Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
897 followers · 540 posts · Server

March 25, 2023. Good morning! Anyone else wake up this morning, and think "I need a nap"? Maybe it's just me. The chaos in bullshit CPC rhetoric and stupidity, and the psychosis enhanced versions coming from the UCP is killing me (and actually killing people) Stay Safe. ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #canadianpolitics #ableg #canadianmediafailed #peace #love #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
892 followers · 554 posts · Server

March 24, 2023. Good Morning! Politics should never be this ugly, and the CPC/Reformers are making it ugly on purpose to distract you from the government making lives better for the average Canadian. It's gaslighting, it's fake, and it's worthless, like the CPC. Stay safe! ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #canadianpolitics #canadianmediafailed #CPCisReform #peace #love #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
888 followers · 573 posts · Server

March 19, 2023. Good Morning! Between being in year 4 of Covid, CPC members welcoming and dining with a Neo Nazi, Fake conservatives adding fees to our health care, and everything else going on, it can be hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Be the light. Stay safe!☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #canadianmediafailed #NeverVoteConservative #peace #love #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
888 followers · 577 posts · Server

March 18, 2023. Good Morning! A lot of political noise about nothingburgers being screamed like they're shocking revelations of great import. They're not. What's important? Staying safe, taking care of each other, and saying NO to hate. Take care of yourselves ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #canadianmediafailed #peace #love #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
888 followers · 636 posts · Server

March 13, 2023. Good Morning! I hope everyone has a stellar Monday - spring is coming, and the forecast shows the changes in the daily climate. Looking forward to it. If only the rest of the news showed positive momentum to a nicer time - stay safe, you are loved! ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #canadianmediafailed #peace #love #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
885 followers · 648 posts · Server

Do we all know how journalism is supposed to work? Maybe a primer for those who follow mass media.

1. You hear something, you may have sought it out, or it may have fallen in your lap, it's interesting, intriguing, and possibly scandalous.

2. You fact check when you've found out, check the credibility of the source, and then you look for other sources. If you can't find other sources, you shelve the story, because it's not verifiable.

3. You find a second source. You check the credibility of the source, if it seems good, you write the story. You submit the story, along with your sources, to whoever decided what to run with. If the story and sources pass muster, the story runs.

Many reasons for this, but #1, you've done the work - you have more than one source, and those sources are, as far as you know, solid. However, sometimes things slip through the cracks, and something turns out to be wrong - there's a "supposed to" for that as well.

1. You place a retraction, with at least as much energy and positioning as the fallacious story, apologizing for being misinformed.

2. You remove the original story from any online placement, or at the very least correct it, and ensure the correction has at least the visibility

These days, an "I think the government did this" from an unsourced, unconfirmed statement will go viral, and if it turns out to be untrue, media will silence the original story, but no retractions at all. All the readers/viewers who read and shared never find out it was fake.

That's not news or information, it's viral propaganda.

#media #reporting #news #sources #information #honesty #canadianmediafailed #CanadianMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
861 followers · 977 posts · Server

Okay, here's something that's been bothering me about political narratives lately. Put aside CPC MPs cavorting with actual Nazis, it's this strange idea that the Liberals are a progressive party.

When I hear someone say that Prime Minister Trudeau is the world's most successful progressive leader? He's no progressive, he's decidedly centrist.

Admitting reality does not make one progressive - The federal PC party was open to reality too, and they weren't particularly progressive despite the name. The biggest difference I can see between the PC and CPC is the PCs wanted to handle things differently.

PCs didn't deny problems existed, they just had different approaches and ideas to deal with the reality of things. They privatized a lot, and made life more expensive. One of the things that killed them was they sold too much, damaged revenue, and needed the GST to restore it.

The CPC just pretends anything they don't like isn't real.

Prime Minister Mulroney worked with Ronald Reagan to deal with acid rain.

Today's Republicans and CPC would just swear that rain always melted the paint off of cars and burned your skin, killed crops, you're just stupid or not paying attention.

That's the crux of it. Reality is something to be ignored unless it suits your narrative.

No, I'd say that Prime Minister Trudeau is the world's most progressive successful leader, not the world's most successful progressive leader, that's a problem, because what that means is the most progressive leader is a centrist who leans left and right depending on the issue.

Neither Conservatives, nor Progressives have a viable political party in Canada, the best we can do right now is an admittedly charismatic centrist, flanked by hard right Reformers (the CPC), and an honesty challenged NDP with very confusing leanings.

Admitting Climate Change is real isn't progressive, it's just factual.

Admitting the Covid pandemic is still doing horrific damage to Canada and the world isn't fear mongering, it's the truth - the Liberals aren't saying ANYTHING about it.

Yeah, they gave the provinces countless billions to deal with it, but they didn't say a damned thing when the provinces built highways and threw it all in general revenue. A progressive party would be SCREAMING from the rooftops about this.

A progressive government would have had premiers cutting health care and denying the pandemic arrested and charged with crimes - make no mistake, they WERE crimes against Canadian people.

Our Prime Minister did much more than the official opposition would have, and I'll thank him for that, but to call him a progressive is just a giant pile of horse shit. We have a flaming Nazi in Pierre Poilievre, and a waffling centrist in Trudeau.

Historically, and now, the Liberals most progressive policies and actions have been the result of winning a Minority Parliament, with the NDP holding the balance of power. Tommy Douglas is why we have universal health care, he was NDP, not Liberal.

Sadly, I don't believe for a second Jagmeet Singh is the heir apparent to Tommy Douglas. He plays anger politics, he spreads lies about jurisdiction. Jagmeet is a political gamer, not a progressive, even if some of his intentions are progressive.

