Sharing from the Facebook group “North Shore Vibe”
Photographer: Jon Columbus
Ship: Paul R Tregurtha longest ship on the Great Lakes
Canal Park Aerial Lift Bridge; Duluth, MN
#NorthShore #CanalPark #DuluthMN
#northshore #canalpark #duluthmn
A brilliant day at #CanalPark! Teams from as far as Caithness to Melrose. Lots of food packs made for the hungry players too thanks to the very generous Highland families.
RT @StevieGNess
Awesome day of rugby hosting our own @HighlandRFC Minis & Micros Festival.
With over 350 young Rugby stars to Canal Parks.
The #Duluth #Minnesota Aerial Lift Bridge with a nice sunset behind it.
The entire span of the bridge lifts to the top of the structure to allow ships to pass. (when it was first built, ~1900, it had a gondola that would pass back and forth instead of the lifting method)
#LakeSuperior #Sunset #Bridge #CanalPark #DuluthShipCanal #LiftBridge
#Photomonday #Fotomontag #duluth #minnesota #lakesuperior #sunset #bridge #canalpark #duluthshipcanal #liftbridge
Pretty video of a calm winter night canal entry
Ship arriving in Duluth, MN canal and passing under the lift bridge
#duluth #canalpark #liftbridge #lakesuperior #shipping