Global News BC: Want to help B.C. wildfire evacuees? Here’s where you can donate #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #howcanIhelpBCwildfires #BCwildfiresdonate #donateBCwildfires #BCwildfirerelief #CanadianRedCross #UnitedWayBC #BCWildfire #BowinnMa #GoFundMe #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #howcanihelpbcwildfires #bcwildfiresdonate #donatebcwildfires #bcwildfirerelief #canadianredcross #unitedwaybc #BCWildfire #bowinnma #gofundme #fire
Global News BC: Why is the federal government looking to create a national emergency agency? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FederalEmergencyManagementAgency #nationaldisasterresponseagency #Canadadisasterresponse #CanadianArmedForces #CanadianRedCross #DisasterResponse #Albertawildfire #Wildfires #Flooding #Wildfire #Canada #FEMA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #federalemergencymanagementagency #nationaldisasterresponseagency #canadadisasterresponse #CanadianArmedForces #canadianredcross #disasterresponse #albertawildfire #wildfires #flooding #Wildfire #Canada #fema
@morgfair I just had my CPR recertification and not a mention of the risk of all ages for heart attack and stroke from having covid infection(S) it’s not normal for so many young people to be at risk. Please add this to your list of risk factors #canadianredcross #americanheartassociation please take CPR you may save a life ❤️ #FAST
#canadianredcross #americanheartassociation #fast
Ottawa's children's hospital says it will accept staffing help from the #CanadianRedCross as it continues to face a surge in young patients suffering from and being hospitalized for respiratory viruses, including but not limited to #Covid, #RSV, and #flu.
#flu #rsv #covid #canadianredcross