Stephen Maher · @StephenMaher
1229 followers · 484 posts · Server
Ashley · @Book_Junkie007
8 followers · 10 posts · Server

Now that the semester is almost done (I just have two things left to do), I guess I can start learning Mastodon. My big thing for today is that we did final presentations for my class, and my instructor told me that I could do really well in marketing for publishing. I just need to break in firstā€¦

#canadianpublishing #bookediting

Last updated 2 years ago

Kim Werker · @kpwerker
68 followers · 21 posts · Server

A solid overview of how expensive it is to print books here in Canada *and* exemplification of part of our reasoning behind printing domestically (not exemplified: our commitment to building up the industry here). We price our books at about twice the price he mentions.

#publishing #canadianpublishing

Last updated 2 years ago

Kim Werker · @kpwerker
145 followers · 36 posts · Server

A solid overview of how expensive it is to print books here in Canada *and* exemplification of part of our reasoning behind printing domestically (not exemplified: our commitment to building up the industry here). We price our books at about twice the price he mentions.

#publishing #canadianpublishing

Last updated 2 years ago

Ashley · @Book_Junkie007
9 followers · 9 posts · Server

We have a group project as our final for my book editing class, and 3/3 of us for my group have We came up with three possible book concepts, and a possible fourth in like 20 minutes, but didnā€™t name our publishing company until the end of class. And after we named it, we promptly forgot what we called it. Whoops.

#canadianpublishing #bookediting #thestruggleisreal #adhd

Last updated 2 years ago