mercado indio antes de la llegada de las gigantes estadounidenses y persigue que la nostalgia de aquellos que crecieron con ella sea el principal motor de ventas en su vuelta.
ℹ️ CNN
#india #cocacola #pepsi #campacola #asia
I sampled #CampaCola with various #spirits but it only goes well with #OldMonk #rum. Well, what doesn't? 😏
#campacola #spirits #oldmonk #rum
I'm too young to remember the taste of #CampaCola, but old enough to remember the brand itself. I just tried it for the first time since the relaunch in #India and I thought it was pretty okay. It tastes like the #AjeCola or #RCCola. It's fine, but it simply isn't anywhere near as good as #ThumsUp.
#campacola #india #ajecola #rccola #thumsup #cola #soda
Campa Cola 2.0
#CampaCola #RelianceRetail #relaunch
Source : Economic Times
#relaunch #RelianceRetail #campacola
ரிலையன்ஸ் நிறுவனத்தின் தீபாவளி ‘தமாக்கா’… கேம்ப கோலா நிறுவனத்தை கைப்பற்றியது… via
#Softdrink #campacola #RIL #reliance
Campa cola that found takers after the exit of coca cola, was forgotten with the re-entry of coca cola would be relaunched by RIL. Will it gain space alongside coca cola now? #colawars #campacola #cocacola
#colawars #campacola #cocacola