· @Newstarget
2189 followers · 21227 posts · Server brighteon.social
· @NaturalNews
6128 followers · 30521 posts · Server brighteon.social
The-14 · @The14
20 followers · 724 posts · Server mastodon.world
Marie Belanger · @MsMarieB
53 followers · 198 posts · Server mstdn.social
Larry Griffin · @Harpiste
18 followers · 213 posts · Server universeodon.com
Alex Rudolph · @alexfrudolph
112 followers · 123 posts · Server infosec.exchange

On 10 February, I appeared as a witness before the Canadian House of Commons Committee on National Defence for their study on Cybersecurity and Cyberwarfare. My testimony revolved around a discussion of current trends in cyber conflict, but a focus was on Canadian Armed Forces cyber defence and Canadian cyber defence policy.

After the testimony of the CAF’s Cyber Force Commander earlier this week, I am even more certain of my primary point: The Canadian Armed Forces are not ready to face cyber warfare in the event of a conflict.

DND/CAF’s ad hoc and haphazard policies have hindered the CAF’s digital transformation and development of modern information infrastructure and capabilities. This dates back at least a decade, when the DND/CAF’s IT capabilities were gutted and given to Shared Services Canada (SSC).

While this shift was a centralization of services and cost-cutting, the result was a deep indifference to the IM/IT needs of National Defence. In addition, this move of much of the knowledge base and expertise of IM/IT to SSC meant that DND/CAF’s ability to address and undertake digital transformation was severely impacted, which also affected the procurement of advanced cyber defence capabilities.

In addition to the issues of force development, there are major issues with force posture. To use the words of the CAF’s Cyber Force Commander, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) and CAF have “embedded personnel” as part of their cooperation and interaction. Having one or two personnel that work alongside the other is not what allows a modern military to conduct cyber operations in a war-like scenario. This would be akin to saying that Canada can interoperate with all of its allies using individual liaison officers.

This is a grossly immature way of understanding cyber operations, like the type CSE and DND/CAF will conduct. A look at other militaries with more developed military cyber defence capabilities, an integrated organization of signals intelligence and military cyber organizations, like US CYBERCOM, is needed for multiple reasons. Such an organization is needed to mediate cooperation between CSE and DND/CAF, who is doing what and why, what needs to be done by whom, and principally a close sharing of intelligence. Cooperation has to occur between operators, firing officers, and commanders, not between liaison officers. Any overlap in capabilities would be minor and used differently than the other. This also helps to professionalize the cyber force by developing greater expertise and learning between CSE, Canada’s present active cyber experts, and the CAF.

There are more mechanisms and processes between Global Affairs Canada and CSE to address cyber defence than between DND/CAF and CSE. This is a serious problem for Canadian cyber defence and Canadian credibility.

#cyber #cyberwarfare #canadianarmedforces #defence #military #cybersecurity #cyberdefence #cyberdefense

Last updated 2 years ago

Hmmm · @Hmmm
33 followers · 222 posts · Server mastodon.au

One for people. The soldier in the photo was either a member, or a . The only way I’m going to know is if somebody out there is an expert at . Taken in 1944, or 1945 after the liberation of in

#militaryhistory #welsh #battalion #canadian #canadianarmedforces #militaryuniforms #denbosch #nederland

Last updated 2 years ago

braydenwise · @braydenwise
76 followers · 125 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Thankful for this platform and the vibe that it's bringing to my online existence. Off to the rehearsal hall today for more - getting ready to premiere a whole bunch of new music on Friday night with a giant ensemble comprised of us (Naden Band of the Royal Canadian Navy) and the University of Victoria Wind Symphony. Livestream link to follow.

#windband #doublebass #bass #militaryband #navy #canadianarmedforces #caf #rcn

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter V. Tretter ✅ 🇨🇦 · @ap236
263 followers · 8130 posts · Server mastodon.social

Supreme Court agrees to rule on independence of Canadian military's judges | Ottawa Citizen bit.ly/3jv1hBW @cdnpoli

#scoc #CanadianCourts #militarycourts #canadianarmedforces #cdnpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

M. Grégoire · @mpjgregoire
382 followers · 16155 posts · Server mamot.fr

"Why does it take more than a decade for the Canadian armed forces to buy a pistol? Why did Justin Trudeau try to jail an admiral for trying to buy a supply ship that worked?" Read @yuanyi_z 's column:


#canadianarmedforces #canpol #conservativehome

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter V. Tretter ✅ 🇨🇦 · @ap236
263 followers · 8130 posts · Server mastodon.social
Peter V. Tretter ✅ 🇨🇦 · @ap236
263 followers · 8130 posts · Server mastodon.social

Canadian Army feeling squeeze of more demands, fewer soldiers | CityNews Toronto bit.ly/3Gn7sRi @cdnpoli

#canadiamarmy #canadianarmedforces #military #soldiers #cdnpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Rudolph · @alexfrudolph
95 followers · 80 posts · Server infosec.exchange

The Government of Canada has given a big ol' whopping $2.7 million for additional Integrated Soldier System end-user devices for the integrated soldier system project. Coincidentally, I am writing a paper about the integrated soldier system and cyber. So let's take a look together!

