I finished #CampDamascus by #ChuckTingle. Definitely worth a read. Next up is the new #Valdemar novel, and then it'll be back to MDZS with Volume 4.
#campdamascus #chucktingle #valdemar
I really wasn't sure what to expect from a #ChuckTingle #booktour appearance or from his first mainstream-published novel, but I am enjoying #CampDamascus.
#chucktingle #booktour #campdamascus
“We are all creators….your uniqueness is your superpower. “
It was so delightful to see author Chuck Tingle tonight and be reminded again that Love is Real. Thanks, Buckaroo.
#ChuckTingle #LoveIsReal #books #CampDamascus #lgbtqia #bookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon
#chucktingle #loveisreal #books #campdamascus #lgbtqia #bookstodon
So Barnes & Noble has 25 percent off pre-orders of the upcoming #ChuckTingle #horror novel, #CampDamascus with a code (Preorder25).
AND if you pre-order the book you can get a free bandanna. So hey, free stuff is neat. Plus, Tingle's previous foray into "mainstream" horror was a lot of fun. The guy's not all gay dinosaur erotica, y'know.
#ChuckTingle #horror #campdamascus