Slightly damp but fun 22 mile circuit round South Liverpool.
Took in Camp Hill and bumped (not literally) into Queen Victoria moored at the Pier Head.
#CampHill #Liverpool #PierHead #BikeTooter #InTheSaddle #MerseyShipping #Cunard #liner #QueenVictoria #Cruise #Ship
#camphill #liverpool #pierhead #BikeTooter #inthesaddle #merseyshipping #cunard #liner #queenvictoria #cruise #ship
📍: Bridge 94, Adderley Street Bridge
ℹ️: road bridge
📸: Photo by ell brown on Flickr
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #camphill #bordesley #birmingham #westmidlands #unitedkingdom #greatbritain #grandunioncanal #coventryrd #coventryrdbordesley #tree #trees #graffiti #streetart #warwickandbirminghamcanal #adderleystreetbridgeno94
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #camphill #bordesley #birmingham #WestMidlands #unitedkingdom #greatbritain #grandunioncanal #coventryrd #coventryrdbordesley #tree #trees #graffiti #streetart #warwickandbirminghamcanal #adderleystreetbridgeno94
Ihr dürft das gerne anonym machen. Schön wäre allerdings
- eine grobe zeitliche Einordnung, aus welchem Jahrzehnt eure Erfahrungen sind
- ggf. ein Hinweis, falls ihr diese Erfahrungen im Ausland gemacht habt und
- ob es sich um einen #Waldorfkindergarten, eine #Waldorfschule, #Camphill, #Demeter-Bauernhof oder eine andere anthroposophische Einrichtung gehandelt hat. #Anthroposophie
#Waldorfkindergarten #waldorfschule #camphill #Demeter #anthroposophie
I went away for 10 days, knowing that the zucchini were about to take off. This is what I came home to 😆
This variety is Cocozelle - they can stand up to some heat and humidity. I’ll be turning this lot into a zucchini relish as the next lot are coming through and will probably be ready on Sunday, to go into a zucchini slice. I’ve thinly sliced the small one for lunch today, as a salad - rice vinegar, sprinkle of sugar and sesame oil. #CampHill