A good day to refresh the bird bath.
Photo: In the midst of native plant garden - water bowl with bird resting rock inside sitting on disused terracotta fire place thingy.
Mid-winter “spring gardening” today. Though this reminds me of last year’s overenthusiasm.
Sometimes the possum has no respect for my defensive measures! (Image: pegged down cage for rainbow chard has been pushed over.)
This year I also resorted to using spare cages as trip hazards to make it harder (for a rat?) to reach the young zucchinis. It was harder for us to pick them!
Just have to get to tomatoes before they’re red enough for the currawongs but I’m convinced they’re evolving to like greener fruit!
After recent wet years growth I needed to take down a red wattle in the bush garden. Making best use of it as I can.
Large: firewood
Medium: garden edging
Leaves: mulch
Light sticks: green bin.
Photo of
#CanberraGarden #BushGarden #Canberra #ozPlants #GardeningAU
#canberragarden #bushgarden #canberra #ozplants #gardeningau
I timed this baby Koel at 55 chirps a minute! It has tricked the resident red wattlebirds into frenetic feeding. It begins around dawn just outside the bedroom window.
Image: chirping Koel and wattle bird in bushy tree
#canberrabirds #canberragarden #ozbirds #canberra
Dianella longifolia catching the sun just now with its vivid purple berries. The strappy leaves are up to 1.5m tall.
#canberragarden #canberra #ozplants #gardeningau
First time we’ve grown a flannel flower (Actinotus helianthi) and so pleased. I didn’t expect it to succeed in Canberra but (following directions) it’s in a spot with overhead protection from frost.
#CanberraGarden #Canberra #ozPlants
#canberragarden #canberra #ozplants
My grandmother’s cactus in its same old pot. Sitting on Mum and Dad’s 1958 outdoor table. The cactus flowers a few days each summer.
The native bluebells (Wahlenbergia species) are now showing off.
Ken Behrens are familiar with these in full flower now on roadsides where they catch good runoff.
#CanberraGarden #Canberra
I'm a retired systems designer and developer living in Canberra. For interest I research the life and work of artist S T Gill 1840-1852. I'm using a data driven approach - including historical mapping - to build a “place and time machine”. I post content from the project. I also run a couple of U3A courses and I'll post some things from the garden.
IMAGE: Screenshot of interactive Adelaide map showing one of Gill's Government House watercolours.
#Canberra, #CanberraGarden, #U3A, #S_T_Gill, #HistoricalMapping, #ArtHistoryAU
#introduction #canberra #canberragarden #u3a #s_t_gill #historicalmapping #arthistoryau
Aphid numbers are building up. Here are some on the persoonia linearis (geebung). #CanberraGarden #ozPlants
All that November rain brought on lush foliage and now after some sunny days the native bluebells (Wahlenbergia species) are out. #CanberraGarden
Pink Evening Primroses (Oenothera speciosa) in flower in my front yard. #CanberraGarden
I’d thought a koel (bird) was eating my lemons (flesh) because 1) it was often in or near the tree, 2) eating coincided with koel’s seasonal visit, 3) koels eat fruit (from bird book).
I minimised my older (before koel’s arrival) thought 4) possum was eating lemon rind.
Thanks @AdoraKrem for alternative culprits: 5) possums, 6) rats.
Propositions 1, 2, 3 were insufficient to conclude the bird did it.
#CrticalThinking #CanberraGarden
#crticalthinking #canberragarden
I reckon it’s the koel that’s been eating the lemons (while a possum eats the young leaves). Male koel pictured. #CanberraGarden #Canberra