So what is the Integrated Soldier System (ISS)? (canada.ca/en/department-nation)

In modern warfare, when the military tries to connect everything to everything, the ISS is the military's (notably the Canadian Army) effort to turn soldiers into walking sensors.

But what does this mean?

Remember the game of telephone? Where a message moves along and changes little by little until, at the very end, the message is completely different. Now imagine a similar game of telephone when soldiers attempt to communicate intelligence to an aircraft or artillery.

A key part of the ISS is sensors-to-shooters, whereby you decrease the risk of miscommunication by reducing the need to be repeated. In essence, soldiers on the ground are able to transmit targeting data directly to the "shooter." Said shooter being plane, artillery, etc

This is about improving command and control at scale. Functionally, it removes some risk of miscommunication due to limiting the times it must be repeated. However, this introduces new risks. Bad operational security, poor verification procedures/protocol, cyber threats, out of date doctrine & training, are some

How do these things affect the Canadian Armed Forces and what should the Canadian Army in particular? Stay tuned in 2023 for the article! Beyond providing connectivity to soldiers, digitally transforming begins with capabilities but starts with doctrine.

#cdnpoli #cdnnatsec #cyberdefence #canadianarmedforces #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Rudolph · @alexfrudolph
99 followers · 83 posts · Server infosec.exchange

The Government of Canada has given a big ol' whopping $2.7 million for additional Integrated Soldier System end-user devices for the integrated soldier system project. Coincidentally, I am writing a paper about the integrated soldier system and cyber. So let's take a look together!

So what is the Integrated Soldier System (ISS)? (canada.ca/en/department-nation)

In modern warfare, when the military tries to connect everything to everything, the ISS is the military's (notably the Canadian Army) effort to turn soldiers into walking sensors.

But what does this mean?

Remember the game of telephone? Where a message moves along and changes little by little until, at the very end, the message is completely different. Now imagine a similar game of telephone when soldiers attempt to communicate intelligence to an aircraft or artillery.

A key part of the ISS is sensors-to-shooters, whereby you decrease the risk of miscommunication by reducing the need to be repeated. In essence, soldiers on the ground are able to transmit targeting data directly to the "shooter." Said shooter being plane, artillery, etc

This is about improving command and control at scale. Functionally, it removes some risk of miscommunication due to limiting the times it must be repeated. However, this introduces new risks. Bad operational security, poor verification procedures/protocol, cyber threats, out of date doctrine & training, are some

How do these things affect the Canadian Armed Forces and what should the Canadian Army in particular? Stay tuned in 2023 for the article! Beyond providing connectivity to soldiers, digitally transforming begins with capabilities but starts with doctrine.

#cdnpoli #cdnnatsec #cyberdefence #canadianarmedforces #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter V. Tretter ✅ 🇨🇦 · @ap236
193 followers · 7365 posts · Server mastodon.social

Ottawa commits to all 48 recommendations listed in damning report on sexual misconduct in Canada’s military bit.ly/3iZp6Bn @cdnpoli

#canadianarmedforces #sexualmisconduct #crime #codeofservicediscipline #cdnpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter V. Tretter ✅ 🇨🇦 · @ap236
263 followers · 8130 posts · Server mastodon.social

Ottawa commits to all 48 recommendations listed in damning report on sexual misconduct in Canada’s military bit.ly/3iZp6Bn @cdnpoli

#canadianarmedforces #sexualmisconduct #crime #codeofservicediscipline #cdnpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter V. Tretter ✅ 🇨🇦 · @ap236
193 followers · 7365 posts · Server mastodon.social

Ottawa commits to all 48 recommendations listed in damning report on sexual misconduct in Canada’s military bit.ly/3iZp6Bn

#canadianarmedforces #sexualmisconduct #crime #codeofservicediscipline #cdnpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter V. Tretter ✅ 🇨🇦 · @ap236
188 followers · 7338 posts · Server mastodon.social

A rare inside look at how Canada's military handled 2 sexual assault investigations connected by 1 suspect bit.ly/3PiAUun @cdnpoli

#canadianarmedforces #sexualassault #crime #cfnis #cdnpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter V. Tretter ✅ 🇨🇦 · @ap236
263 followers · 8130 posts · Server mastodon.social

A rare inside look at how Canada's military handled 2 sexual assault investigations connected by 1 suspect bit.ly/3PiAUun @cdnpoli

#canadianarmedforces #sexualassault #crime #cfnis #cdnpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

BarneyRCN · @barney6063
51 followers · 93 posts · Server mstdn.ca

and This is a topic of great interest to me. I am doing research on this as it implicates with the increase in Arctic maritime traffic. This will be a central part of my book about Policy and -MilitaryRelations (in rather slow progress). I am currently at Centre fo Earth Observation Science (CEOS), University of Manitoba, where I have office space to study and write.

#arcticsecurity #ClimateChange #canadianarmedforces #canadiandefence #civil

Last updated 2 years ago