UN releases report on: Slavery, Canadian-style.
Migrant workers, their employment tied to one employer, are subject to multiple vectors of abuse.
Agricultural workers, home care workers, and more.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Oftentimes, these [inspections] are pre-announced so so that means employers know exactly when they are coming in so what often happens then is that they ask workers to clean the workplace and living their accommodations so they looks perfect and sometimes these workers are sent away so that they do not complain to the labor in specs right so l've heard this this from so many workers so the reality is different from what the government is claiming.
(Don't even try your "this is not my Canada" shit with me.)
#CanadianShame #UNReport
#canpoli #slavery #MigrantWorkers #WorkersRights #Canada #CouldntHappenHere #NoOneIsIllegal
#canadianshame #unreport #canpoli #slavery #migrantworkers #workersrights #canada #couldnthappenhere #nooneisillegal