· @henry
35 followers · 1056 posts · Server mstdn.science

I need to go buy some milk.



Last updated 2 years ago

Candice · @eastcoastcandice
123 followers · 278 posts · Server halifaxsocial.ca

Also funny thing... I grew up calling the final meal of the day supper. We only really called it 'dinner' if we were going out for a meal, and even then it's kinda case-by-case.

In Ontario the final meal of the day is usually called dinner. So for many years I called it that while living there.

Now that I'm back home, I kinda mix it up depending on what decides to come out of my mouth that particular moment. 😂 but I still call it a 'dinner reservation'.

#languagelols #novascotia #canadaeh

Last updated 2 years ago

The Legend himself Mr. Gunn , Head of DC liked my post !!
I'm honored and a little blown away seeing as I'm both a Marvel and DC fanboy 🤓🤓

Mr @jamesgunn you think I can get a follow too while we're at it 😁😁😆😆


#canadian #canadaeh #snyderverse #superheronerd #dcstudios #marvelmovies

Last updated 2 years ago