- Admitting reality.
- Knowing that a well educated, health population is the key to a strong economy
- Knowing that making sure people have access to housing they can afford and everything they need
- Making sure that nobody falls through the cracks
- Making sure that when people need help, it's there
- Making sure that you can get the things you want, even if you need to save money over time.
- Eliminating poverty. Supporting veterans.
- Keeping education fact based and non partisan.
- Keeping a free media, with strong rules and regulations against partisanship, false information, misleading narratives.

While we're slowly making improvements, it's SLOW

Mental Heath and Addiction services are essential health care
Dental care is essential health care
Vision care is essential health care
Prescription Medications are essential health care
Housing is essential to living in this country, it gets cold. People living in the streets is a failure of our system.

Until everyone has access to all of those, and by everyone, I mean every single person?

We're failing.

#canadianpolitics #canada #canadianmediafailed

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
859 followers · 1199 posts · Server

February 22, 2023. Good Morning! Why does the media still never mention that Covid is a dangerous airborne, vascular disease? Why do they spread misinformation about the government, and hide scandals by the opposition? I'm happy coffee still tastes good - have a safe day! ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #peace #love #canada #canadianmediafailed

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
838 followers · 2367 posts · Server

I see Canadian Conservative voters, people who used to support the PCs, who seem to be good people, but cling to the idea that the CPC is that party, that brand of Conservatism - despite all the facts and evidence showing it's not, in fact, a conservative party at all.

The CPC are Reform. Reform is a religious fundamentalist party - not the "we love you" kind of religion, the "you must obey" kind of religion.

I'm sure there were people in Germany who thought the National Socialist Party was socialist. There's a naive trust in names that helps empower far right movements. In Germany, that party executed the socialists. Easier to silence good ideas by eliminating the proponents of them

The CPC is about as Conservative as the German party was Socialist. They are, and have always been, religious fundamentalists that want you to live under their iron thumb. They have more in common than just a lie of a name - they use misinformation and disinformation.

The CPC has effective control over the media, their supporters own all the major outlets. The National Socialists in Germany did too - they can make the news say what they want it to, use it to fear monger about dangers, and foment, encourage, and create those dangers.

We're at a tipping point, where extremists could potentially take control of the country again, and they have all the tools to misinform, to agitate, to create the fear and anger to get the support they need to win, and if they do?

Be prepared. It WILL get ugly. Rational voices will be silenced, propaganda will accelerate, truth will be fear mongering, facts will be irrelevant, and people will be in danger. I doubt the CPC will ever have enough power to affect Canada in the way the Nazi party did Germany

But they could easily get enough power to cause a lot of damage to Canada, and remove any focus on protecting lives from illness, remove our rights to medical care, make racism, sexism, and anger more overwhelming, and backtrack on climate protections.

We do NOT have time to waffle and play, argue about reality. Delays in measures and mitigations? We don't have time. I don't doubt we will figure it out, I just worry that it may already be too late, and giving them time to fail would cement that, no more may be, just too late.

Racism is real, but it isn't based on reality. It is, and always has been, a ploy, a tool, designed to divide people. Racism, classism, otherism... created by extremists to make maintaining power easier. If we fight each other, we won't come for them.

Is it fear mongering to say that people who fear monger, and divide Canadians are dangerous?

No. Fear mongering is when there isn't danger, but you try to make people angry enough to create danger. Warning people that people are trying to create danger isn't fear mongering

It's a warning - they're creating danger to empower themselves. Convoys of people crying about losing freedoms they've never lost. Angry that someone was trying to slow the spread of a virus they've been told isn't real or dangerous. Truth is never fear mongering.

#conservitismisdead #ConservativesLie #canadianpolitics #canadianmediafailed

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
555 followers · 3476 posts · Server

Strangest truth of our times. Conservatives don't have a political party, Progressives don't have a political party. We have a centrist party, a hard right fascist party, and a fake progressive party that acts like the hard right fascist party, spreading misinformation.

CPC = Reform = Christofascists = Canadian Taliban
NDP = ??? = used to be progressive, but act like CPC
Liberal = Centrists with a slight lean both left and right depending on the issue.

Blows my mind that people are willing to overlook that the CPC isn't conservative, and still vote for them because they have a lying word in their name.
Nazi = National Socialist, but the Nazis murdered communists and socialists. A name isn't an indicator of political leaning.

The Conservative Party of Canada is a far right party that doesn't believe in public health, doesn't believe in civil society, doesn't believe in public education, or public services. They're fiscally incompetent. They hired a leader with 0 accomplishments in almost 20 years.

Ernest Manning's Social Credit is the inspiration for Reform, which changed names twice before they killed the national PC Party, and stole the word Conservative from their name. They didn't merge, they murdered. CPC killed Canadian Conservatism in 2003.

They're racists, they're bigots, they're Canadian MAGA, and they OWN mainstream media in Canada. They're supported by media, corporations, and celebrities who don't like paying taxes - they want poor people to shoulder the tax burden, and they'll make middle class people poor.

Any official who blames poor people for being poor, who refuses to supply social services because they may benefit people who don't deserve help, is a charlatan, and unworthy of office. Social services help a country to be stronger, not individuals.

What they're really trying to accomplish is to keep people poor and poorly educated, so they're easier to manipulate, and to use as a manipulation tool to make people who aren't rich, but not poor, afraid of falling into that same poverty, making sure they're always on that line.

#canadianpolitics #politics #canada #NeverVoteConservative #fascism #canadianmediafailed

Last updated 2 years ago