G_Host · @Gary_Host
125 followers · 1251 posts · Server umwelt.party


The *most* persuasive 18 minute case for I know :)

A personal hero - Lawrence Lessig @ TED "We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim"

> There is a corruption at the heart of American politics, caused by the dependence of Congressional candidates on funding from the tiniest percentage of citizens. That's the argument at the core of this blistering talk by legal scholar Lawrence Lessig.



Last updated 1 year ago

U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
3146 followers · 2967 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

First of all, people who invested enough time and energy into merely acquiring obscene amounts of money, are imbalanced, warped and dysfunctional in some way. Then you see these same emotionally warped people certain that the world would be better if they were in charge and committed to making even more money by gaming control of our political system, and the extent of the problems they are causing for all of us begins to come into focus.

Time to clamp down on all donations/legalized bribery and reduce the excess money they have lying around that they feel they can use to by our system by taxing the hell out of them and their estates!

Clarence Thomas' Citizens United vote enabled billionaire benefactor to boost political power
"The Crows used their fortune to buy access to and curry favor" with elites, one advocate said

"A report published Monday highlights potential connections between the political influence of Harlan Crow's family and the billionaire GOP megadonor's yearslong endeavor to shower U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas with lavish vacations and other undisclosed gifts.
In "Travel Rewards: What the Crow Family May Have Bought by Hosting Those Luxury Trips for Justice Thomas," ATF shows how Thomas' vote in the 5-4 decision that effectively legalized unlimited political spending has allowed the Crows to increase their average annual campaign contributions by 862%, from $163,241 pre-Citizens United to $1.57 million post-ruling.
"The Crows used their fortune to buy access to and curry favor with one of the most powerful officials in Washington, then benefited from his central role in loosening rules meant to limit the influence of money over politics and policy," said ATF executive director David Kass.

"It's a vicious cycle that can only be short-circuited by restoring meaningful campaign finance rules and by demanding a much fairer share of taxes from billionaires, which, among other good results, will leave them less money to distort our democratic process," Kass added.

"The Crows' influence-buying and political spending are emblematic of a larger problem: the ongoing attempt by billionaires to purchase our democracy."
In a report published last summer, the group documented how "billionaires are increasingly using their personal fortunes and the profits of connected corporations to drown out regular voters' voices and elect hand-picked candidates who further rig the nation's economy—especially the tax system."

Not counting dark money contributions, billionaires dumped $1.2 billion into the 2020 elections, 65 times more than the $16 million they donated in 2008, the report found. By last June, a few dozen billionaires had already pumped tens of millions of dollars into the 2022 midterms—mostly to support Republican candidates, including several election deniers—in a bid to ensure that Congress is full of lawmakers willing "to make their wealthy benefactors even richer."

"Billionaires shouldn't be able to buy political access and influence with their enormous fortunes," ATF tweeted Monday. "It's well beyond time for Citizens United to go, and to put real action towards making billionaires pay their fair share in taxes. Our democracy depends on it."
For instance, four years after Thomas helped deliver a victory to U.S. oligarchs in Citizens United, Crow purchased a property owned by Thomas for $130,000 and made improvements to it while the judge's mother continued to live there.

Thomas is not alone when it comes to conflicts of interest on the high court. Last week, Politico revealed that just days after his April 2017 confirmation, Justice Neil Gorsuch and his business partners sold a 40-acre Colorado ranch for almost $2 million to an undisclosed person. The buyer, Brian Duffy, is the CEO of a law firm that has since been involved in 22 cases before the court.

Despite growing evidence of possible corruption, Chief Justice John Roberts has refused to accept an invitation to testify at an upcoming Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on potential reforms to the Supreme Court, which is currently controlled by six far-right justices, most of whom were appointed by Republican presidents who lost the popular vote.

Progressives have demanded far-reaching changes to disempower the country's "rogue" justices, including adding seats—a move that has been made seven times throughout U.S. history—and enacting robust ethics rules."

#gopinbedwiththerich #therichboughtthegop #campaignfinancereform #thegopisthebitchoftherich #partisancaptureofjudiciary

Last updated 2 years ago

KristFist · @kristfist
108 followers · 841 posts · Server nerdculture.de

@brainnotonyet @tlecaque (however, I will point out that blue team is run by billionaires as well. So we’re fucked until we get the money out of our government. )? sad tragic laughter…

#popthegop #popthepatriarchy #endthefed #campaignfinancereform

Last updated 2 years ago

KristFist · @kristfist
108 followers · 841 posts · Server nerdculture.de

@thehill I think I played this game in the 80s in our gifted class in Georgia… at the time I was super excited and thought it would bring in a time where campaigns would be reduced, and candidates would be platforming on ideals and their voting record. I was 13… (the only union you’ll note heeds) .

#campaignfinancereform #givecopsraises #firebadcops #bustcorruptcopunion #redteam #endpeemawar #popthepatriarchy #thegoodkings #endprisonprofit #greennewdeal #sigh

Last updated 2 years ago

KristFist · @kristfist
84 followers · 672 posts · Server nerdculture.de

@brainnotonyet anyone? And always trying not to go “guys! We’ve already tried this shit … fisticuffs to Sumer’s Innana

#campaignfinancereform #ansonburlingame

Last updated 2 years ago

Kimmymac · @Kimmymac
99 followers · 7080 posts · Server masthead.social
Daniel W. Lathrop · @dwl
41 followers · 14 posts · Server newsie.social

I was in charge of checking the analysis (spoiler, it was well done!) for our “$199.99” scoop before it aired. Turns out George Santos set a record for reporting campaign expenditures $0.01 below the level at which he’d have to retain receipts/canceled checks. Nice work digging into the numbers by my @scrippsnews colleagues Rosie Cima and Alexandra Miller:

#politics #georgesantos #investigativejournalism #campaignfinancereform

Last updated 2 years ago

Nicole Roed · @NicoleRoed
125 followers · 1208 posts · Server toot.community

@Lorraine_Shrops @knittingknots oooh so true. Or we start to ‘sacrifice’ and then revert to our old wasteful ways. For example… In other countries they don’t use grocery bags Havent for years. WE still give them out freely. Why?

#plastic #onepersononevote #campaignfinancereform #climatechange

Last updated 2 years ago

I follow back if you're:

And pro:

Or you're open to discussion on these topics.

We don't have to agree on everything. But we all need to recognize that powerful, moneyed interests, not average Americans, are the biggest threat to our nation's health, wealth, and happiness.

#leftist #progressive #demsoc #socdem #democrat #secular #renewableenergy #medicare4all #union #campaignfinancereform #taxtherich #publiclyfundedelections

Last updated 2 years ago

Lawrence Wells · @eldub
44 followers · 51 posts · Server zirk.us

@markearnest @GoldenShield @TonyStark you called it ... Sinema states "criticism from outside entities doesn't really matter to me" ... is she a lizard? Or a rock? A cactus? They all have more empathy than this careerist. now .. continues to warp our politics... the system, if not broken, is on life support. And we hurtle towards ... 💩💩💩

#sinema #campaignfinancereform #bigoil #climatecollapse

Last updated 2 years ago

Josh Simmons · @josh
1830 followers · 597 posts · Server josh.tel

Oakland voters did good. Everyone eligible to make political donations gets 4x $25 vouchers to direct to candidates in local elections.

This is a great way to check the power of special interests.

Seattle implemented this in 2017, to great effect. I'd love to see this spread. sfchronicle.com/politics/artic

#campaignfinancereform #uspol

Last updated 2 years ago