Guess who has a piece in the upcoming Sooke Fine Arts Show? (Me. It's me. I do.)
#knitting #canadianwool #knitdesign #fibrearts
Spent the week working on a new jacket design for next fall, and can I just say I am so pleased with how this pocket is turning out.
#canadianwool #wool #knitdesign #knitting
Uses for wool No. 647: breaking in new boots/shoes. You can buy lengths of carded wool for this purpose, but since I have fleece & hand cards, I'm making my own. Once the wool is carded, I pull off a chunk, form it into a pad, and hold the pad over my heel as I put on a sock. It's been excellent at protecting from blisters as my boots break in. Lordy, but I wish I'd known about this back in the Dr. Marten's days.